Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Epilogue and Annotated Bibliography


So why did you write this book?

            To make some money.


            Well partly that’s true.  You know I want a new carbon road-racing bicycle, a fiberglass kayak, and one of those cool portable ultra-sharp telescopes.  But really, the main reason is that when I felt the truth, I was driven to write it down.


            Yes, driven.  I was unable to stop writing once we got started.  We wrote this in one week. 

One week?  That felt like months. 

            I guess that’s in dog time compared to human time.  You know, seven years in dog time is like one year in human time.

Actually,  the way we dogs compare our years to human years, we are 21 human years-old at the end of the first calendar year, and we add 4 human years for every additional calendar year. 

            Well, eexxuussee, me. 

So, if you get your road bike, kayak, and a new telescope, what do I get out of this book. 

            What would you like?

A new collar and leash, and new food and water bowls.  They are getting pretty ratty looking.  May be a black collar with cool looking spikes sticking out all around.

            I don’t think the kids will go for the spikes.  Besides, black Labradors need thick red collars.  They are the coolest looking. 

OK.  I really do like my red collar.  Just get me a cleaner one.  Also, put one of those red bandannas around my neck once in a while.  I can look like those dogs that catch Frisbees in the park. 

            But, you don’t catch Frisbees.

So.  Put the bandanna on me, maybe I’ll start.  Now that the book is done, what next?

            I guess you go back to being a dog and I’ll start to catch up with my other responsibilities.  This really has been a lot of fun.

You bet.  For me too.  I’m ready for a walk in the woods.

            Me too. 

Annotated Bibliography

In each of these books are “fingers pointing at the moon,” magnificent portions of words pointing at Source.  Some of these words made me fall to my knees before the powerful truths that resonate.  Of course, in essence, there is no me, no one, no person, no self.  So to who do these words resonate?  I hope you will feel the truth.  I know the truth is already there.  Vastness, Unity Conciousness, Source, Great Space.  May all that you are, and are not, realize recognition. 

Ratings:  Spiritual resonance = SR; from least (*) -  to most (*****)

Argagh, Arjuna Nick. 1998. Relaxing into clear seeing. Interactive tools in the service of self awakening. Self X Press, San Rafael, CA
Personal record of transformation
Program for transformation
            A workbook of exercises along with case histories.  Uses methods related to hypnosis along with meditation as a series of steps to take for spiritual awakening.  Can be practiced by yourself or with a partner. 

Benares, Camden.  1977.  Zen without Zen masters.  Falcon Press, Phoenix, Arizona.
            A book in the radical Zen tradition. The first part is a collection of stories filled with humor, a radical Zen set of koans.  The second part are exercises in meditation, relaxation, visualization, and masturbation.  A short book, an easy read, well worth the time to help you stop taking yourself and life too seriously. 

Heckler, Richard. The anatomy of change. A way to move through life’s transitions.  North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA
            Describes his program for “holistic education.”  He uses psychology and physical movement exercises derived from aikido to treat patients.  A strong argument that the way we practice psychology today could be greatly improved, and made much more powerful, if we simply added movement exercises in therapy. 

Kabat-Zinn, Jon.   1990.  Full catatrophe living: using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain, illness.  Bantam Doubleday Dell, New York
Program of transformation
            A wonderful program.  Down to earth, practical instruction in mindfulness meditation, roots in vipassana Buddhist training.  Also includes body scanning, yoga, and advice on eating well.  Dr. Kabat-Zinn has published several important scientific papers documenting the success of his program in chronic pain and even psoriasis.  I recently conducted a study with him showing small but significant increases in response to influenza vaccine for subjects undertaking this meditation training.  Probably most people would benefit from taking the 8-week course, taught by practicioners in many cities, but tapes can be helpful if you can not find a certified teacher. 

Kabat-Zinn, Jon.   Wherever you go, there you are. 

Kornfield, Jack. 1993.  A path with heart: a guide through the perils and promises of spiritual life.  Bantam, New York.  
            Oh, Oh, Oh, what a practical book.  His short autobiographical introduction gives us a glimpse of the road we all need to travel.  Different paths perhaps, but, we must all face the hurdles of living spiritually and in the day-to-day physical world. A course in vipassana Buddhist meditation, also known as mindfulness or insight mediation.  Great practical advice ranges from finding a teacher you can trust to how to run an ethical Buddhist community. 

