Sunday, May 31, 2015

Integralism: Drugs and Entheogens

OK, now we are getting serious for a moment. 

We do not encourage illegal activity.

However, we believe that the expansion of consciousness though drugs is a basic right of individuals (Heretic!).

The only thing that should be illegal is to hurt others.

We regulate bad behavior towards others, not any personal behavior that does not hurt another.

Perhaps it may be “immoral” to hurt yourself.  But, that is your choice.

As a society, and particularly as Integralists, our duty is to set up teaching and learning venues that help all of us to become healthier humans in body, mind, and spirit.

We don't want to be known as a church of drug use.

Yet, if we can use our Integral Church to make mind-expanding drugs legal, we will do exactly that. 

We encourage all methods of personal conscious evolution:  Entheogens, Meditation, Shamanic Journeying, Holotropic Breathwork, Yoga, Tai Chi, religious prayer of any denomination, and so on. 

We love and respect all methods that contribute to raising personal conscious evolution! 

Each person’s evolution of consciousness raises the mean level of evolution of society (see the AQAL Model).

Perhaps we will become another species, Thirdtierians.

Our Church of Integralism needs rules and regulations. 

Mostly to make sure the hedonists, aka extreme Artisans, don’t take over and turn the Church into a “have fun” free for all, injuring others. 
That was part of our mistakes in the 1960’s that contributed to the making these sacred medications illegal. 

We advocate a proper sacred “set and setting” for using these medications. 

That is why we follow the 3 Commandments, in strict order. 

“Love Everything” comes before “Have Fun.”  And, the mistakes of Love Everything are important to understand. 

We also don’t want to create stupid laws. 

We don’t want the extreme Guardians to regulate our basic freedoms. 

OK, enough of my heretical rant… 

I love you all and want only the best unfolding for each of you. 
We are all the hands and sensory organs of One Source. 

Let us bind ourselves together in this sacred journey for our mutual benefit. 

Integralists Unite!


The Church of Integralism: Three Basic Tenants.

1 - We believe in Science and the Scientific Method.

Knowledge of science is important, it helps us live better in the world.  

A corollary is that science is ever changing.  We may need to change how we live based on new information.

2 - We believe in Source.

There is an unchanging underlying non-physical reality that also contains physical reality.

Source is everything that is and everything that is not. Through certain practices or medications you can experience Source directly by shedding the ego over-coat.

By seeing through the cosmic game.

Few of us have been graced to see through the game for more than a brief glimpse. Some if us can keep a toe dipped in. 

A very, very, few can operate almost continuously from that point of view.  

A view deeply settled in non-dual reality.  The only reality that truly exists.

Everything else, any other movement of mind, just covers over this basic reality.  

But that is what it means to be human. 

3 - We believe Everything is Real.

In between physical reality, which is equal to agreed upon science reality, and non-dual Source, which ultimately includes everything, there is non-physical reality.

There are leaky borders between physical reality and non-physical reality (see figure below). 

Further, when you get to very bottom of physical reality, beyond the smallest known physical particles, there is non-physical reality again. 

The same is true when you get to the edges of the known universe. 

This non-physical reality is different for each person.

It is their personal belief system.  Their faith.

It is above and beyond Science.  For now.  That is why it is beyond science.  If it can be “proven” using the scientific method, this now becomes part of science. 

We accept it as all real.  

For examples, the stuff of science fiction, Angels and Demons of various religions, shamanic power animals, astral teachers.

They are all accepted as real.

We respect everyone's beliefs.

And no one has the right to place their beliefs on anyone else! 

This last line is an important corollary to the third tenant! 


Thursday, May 28, 2015

Integralism: How to Worship

Well, we ain’t got no church building or Mecca so you gotta go worship wherever…

Currently, we members of our church, and please note these fellowship members never knew they were church members, worship in the following ways…   

We each individually spent our lifetime learning about who we are physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  

Using a myriad of practices. 

We are still all works in progress…    

We get together every 2 weeks to talk about all sorts of things.  Common topics include psychology, economics, the environment, death and dying, health care systems.   We use poetry, recent articles, and books for illustration. 

The major underlying theme is conscious human development.  Many of us use the AQAL Integral model for discussion of any of these topics. 

Hot controversial topics include non-dual awareness and co-creativity. 

Some of us have a tendency to be “monks on the mountain.” 

Others of us tend toward connectivity and social activity. 

Overall, we agree about the value of meditative-type practices that lead us to wisdom, and then using that wisdom to do good work in the world. 

We are careful whom we let in our group.  We limit our numbers. 

We meet at several of our various abodes. 

We do not have a clear confessional.  Yet, we often confess our sins. 

Our fellowship members may not agree exactly what is the definition of a sin. 

So, I will lay it out here. 

Obviously, I will relate this to the 3 Commandments!  

1 - There is only One Source.  Not believing this is not a sin, only a choice. 

2 – Love Everything.  The mistakes made here are all minor routine sins.  We expect everyone to make these mistakes, perhaps on a regular basis.  Confess to yourself or others and you are automatically forgiven. 

3 – Have Fun.  Ahhh, now we have a serious sin.  Not having fun. 

Confessing this sin to yourself is only the start of a new road… 

Choose Happiness. 

Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself:  I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be.  Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet.  I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.
- Groucho Marx

See other recommendations elsewhere in this blog. 


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Story of Creation

Every religion needs a story to explain why everything is what it is...

Hold on to your seats! 

In the beginning there was a single point of everythingness. 

Then the whole sh-thole exploded into lots of other stuff.

After that, everything was quantum entangled with everything else. 

There are 11 dimensions of beingness. 

Usually, we can only experience 3 dimensions:  height, depth, and width. 

Plus a fourth, we call time. 

There is physical reality, with the above 4 dimensions. 

There is non-physical reality that includes the 4 dimensions above, and all the rest of the 11 dimensions.  

Everything is alive.  

As Jung said, rocks just breathe slower… 

The whales and the elephants have access to many more dimensions than do we. 

That is why they can act as lower beings. 

We can’t see above our own level of evolution. 

Our evolution from a primate ancestor was a bit of a joke, gone bad…    

Some interdimensional beings thought it would be cool to see what would happen if the primates evolved. 


Those fingers. 

Damn they can make a mess of the world. 

These “evolved” primates, thought they are the rulers of the world. 

The experiment continues. 

If we do not awaken sufficiently, there is a natural course of evolution. 

Failure to awaken will result in our extinction. 


As Kurt Vonnegut said, so it goes…. 

But don’t worry some toxin and radiation resistant creature will evolve “intelligence,” a place for Source to hide, and appreciate Itself… 

might do a better job than us… 

Yet, we have a chance to awaken to higher dimensions of being...    

Do you want to awaken? 

My wife and I will help you awaken for the measly sum of $100,000 for a one day long-session. 

For 1 million American dollars, we will spend 7 days with you, helping you to evolve. 

This 7-day program will be held in a very nice location. 

Hey, we are just trying to leave our day jobs… 

Sending you all fun, loving wishes for continued evolution…
