Monday, May 25, 2015

Male and Female

My wife and I are reading some interesting stuff.

One book is musing about the last several thousand years of the male dominance of society.   Where did we lose the appreciation of feminine energy? 

The other book documents the rise of the appreciation of feminine energy, and the increasing lack of appreciation of male energy. 

Fundamentalism seems to be associated with the suppression of the feminine energy. 

The backlash is the feministic distain of male energy.   Sometimes associated with the “Green Meme.” 

My overall conclusion is we can fall into a lack of appreciation of all the myriad aspects of Source manifesting in the world.  

There is a reason that Source precipitates into the “10,000 things.” 

Source wants to appreciate itself. 

Source hides away. 

Then we might make the mistake of believing that there is no Source. 

Sometimes we make the opposite mistake of getting lost in trying to remain in a non-dual state. 

Both can be mistakes. 

Source gives us an opportunity to find “It.”  Find the Oneness.  Truth. 

That is one gift. 

The other gift is to be embodied.  To be one of the 10,000 things. 

The gift of being alive. 

How do you know when you have made an error? 

You are unhappy!    

You may try to be always in a non-dual state, not many can stay there. 

And, perhaps, if you have experienced the non-dual state, you might want to come back and be the bodhisattva. 
Then you can walk in the world, helping others to see what is true and real. 

Perhaps you may disbelieve there is anything other that what is before your eyes. 

If you are unhappy, you are likely not seeing clearly. 

I don’t mean the temporary unhappiness of disappointment. 

Clouds come.  Clouds go. 

I mean a chronic unhappiness. 

That might be your signal that further work needs to be done. 

Maybe you have suffered greatly, and your combination of genetics and environment resulted in chronic unhappiness. 

Maybe you need long-term psychotherapy, maybe you need chronic medication. 

Perhaps, that is what you need in this lifetime. 

Everything is welcome.  

Celebrate every form of being.  Your own being and others. 

We are getting closer to wider acceptance of all that is with every 1,000 years. 

I take the 1,000-year view… 

Think about the recent acceptance of homosexuality.   

Wow!  Fast changes.  

We are moving toward accepting everyone, just as they are. 

This doesn’t mean we don’t recognize evil. 

Some individuals want to harm others.  They need to be kept safely away. 

We still have a long, long, way to go… 

Everyone must find their own path of growth. 

My personal practice involves:  

Body - trying to be careful of diet, and getting enough exercise. 

Mind - I love to learn.  Multiple hobbies.  Cognitive stimulation with reading.  I’ve done emotional work and psychotherapy. 

Spirit - sitting meditation, entering into non-dual awareness, shamanic journeying, other various powerful methods :-D… 

Repeat after me:

I will awaken…

I must awaken… 

I am already awake… 

When we do our own work, we might appreciate the wider manifestations of Source. 

We need the complete range of All-That-Is, and All-That-Is-Not. 

We need the female and the male.   Yin and Yang.  

Not opposites.  Reflections of each other. 

One cannot exist without the other… 

Each of us carries both within.  

If you are male, you carry the anima, that “perfect” female within you…

If you are female, you carry the animus, that “perfect” male within you… 

If you project that “perfect opposite” on your partner, or all of the members of the opposite gender, you cannot see clearly…
Seeing clearly, there is only Source… 

Seeing clearly, there is the beauty of the 10,000 things… 

You are everything, and you are nothing… 


Let go of having the world be any certain way. 

Let the world be just as it is… 

And yet do the work to improve the world any way that you can… 

Kindness is the only way to move in this world. 

Remember the 3 Commandments, in strict order: 

1 – There is only One Source. 

2 – Love everything. 

3 – Have fun.  


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