Leonard, George., Murphy, Michael. 1995. The life we are given. A long-term program for realizing the potential of body, mind, heart, and soul. G.P. Putnam, New York
Program of transformation
            An aikido teacher and the founder of the Esalen Institute, respectively, outline a method for living.  A spiritual practice for those who have a family and a job.  Movement and meditation, advice on diet and simply living on a higher path. 

Merrell-Wolff, Franklin. 1994. Franklin Merrell-Wolff’s experience and philosophy: a personal record of transformation and a discussion of trancedental conciousness: containing his philosophy of conciousness without an object and his pathways through to space. State University of New York Press, Albany.
Personal record of transformation
            I love that title.  I have never found a longer title to a book.  I heard about this book though my Aikido teacher.  In many ways this started me down a different path.  Here was someone trained in mathamatics that was drawn to a path of contemplation.  His background in math resonates throughout the entire book.  He constructs a set of aphorisms on “conciousness without an object.”  Reading these aphorisms led me to a place of clarity.  The more I reread this book the more I find.  I must warn the reader that not everyone likes this book as much as I.  That must be an indication that we each resonate differently. 

Nadeen, Satyam.  1996.   From onions to pearls: a journal of awakening and deliverance.  New Freedom Press, Toas, New Mexico. 
Personal record of transformation
            Michael Clegg spent a life searching for enlightenment; thought he found the answer in the illegal drug MDMA, ecstasy.  Convicted for manufacturing and selling ecstasy, sent to an overcrowded county jail, he finally gave up his search.  Only then did he wake up to find enlightenment.  A powerful tale.  Deep insightful truths.  Remember, these truths can only inadequately be placed into words.  So, some of what he has to say will not resonate well with everyone.  Nonetheless, shook me to my roots.

Packer, Toni.  1990. The work of this moment. Charles E. Tuttle, Boston.
            How can you be a Zen Buddhist without practicing any religion?  Better yet, how can you practice no religion and be the ultimate practicioner of Zen Buddhism?  Toni Packer writes with deep insight, removing almost all traces of illusion and conflict.  Toni shows us how we can practice without the trappings of religion;  yet, practice within the deepest spiritual experience. 

Remen, Rachel Naomi. 1996. Kitchen table wisdom. Stories that heal. Riverhead Books, New York.
            A wonderful story teller.  Wit and wisdom flow throught this book like hearing a song, sometimes bright and beautiful, but, also sometimes dark and mournful.  Part biography, part stories of patients lives.  Should be required reading for very health practitioner. 

Segal, Suzanne. 1996. Collision with the infinite: a life beyond the personal self. Blue Dove Press, San Diego, CA
Personal record of transformation
            A beautiful book.  Hauntingly beautiful when she portrays her pain in losing her sense of personal self.  Joyfully beautiful when she finds Unity Conciousness.  Some great illustrations on how gurus and their minions can “go wrong.”  Another book my Aikido teacher turned me on to.  She recently died of a brain tumor.  A possible explaination for the loss of personal self prior to finding the joy of Unity Conciousness, could be the location of the tumor in an important area of the brain.  Perhaps an area in the brain developed by those on an enlightened path? 

Walsch, Neale Donald.1995. Conversations with god: an uncommon dialog. G.P. Putnam, New York
            Also books 2 and 3.  Again I have to thank Neale for these books.  Without them I may never have thought of CWD.  My wife loved these books.  She had trouble with some of the alien stuff, as did I.  Spiritual resonance would be 5 stars for her.  I would like to see a male to female breakdown for resonance.  Maybe it is a one of those Mars-Venus differences. 

Wilber, Ken. 1996. A brief history of everything.  Shambhala, Boston
            You just have to read this book.  I can not say enough good things about this book.  A breathtaking book.  Puts the known, and unknown, Universes in perspective.  A unified theory of psychology, sociology, biology, physics, philosophy, mysticism, and religion. Shows how the physical and the spiritual intertwine.  I have heard from some others that it is a little too intellectual compared to some of the more spiritual books.  Read it, then we’ll talk. 

