Sunday, February 27, 2022

Smokable Tasks

My wife was reading the latest MAPS Bulletin, that is the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies update, Vol XXXI, No 3, 2021, pages 3-4.  

She mentioned to me that Rick Doblin, the founder and executive director, in his “From the Desk of” mentions that in the detailed employment manual of MAPS corporation is a concept of “smokable tasks.”  

I quote “These are work tasks, different for each staff person, that they think, and their manager agrees, they do better while under the influence of marijuana.”  

He goes on to mention that “Smokable tasks for me primarily include strategizing, protocol design, and editing of regulatory submissions…”  

My first response was laughter…  

My second response was to think about this new concept…  

I then read his whole introduction to the current Bulletin.  

He outlines how they grew from 3 staff in the year 2000, feeling like a small family, to 15 staff members in 2011, and now to 140 full time staff, with another 100 part time therapists.  

He outlines how that are now a family of corporations, with standard operating procedures, career ladders, and human resource staff.  

He then relates that Smokable Tasks are one way to retain “the soul of MAPS...”  

The first thing that comes to my mind is who exactly is Rick’s manager, agreeing to his smokable tasks?  

Personally, I like the idea that people can regulate their drug use.  

We let people drink caffeine, often supplied as a perk of the workplace.   

As a teenage pothead myself, I always felt that cannabis was a much safer drug than alcohol.  

I do not advocate driving on cannabis.  It does impair your performance:

However, it felt to me that I was more likely to drive too slow than to drive too fast and recklessly, as one might with the use of alcohol.  

That JAMA article above also mentioned that at 1 hour and 30 minutes, people high on cannabis thought they could drive just fine, when they actually were driving impaired.  

I also remember from my youth, writing down something that I thought was profound, while high on cannabis, later to read it when sober, and thinking, “perhaps not so profound…”    

What is clear is that alcohol is the greater source of violence, especially a factor in domestic violence.  And you can’t die from a THC overdose…

In one study:  “Subjective aggression significantly increased following aggression exposure in all groups while being sober. Alcohol intoxication increased subjective aggression whereas cannabis decreased the subjective aggression following aggression exposure.”

 We moved to Colorado, from Wisconsin almost 6 years ago, thinking that eventually we might use cannabis in a counseling practice, using cannabis in a protocol similar to the use of psychedelics.  

We then explored the now legal use of cannabis, keeping our experience notes in a journal… 

When I was a teenager and through college, cannabis was my preferred drug.  

Within our recent explorations, I found I prefer a glass of a nice red wine after work to cannabis.  

Must be my aging brain…  

But, kudos to Rick and MAPS!  

As I have written before, I am an advocate of making all drugs legal…


Saturday, February 26, 2022

Semper Gumby

As I have said before, I read a lot, and widely, paper and online… 

How in 68 years have I never heard of this…  

Read this in The NY Times, article about the Mexican Army using this as an informal motto.  

Of course, I’ve heard of Semper Fi, Semper Fidelis, the motto of the Marines, Always Faithful.  

Apparently, Semper Gumby has a whole (short) Wiki:

Of course, this means Always Flexible, in “Dog Latin.”  

I assume everyone knows of the flexible green cartoon character, Gumby…   

Apparently, informally used by a number of armed forces, as well as FEMA and the Civil Air Patrol.  

True Latin would be Semper Flexibilis…  

I like it! 

Not that I was a big fan of the Gumby and Pokey show.  

I tended toward watching Bugs Bunny, Mighty Mouse, Flintstones, The Jetsons, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Popeye, Mr Magoo, Snagglepuss…   

I am sure I am forgetting some great cartoons…  

I like the underlying idea of being flexible…  

I feel that flexibility is so important for living well in this world.   

As well as being prepared.  

As I write, a great tragedy is unfolding in Europe, where Russia has invaded Ukraine.  

Someone wrote that perhaps war is obsolete in Europe:

However, there have been a great many conflicts since 1945

Most seem to be a fallout from the breakup of the former Soviet Union…  

Perhaps, this seems to be the most brazen move by Putin in many years.  

