Friday, May 15, 2015

“Enlightenment is when you no longer care to establish any particular meaning to what is true and real.”

That statement came up for me a few months ago.

I kept it in my phone. 

Still not sure whether it is a valid statement.  

So, I put it out there for you to savor. 
Yesterday, was filled with laughter. 

Spent time with someone who saw Ultimate Reality. 

The Oneness. 

All-That-Is, and All-That-Is-Not. 

What else can you do but laugh! 

This person saw through the veil of “The Game.” 

Jim was “Jiming.”  

Earl was was “Earling.” 

Rita was “Ritaing.” 

The couch was couching, the chair was chairing, the rug was rugging...

We were just One Thing, talking to itself... 

Being with Itself… 

You can’t understand this with the cognitive mind. 

It is like telling someone who is congenitally blind about color. 

It is like trying to explain the experience of an orgasm, to someone who has never had one. 

You might dismiss this as a true experience.   

That is OK… 

You may be hungering for this experience… 

That is OK too. 

Peruse this blog, lots of ideas to practice. 

Ultimately, you must let go of everything to “get there.”    

Drop all the practice, drop any techniques… 

That is the hardest part. 

Every movement of the mind, takes you further away. 

You can only relax into Ultimate Reality. 

There really is no where to go…

You can’t “get there.” 

You are there already. 

The mind is paying the game. 

It is the only game in town. 

Whatever you are Do-ing is playing the game.

You can only see though the game, when you are Be-ing. 


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