Wilber, Ken. 1995. Sex, ecology, spirituality.  Shambhala, Boston
            This is the original source of “A brief history of everything.”  Even more intellectual, not quite as readable, but, this has all the bells and whistles.  The notes are as much fun as the text.  Here are all the references missing in “A brief history of everything.”

Wilber, Ken., Engler, Jack., Brown, Daniel. 1986. Transformations of consciousness.  Conventional and contemplative perpectives on development. Shambhala, Boston
            More of a textbook on the relationship of psychology and meditation.  Includes detailed discussions on the stages of meditation, psychopathology, use of meditation in psychotherapy, and psychiatric complications of meditation. 

Wilber, Ken. 1977.  The spectrum of consciousness.  Quest, Wheaton, IL
            His first book, written when he was about twenty-four.  Much of the contents of this book can be found in his later works, but this book is fun.  Chapter XI is one of the most spiritually resonating set of words I have ever read. 

Add McTaggert’s 3 books

Monday, April 6, 2020

Conversations with Dog - Chapter 13


So where do you get all these high and mighty truths you throw around?

            I ask myself that same question.  I assume it is from the same place that Neale got his information. 

Spontaneous writing by God?

            Well, I like to think about it as being driven to write by Source.  It is part of the manifestation of the “10,000 things.”  When we spend a lot of time searching for the truth, and we think we have found it, then we feel this need to tell everyone about it. 

Why do you feel this need to tell everyone about it?  The world does not need another written interpretation of the Source and mysticism. 

            No.  I agree, the world doesn’t.  On the other hand, maybe someone will get a laugh out of this book.  Maybe even one person will turn just a little bit toward the path to end their suffering.  If I can do that, I’d be happy.  Look at all the books and videos saturating the market.  Even Depak has some access to the truth.

But you don’t even like Depak.

            Yes, I really don’t.  But, that’s not to say that he doesn’t have some truths in his stuff.  I just don’t like the packaging. 

So are you worried that Depak or Neale will sue you for all this stuff you’ve written?

            Nah, they are too busy.  Besides if they are enlightened enough, they should have a big laugh over this book. 

They will just dismiss this book?

            Maybe.  I hope everyone will understand that we are in part imperfect vessels for putting Source into words.

So what you are writing is not the truth?

            Now we are back where we started.  The truth cannot be put into words.  Because we are humans, we can only approximate the truth. 

Any last words?

            Well, I certainly hope they won’t be my very last words.  Perhaps in ending this tirade, I can say that if you have read this book you are already on the path.  Get as many “direct experiences” as you can, recognizing that you are the Source.  Remember the summary of the 10 commandments--Source is the only thing there is--Love everything (harm nothing)--Enjoy yourself.  Work hard, do “right action.”  Make sure you take the time to contemplate.  Surrender to Source, let it lead your life.  Experience both pleasure and suffering with the simple thought---this too will pass. 

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Conversations with Dog - Chapter 12


So now I will tell you a tale. 

            What do you mean by a tale?

This will be a mythological story.  Mythology can be used to communicate ideas that are impossible to put into words.  The truth is hidden within the myth. 

            Like a finger pointing at the moon. 

Correct.  Now it is your turn to sit back and maybe I can entertain you.

OK.  I’m ready.

Once upon a time, 50 million years ago, there was a race of bear-like mammals hunting around the edges of the great bodies of water.  They were different than all other mammals of the time.  They knew they existed. 

(footnote:  At the waters edge)

            They had consciousness?

Yes.  They were the first to come up with, “I think, therefore I am.”


No.  They thought this millions of years before Descartes. 


That’s OK.  These creatures developed a means of communication using subtle vocalizations, really a type of singing.  As all sentient creatures do, they developed systems of philosophy.  They were unable to explore or develop their physical world, because of their physical nature.  They were bulky creatures and they had no opposable fingers.  Without your pinch grasp, you could never have begun to manipulate your world.  They therefore were unable to accumulate knowledge using books.  Instead, they developed their minds.  This development of the mind actually began to change the physical structure of their brain.  The evolution of complexity led to larger and larger brains.  The larger brain was accompanied by a larger body.  They then made a conscious decision to spend more time in the water, the water would support their increasing bulk. 

            You said that they hunted?  What did they eat?