Although, he did annex Crimea in 2014…  

In 2013 I wrote about how we can no longer go to war:

Apparently, I was wrong (again!).  

Well, actually, this is what was the gist of that Blog: 

“My thesis is simple: We can no longer go to war because we have already evolved too far.  We cannot go to war without paying too huge a price of damage to our emotional and spiritual brain-bodies.”  

And I still believe this is true, these individuals, taking another’s life, will never be the same, most of them will become broken, in various ways…  

I see this in my clinic, as various manifestations of PTSD…

Those fighting for what they think is “just.”  Defending their country, and others who cannot defend themselves, may suffer less…  

I can imagine many of the Russian soldier invaders will pay an immense price…  

I am also worried that this will be an excuse for similar moves by China toward Taiwan.  

Then who knows what else.  

As far as being prepared…  

I actually ordered iodine pills for prevention of radiation effects on the thyroid.  

As I wrote previously, I have survivalist tendencies:

Perhaps I’ll have to add the Coast Guard motto, to Semper Gumby:  

Semper Paratus, Always Prepared, or Always Ready…  

I can only hope that we will never see a nuclear weapon used in war in our lifetime…

I do not have that much faith in humanity…  

I hope I am wrong, and that a nuclear weapon is never used again… 


Monday, February 14, 2022

Economic Inequality

My nephew posted an interesting article on crackbook.

A few quotes:
“…a metric called the Gini coefficient that measures inequality by plotting dispersion of income. A Gini coefficient of 0 indicates perfect equality while 1 means total inequality.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s most recent American Community Survey, the national Gini coefficient is .48. Aspen’s is .56.    …an indicator for how far apart the haves and have-nots are. 

Those disparities are wide and getting wider across the West. According to the Colorado Center on Law and Policy’s self-sufficiency standard published in 2018, in Aspen’s Pitkin County, a family of two (an adult and a preschooler) needs an annual income of $71,274 to make ends meet. That’s way above the 2021 federal poverty benchmark of $17,420 for a family of two, and the highest standard in the state.  …one in four families is struggling to pay their bills.”  

A very complex problem here.  

Do you do what you love, skiing, being outdoors, in a place you love to live, the Mountain West, and live in a rented hovel, because you can’t make enough money to live decently, or do you move to an area that is more affordable, perhaps doing a job that would make more money, but not be as much fun?  

It seems that the alternative, evolving to a more compassionate society, where the wealth is more equitably shared, is not going to happen anytime soon.  

I was lucky…  

I did delay gratification by investing in training longer and at lower wages, which enabled me to earn more later.  

But I was able to train in something that was both satisfying and relatively easy for me, first basic science and then medicine. 

I also spent 25 years in academic medicine, which pays about half of what I now earn in private practice…  

Still, I was paid a very decent living wage, had a house and helped put my kids through college…  

Many people to not have the skills and/or training to make enough money in our current society.  

It feels to me that most of us are living in challenging times…   

The rich keep getting richer, and the poor poorer…  

We seem to be sliding toward authoritarianism, worldwide…  

Through the years I often hear young people call for revolution, perhaps a violent overthrow of the world order and how it operates currently.  

Perhaps that makes the most sense for those who do not see a viable future for themselves…  

I do not believe that is the best way for anyone…

But, perhaps, some sort of shake up is needed… 

Drumpf did shake us up, some of us toward more compassion:

I am just not sure we were shaken up enough to change toward sufficient compassion…  

Change is difficult…

I do not pretend to know what might be in the future…  

I can only hope that enough voters can feel that the road that we are traveling currently is not toward one of more compassion…  

And vote for those who can change society toward an increased sharing of wealth…  

As I’ve written before:

Provide everyone with basic living conditions, eliminate homelessness, dire poverty, fear for personal and family safety, opportunity for education and economic advancement,

Give everyone a reason to exist, even if it is the smallest ability to help another…
