Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Response from my wife...

Interesting to consider origins of words: 
Old Norse raptr ‘rafter,’ late Middle English (in the sense ‘beam, rafter’): The verb dates from the late 17th century.
Prior to 19th century Raff (perhaps Scandanavian dialect)= abundance;
In English became "raft"=floating mass
So, how do we get from a single entity, solid and supportive
To Abundance
And then become a floating mass??

I think perhaps all of existence is a floating mass, everything-that-is

In relationship (to other humans, other entities, sentient beings, objects, time), there are endless possibilities: abundance!

Each of us, a single raft is a solid and supportive beam of existence, supporting all the rest...

Indra's net, perhaps?

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Larger Rafts?

Please read yesterday’s blog first… 

Can we extend this metaphor further?

There are certainly rafts of friends, families, and other small groups… 

Are there rafts of local communities, countries, our world, the Cosmos?

How might these differ from individual rafts, and intimate relationship rafts?

Seems that the rafts get looser with increasing numbers of rafts… 

For me, the most important part of this metaphor… 

Is that we are all connected together… 

More loosely, the larger the raft… 

But still connected… 

Perhaps, by contemplating this connection… 

We may become more compassionate toward each other… 
Perhaps, with some “deconstructing practices”… 

Even realizing…  

At the core of being… 

There is no Other… 

Monday, June 25, 2018

The Raft of Relationship

I like metaphors… 

Perhaps, because I tend to think in pictures. 

I was thinking about my current intimate relationship (amazing and fantastic)…

And comparing to past relationships… 

Wondering what makes a great relationship… 

The picture in my mind was of 2 strongly built, solid rafts, coming together… 

Perhaps, in the beginning, the 2 rafts take time to examine their interactions, their shapes and compatibilities. 

And contemplate their differences… 

If things seem compatible, they may try to weave their rafts together. 

To see what that looks like… 

What that feels like… 

How smooth does this new combined raft sail… 

What happens when the financial, or other relationship, waters get rough? 

Over time, the 2 rafts may want to change the way they are bound together.

Things change after 5, 10, 20 years… 

Finances change, jobs may change, children grow up, move out… 

Change is the only thing you can count on, along with death and taxes… 

I’ve written before about Conscious Relationship (and see parts 2-5!): 

In this current metaphor, the strength of the initial individual rafts… 

Rises up in importance… 

What are the practices that you have done to become a strong independent raft? 

I’ve also written about methods of self-growth can be like a boat to get you to the next level, and than leaving that boat behind, to take the next path to another higher level:

Is it important to use practices that deconstruct the individual raft of personality?

Perhaps as said in the words of Adyashanti:
"This teaching is not so much a raft to carry you to enlightenment as it is a fire to ignite the raft you are now holding on to."

Perhaps we need to burn up our rafts on a regular basis, so that when our rafts spontaneously reassemble themselves…

They may leave out parts that no longer serve us… 

Perhaps these practices may allow our rafts of relationship to come together in new and stronger ways… 

Of course, there is always some risk that your new stronger raft no longer fits into that previous raft relationship… 

I am lucky, my wife and I are on the same page about looking deeply inside… 

Traveling in a variety of boats, often together, sometimes separately… 

Yes, this carries risks… 

 We spend time building stronger individual rafts… 

And a continuously stronger raft of relationship… 

Again, our boats may not be your boats, our rafts may not be your rafts… 

Each of you are a beautiful incarnation of Source… 

If you choose to raft-up with another, you have to find your own ways of weaving your rafts together… 

May it be beautiful… 