They were omnivorous.  They hunted small mammals and reptiles, ate eggs, and they also ate land and water plants.  But as with all philosophies and religions, they began to split into factions.  Some refused to eat meat.  Others were sure that eating meat was simply part of life.  They began to become different species. 

            Well its not too hard to see this is a whale tale.

Yes, this is a whale tale. 

            Well I have some questions.  Why do whales beach themselves? 

The whale philosophy is that they have the right to terminate their lives in cases of physical disease or mental disease.  First they confer with other members.  They have forms of psychotherapy unrealized by humans.  Asimov hinted at these possible methods.  If their therapies do not work they realize it is time to leave this physical form and return to Source. 

(footnote the Foundation series)

            So why do they let themselves be captured and put on display in zoos, aquariums, or other places of entertainment? 

They are so far advanced from anything any human has called enlightenment.  They do not care where their physical body is located.  In actuality, they consider us their pets.  That is why they are so amazingly trainable.  They indulge us, and get some exercise in the process. 

            What about whale hunts?

Their advancement even allows this to happen.  They can sacrifice their bodies for us without a second thought.  They will fight a mighty fight, but that is again simply to hide from us what they thought we were not ready to understand.  They really care for humans as a species.  Humans are the only other sentient beings on this planet.  The only reason I can tell you this tale is because humans are starting to realize, in some fashion, that they should not be killing these creatures.  If humans knew the truth, they would be treating the whales as gods. 

            Why don’t the whales do something to help us understand this?

Perhaps they just did.  If you spread the word, more humans would know.  Maybe this is the time. 

            And what if no one reads this, or simply considers this the ravings of a madman, or at least the product of an overactive imagination?   The result of just too much meditating?

It doesn’t matter.  The truth reveals itself with time.

            Wait a minute, I read that dolphins are quite randy, always trying to have sex, how can they be so enlightened? 

(footnote:  At the waters edge)

You humans are the ones obsessed with sex.  But yes, remember what you wrote above.  There really is no such thing as kinky sex.  If no one is harmed, then everything is allowed.  The sex stuff is just part of their play.   Dolphins are on the lower end of the contemplative scale, say compared to the behemoth blue whale.  There is something about being less spiritually evolved that make sex more desirable. 

            So why do dolphins protect swimmers? 

Again, the whales care for us. 

            If the whales are so highly enlightened, and they care for us so much, how come they haven’t been our teachers?

Who said they have not been our teachers?  What if part of our contact with Source is through a telepathic connection between humans and whales.  Maybe it takes just a single whale to influence our whole species.  If whales did not exist, perhaps the human race would never have evolved at its current rate. 

            Do they care about our exploration of our physical world?

They are most intrigued by this ability.  That is one of the reasons they want to help you evolve.  They cannot manipulate their physical world.  When the human species is ready, humans will partner with the whale to create a world of higher evolution than we can ever imagine.

            So you are telling me that we shouldn’t be looking for alien intelligent life?  We have another intelligent species right under our noses.  We are simply blind to the truth.  We are really not very evolved in comparison to whales.  We are a disabled younger sentient species?

Not disabled, differently abled.

            Oh, so now you are politically correct.  That was a great tale.

Thank you.

            So, is it true?

That is for you to find out.

            You hinted that we really can’t find out if this tale is true unless the whales feel it is time for us to know.

Yes, but, you said one can only find the truth within oneself.

            So why did you tell me that tale?

To make you think about how much you don’t know.  Perhaps how far you, as a species, have to go. 

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Conversations with Dog - Chapter 11


That is what you were thinking.  “The world is perfect as it is.”  What do you mean by that?

            This is another difficult truth to explain using words.  The feeling is that the world is perfect within this present moment.  Remember, in recognition of Source, there is no past or future, only now...now...now.  The paradoxical corollary of that feeling, is that you must always perform “right action.”  So even though the world is perfect, you must act according to the “Commandments.”

I know, I know.  Source is everything, Love everything, Enjoy yourself.

            Right.  So even though there are things in the world most of us would label horrible, the world is perfect as it is.  Nevertheless, you must perform, you must act.  This also removes all judgment of good and bad.  For example, someone who commits murder.  If they can not be rehabilitated.  If they can not be trusted to live among others.  Then we must place them in a controlled environment.  A place where they can not hurt another.  The places we have currently are inadequate.  Jails are often simply breeding grounds for getting deeper into criminal activity.  We must replace them with places where we can show that these humans are still loved.  They can be Spartan.  They do not have to be luxury hotels.  They should be more like monasteries.  Places where humans can work hard, be respected within the confines of a place where they can not hurt others. 

