Sunday, February 14, 2016

Bursting This Bubble of Consciousness

Can we pierce this illusion…
This illusion of a stable “self…” 

Forged out of memory… 

Out of wants and desires… 

A thick armor





Perhaps a ferocious penetrating gaze… 

Perhaps an entheogen… 

Tearing a rent in this armor




Deflated Ego

Lying on the floor 

A quivering mass of jelly… 


Who is watching… 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

BDE – Breath, Diet, Exercise!

Ok, I got another set of three things that came up for me.

I was thinking what might be the most basic methods for increasing our health, and rising up on the evolutionary scale of consciousness. 

I laid out the happiness prescription here:

Now I wanted to pare it down to 3 simple recommendations. 


Just remember BDE – Breath, Diet, Exercise. 

Visualize this as a triangle:    


                                                   D                     E


                                             Diet                            Exercise

Exercise can be of any various sorts, always include aerobics, core exercises for abdomen and back, light weight lifting, and stretching.   Try to make it feel like you are playing. 
For diet, we can suggest eating lower on the evolutionary scale, and dropping processed foods. 


We put this at the top of the triangle. 

Breath awareness is central to meditation, yoga, qi gong, tai chi, and any martial art. 

Connecting to the breath is key to connecting with the body. 

Watching breath can be the key to developing a concentration practice. 

Breath work can allow you slow down, to watch your monkey mind in action. 

Breath awareness can open you up, can tear you down, can let you fall apart. 

Then when you come back together, you might leave out ways of thinking that no longer serves you. 

Diet and Exercise support the body and mind. 

Breath helps you rise to the next level. 

Ultimately, we let go of breath, diet, exercise, when we slip into All-That-Is, and All-That-Is-Not. 

Then everything unfolds naturally, without effort…