Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Third Commandment: Enjoy Yourself!

Having fun!  Seems simple enough.  There are innumerable ways to enjoy yourself.

I won’t pretend that I know all the possible ways.  That is part of your own creativity. 

But, to enjoy yourself is why you exist.  Source wants to enjoy the “10,000 things,” the billions and trillions of things into which it has precipitated. 

These ways become a bit more narrowed when you put the first 2 commandments first. 
There is only One Source

Love Everything.  Translated as do no harm.  Not harming yourself, or your future self.  Not harming others.  And realizing that since there is only One Source, there really is no difference between yourself and “others.”  There is no “other.” 

My wife and I came up with a list of attributes of having fun, many of these overlap:

Anticipation and unpredictability, games like Jenga or pick-up sticks, visiting “haunted houses”.

Vulnerability, the chance of loosing in a game.

Relationship, participating with others teamwork and competition, versus solitude.

Creative endeavors, art, music, writing, crafts, theater, and so on.

Developing yourself at all levels; body, mind, emotions, connection to Source/Spirit/G-d.

Interacting with nature at many levels. 

Meaningful reward, through helping others. 

Participation in many body sports, as individuals or as teams.  Many sports are “2-body problems,” there is intrinsic math going on in your brain in placing yourself in the correct position and using just enough force to bring 2 bodies together.  Catching, throwing, hitting, shooting, running with others, are really derived from the predator-prey games that all mammals play. 

Rooting for teams, also brings a sense of belonging. 

Thrill rides, and extreme sports, raise hormones such as adrenaline and serotonin. 

Reading books and watching movies, we love stories! 

Listening to music, alone or together. 

Acquiring knowledge and developing new ideas, also can be the fun parts of work. 

Work, making money with your energy, can also be like play, if you are lucky, or if you have the right attitude. 

Fun activities can help you forget everyday problems and struggles of daily life, they can relieve tension and anxiety. 

I’ll continue to drive this home again and again, above all of this enjoying life, you must keep the first 2 commandments, otherwise the 3rd tends to feel empty.  If you are hurting people, unless you are a psychopath, this cannot bring you long-term pleasure. 

Ramana Maharshi said; “There is no destiny, there is no free will. 

The truth is held in paradox.  Therefore, there is also both destiny and free will. 

So, get out there and fulfill your destiny. 

The world unfolds exactly as it should. 

Yet, you still must put forth the effort to co-create,

            as the embodiment of Source,

                        the whole Universe!