So, I bet you are one of those bleeding heart liberals who is against the death penalty? 

            Absolutely.  We do not have the right to terminate another human’s life.  On the other hand, we do not have the right to keep someone from killing themselves.  That does involve the responsibility of making sure that person is not depressed.  It also means we need to provide better methods of support and evaluation for those who would ever contemplate returning to the Source by their own hand.   

Anything else you want to add to this liberal tirade?

            Yes.  Legalize the addictive drugs.  Replace this expensive system that puts too many people in jail.  A system that makes drugs so expensive that it puts huge sums of money into gangsters’ pockets.  The gangsters’ then have better weapons and communication equipment than do the police.  A system that corrupts whole countries and their governments.  Replace it with social support and methadone clinics.  Give an addict every means of support to quit, even if they have to quit over and over again.  Some humans will not overcome their addictions.  Others will realize that their addiction was only a substitute for their desire to recognize Source. 

Friday, April 3, 2020

Conversations with Dog - Chapter 10


So, if you can’t go to hell for doing bad, and you can’t get to heaven for doing good, then why choose good?
            Maybe we should start out talking about humans and religion.

OK, but first tell me why people seem to be so different. 

            As we each mature, we develop some level of desire for pleasure and some level of knowledge of right and wrong.  On one end of a spectrum of humans is a person who cares for nothing but their own pleasure, it seems as thought there is no consciousness about anyone else’s pain.  On the other end of the spectrum there are persons who seem to be saints.  These people sacrifice everything including their own comfort for the good of others.  The rest of us seem to be somewhere in-between.

OK, I get you so far.  There is a continuum with a normal distribution.

            I didn’t say anything about a normal distribution.  I would hope it was skewed toward the “good” side of the curve. 

Boy are you an optimist.

            I like to think of myself as a meliorist, one who believes that the world becomes better with time and humans can aid in its benefit. 

OK, Mr. Meliorist, go on.

            At one end are the most selfish of persons, at the other end are the most unselfish.  Religion is invoked to deal with everyone in-between.  There is a struggle within each of us between wanting to have everything for ourselves and knowing, just as deeply, that we must live with others.  Living with others, means not indulging our every whim.  At least for most of us who are not despots of small nations.  And, even despots get assassinated once in a while.

You digress.

            Sorry.  Religion is invoked on at least two levels.  The first level is the personal level.  There is where true spirituality resides.  At the essence of all religion, each person has their own religion.  No two people believe the exact same thing, no matter how closely they study the same scriptures. 

Sort of like the old joke if you have two religious scholars, you have at least three opinions on the meaning of the religion.

            Exactly.  The personal religion is what we are at our essence of being.  It is not that some people are closer to that essence.  We are all that essence. Some people recognize how close they are to that essence, the Source.  Organized religion is quite different. 

In what way?

            Organized religion can be a way to try to band together to appreciate Source.  There is great power in groups of humans coming together under one direction.  Many people feel closer to Source in groups.

But not all humans feel this way?

            No.  Many persons prefer to feel close to source as individuals.  They sometime will share this knowledge with others.  Others will only take up their “practice,” their path, while alone. 

So why to humans come together in groups?

            On one hand, coming together in groups can bring out the good in people.  Think about natural disasters.  People will help each other like at no other times.  Sometimes I think it would be best if we acted as if we were always “just after” a natural disaster.  Then we would always be good to those around us.  Then again that is just too exhausting for humans.  They just can’t keep that up for long.

But, you are hinting that there are some things that are not so good about religion?

            Of course.  Think about how many humans have been killed in the name of GOD.  The wars that have been, and still are, being fought over religious differences.  Why?

Because Homo sapiens, humans, are a strange and dangerous species. 

            True enough.  Gather a group of humans together, particularly male humans, and you can get a lot of destruction.  Religions often become an outlet for the gathering and unleashing of power. 

But why use religion for the unfurling of power?

            This brings us back to the point of why be good.  Some people are at that end of the spectrum where “being good” is who they are.  Others need an outside force to make them behave well enough to live with others.  One method is religion.  To invoke a wrathful God, one that will do bad stuff to you, is a very powerful way to control behavior.  Our system of laws perform a similar function. 

Oh, I get it.  Organized religion and government can have similar roles?

            Yes.  It was not until the Enlightenment that we split organized religion and government.  One ruling the soul and heaven and hell, the other ruling our bodies and our physical environment. 

So, what does this have to do with being good?

            The natural evolution of our society and our personal selves is to do good.  To cause no harm, to love everything. 

Let me see if I get this straight.  If you are selfish, you are not as evolved?

            In essence, that is so.  The highly evolved person can do no harm.  And in fact must do helpful things for those around them.  They are driven to do no harm, to do good. 

What about all those people who aren’t driven to love everything?  You said that is the majority of persons.

            Well, that simple observation points to how primitive we are as a species.  On the other hand, we can see progress when we look over the course of centuries. 


            Well, if you look over the past two hundred years you see wars and killing still going on.  But, you also see the Geneva convention, the United Nations.  Communication unprecedented.  Our ability to communicate world wide is part of our evolution.  The ability to band together to stop the “bad.”  We are still very primitive, but we are evolving toward being able to contain those who would hurt others.  Yes, we use awful methods.  But we also are trying to protect the unprotected.  Not easy answers to difficult questions.  How much power should we wield against others, who we feel are doing wrong.  How do you define wrong?  How do you justify doing one wrong against another wrong?  I certainly can’t get all the answers from Source.  But I can feel the truth in where we are going.

I think you are just an optimist.

            Maybe so.  But, the truth is that I would rather be living today in many areas of the world than in any other time in history. 

What about living in poverty in many areas of the world today, or being tortured in a prison?

            I didn’t say I would be happy to live anywhere in the world, I said some areas of the world. 

Like Madison, Wisconsin?

            Kind of does seem like paradise sometimes, doesn’t it. 

Remind me again.  Why choose good? 

            Really it comes down to this.  You choose good because you feel driven to do good?

And if you chose bad?

            Then you have to live with the karma you create.  If you have some level of conscience, you will feel guilt.  If you break laws, you may get put in jail.  I don’t believe in heaven or hell or reincarnation.  So if you avoid all that those punishments here on earth and then die, then you “got away” with being bad.  Too bad for anyone else that was harmed.

I think you are being cruel to take away peoples belief in the afterlife, a place for their eternal rewards.

            If I really have done that, then  I apologize.  On the other hand, those that really believe will just ignore this stuff.  I just hope everyone simply thinks more clearly, with their own mind and heart, what may be the truth.  I most sincerely hope that people will get the message that to be truly happy, they must be doing good.  Even if they are not doing good now they always have the choice to change to get back on the path to loving everything.  Many of us fall off.  The trick is to get back on and continue our travels. 

On the other hand, you were just thinking, “the world is perfect as it is.” 

Yes, but, that’s for the next chapter. 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Conversations with Dog - Chapter 9


So how does the reader know who is right, you or Neale?

            They can’t know what is the truth by reading any books.  They must look inside themselves for the truth.  Remember the truth cannot be known using words. 

What about Neale’s 10 commandments?

            I loved them.  The best part of his book.  A great start for any path.  He really relates the concept of material goods and attachment to them in poetic terms.  However, I don’t think he simplifies them enough.

Oh, so now you are going to rewrite the 10 commandments?

            No.  I’ll just summarize them.
                        1-There is only one Source.
                        2-Love everything.
                        3-Enjoy yourself.

Wait.  I get “there is only one source,”  and maybe “love everything.”  But, what is this “Enjoy yourself” business?

            Yes, “there is only one Source” is the easy part, most would agree on that.  “Love everything” is putting a positive spin on the injunction not to harm anything.  If you love everything, you have to honor your mother and father, not commit adultery, not covet your neighbors spouse or Porsche, not kill people and so on.  That why “love everything” comes before “enjoy yourself.”  I agree with Neale, that all your actions must come from putting love first. 

So, you have to love everything more than yourself. 

            No.  You must love yourself first, you must fill your self with unselfish love.  Let that love overflow.  Then you can love everything.  Then take pleasure in this physical world, make money, buy toys, have sex.  But, don’t get attached to that stuff.  If you desire all that material stuff too much, if you put that first, you lose the true pleasure, because you loose number one and number two. 

So now we get to talk about sex?

            Sure, just to make sure I get deeper in trouble, let’s start with masturbation.  You know  “Mas-tur-ba-tion...can be fun, join the holy orgy...Kama Sutra...everyone.”

“Hair.”  A great play.  You are dating yourself.  Oh, that reminds me, I like this joke:  Why do dogs lick their genitals?


Because they can!  So, do you get hair on your palms from masturbation?

            No, at least my palms never grew hair.  Also, I won’t ask you how you know lines from 1960’s theater.  Let me be even more blasphemous and tell you a truth I felt during meditation. 

OK, tell me that really big truth.

            The physical world is simply the masturbation of the Source.  In other words, the physical world is simply Source playing with Itself. 

You call that a big truth?  Are you one of those perverts who call pornography, “art?” 

            There is nothing wrong with masturbation, or many forms of pornography or sex. You simply must observe “Love everything.”   Then you don’t cause harm to others.  Child pornography, exploitation of those that cannot choose, is not acceptable.  Child pornography hurts children.  

What about love and sex?  Do you have to love someone to have sex?

            Of course you don’t have to love someone to have sex.  On the other hand, there is such incredible pleasure in having sex with someone you love.  Sex can get better with time.  If you are part of a couple who spends time with each other, growing with each other, feeling the recognition of Source with each other, watch out, sex can be explosive! 

What if you don’t love someone?

            Well, sex can still be fun.  But, sex with someone you do not love can not be as deep and fulfilling as sex with someone you love.  As an important aside, I like to think about “love” as an action.  A “right action,” aligned with Source.  You love someone by doing things for them.  Help them deal with everyday life.  Support them emotionally.  Give your time to them.  Love is not just those butterflies you feel in your stomach.  The emotion can be fun, but the action of love is what counts. 

What about getting kinky with sex?

            It’s always the same answer.  First ask yourself if you are hurting yourself or your partner?  If the answer is that no one is getting hurt, and both are interested, then have fun, experiment.  I could also add that you may want to leave some things as a fantasy.  Remember, if you achieve your fantasy, you “up the ante,”  you may then need another fantasy.  That can snowball into an addiction to novel sex.  Kinky stuff is fine.  Addictions are harmful. 

What no illustrations?

            Sorry, I’ll leave that to others.  There are some great books out there if you are interested.  Sex also has been used a path to transcendence.  The power of the orgasm, can shake the foundation of your concept of reality.  You can use that power as a path. 

OK.  I’ll require an example. 

            This needs to be set up before you start having sex.  You can use visualization, or writing, or drawing.  One partner is designated as the guide.  The other partner will be the traveler and will use visualization, or writing, or drawing to connect with Source just after orgasm.  Have the materials ready.  Have sex.  For visualization, the guide leads the partner into a sacred place in their mind.  A meadow, a beach, a forest.   The guide listens and asks questions. What do you see?  What form do you take; human, animal, something else?   What are you doing; running swimming, flying.  Is there anyone or anything trying to give you a message?  The guide writes down the message.  For writing or drawing the guide could play a lesser role, but, could still could support and encourage exploration of the inner world, just after orgasm.  These exercises can also be used without having sex. If you are interested, there are many books on using sex for a transcending path. 

I don’t know about this sex stuff.  I just don’t get it.

            I’m sorry.  You have been spayed.  We have to be responsible when we agree to have a dog as part of our family in today’s society.  Too many unwanted pets are killed every year. 

Oh.  Thanks a lot.  You wax eloquently about how great sex can be.  And all you can say is “I’m sorry.”  I don’t know if I can really forgive you for that.

            Well, you are a domesticated animal.  There are ethical questions about even keeping “animal companions.”  But, having to kill unwanted animals is even more difficult than spaying.  Maybe we should work on a doggie contraceptive? 

OK, OK, I know it is not your fault.  I don’t want you to get caught up in contraceptive efforts for domesticated animals.  Let us get on to more spiritual questions.  So, if there is no heaven and no hell, then why be good?  Why not just ignore “love everything” and do as you please.  Why not just go straight to “enjoy yourself.” 

            Let’s take that up in the next chapter.