Sunday, January 25, 2015


Musing this morning.

What are the parts of love?
Perhaps gratitude, forgiveness, kindness. 

Love as a verb?

Practicing gratitude as love. 

Gratitude for everything that is given to us, both large and small. 

Gratitude for being alive in this body-mind. 

Practicing forgiveness as love. 

Forgiveness for perceived transgressions. 

Forgiveness is not forgetting. 

Could it be that people are doing the best they can?

Can we practice radical acceptance?    

Yet some individuals need to be kept in places where they cannot harm others. 

That is also part of radical acceptance.

Can we turn forgiveness into gratitude?

Perhaps that might be too hard for some…
Practicing kindness as love. 

Even tough love can be done with kindness. 

What about love as a feeling?

Love for our children, for our life partners, for our dearest friends…

Maybe love as feeling connected. 

Is love the opposite of loneliness? 

Ultimately, we are Love.

We are Source. 

We are the embodiments, and the emmindments of Source. 

Source appreciating Itself.  

All the Beauty…

All the Ugliness…



Dissolving into Source.

Wisdom arises…

Putting back on that overcoat of ego.

Walking in the world... 

Practicing Compassion, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Kindness…

Thank you

for walking with me….

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Ever feel lonely?

Perhaps even within the presence of family and friends? 

Took a strange trip to the lower world within a meditative shamanic journey. 

Met my whale guide and was then suddenly rocketed up into the upper world.  

Then felt present in all three worlds;  lower, middle, upper. 

“I” exploded in all three worlds, like a fireworks exploding. 

The experience of “self” ended as particles drifting and occupying all the Cosmos.  

There was no “I” and no “Other.” 

Loneliness arose. 

This statement formed:
“The loneliness of the individual, reflects the loneliness of Source as One.” 

I wrote about the First Commandment:  There is only One Source. 

And how that can be “boring.”

This feeling of loneliness that many of us feel may be related to this experience. 

Therefore, the corollary to this may also be true.  

This was the second statement that formed:

“The drive to connect with others, reflects the drive for Source to become “the 10,000 things.” 

The drive for Source to appreciate itself can only be done through creating an Other, a place for Source to hide away from itself. 

Not fully sure of the depths of meaning of this journey. 

Will need to take time to continue processing further.

Perhaps, the next time you feel lonely, consider that this may be one of the basic drives of being human, because it is one of the basic drives of Source. 


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Keep Music Evil

We have talked about sex, drugs, even guns. 

We are just missing Rock n’ Roll! 

Yes, I know Anton Newcombe founded a record label with a similar title. 

Let us consider this title more broadly. 

When I was growing up in the 60’s Rock n’ Roll was the evil music that would rot our brains, make us take drugs, have wanton sex, and destroy our lives.   

Well maybe Rock n’ Roll helped the enjoyment of drugs and sex.  

However, for most of us, these enjoyments did not destroy our lives. 

In every age, the older generation tends to look down on the new music of the younger generation. 

Jazz was the evil music of the 1920’s. 

Many in my generation have difficulty listening to rap music, and may condemn it for violent imagery and misogyny. 

Yet, older music may be taken up by the younger generations in addition to their new music.  My boys, ages 26 and 31, like to listen my generation’s Rock n’ Roll! 
Personal taste in music is a mystery. 

People of many generations love opera.  Yet, there are so many forms of opera, classical, modern, even Rock n’ Roll! 

Many love classical music.  Yet, some may hate certain types of classical music.  I have heard complaints of music being “too pretty,” or music being “too discordant.” 

Remember, before the 1840’s, Beethoven’s music was considered too avant-garde. 

Those who have trained deeply in music often hold music differently than others. 

Some of us get into was once called “High Fidelity.”  Currently, we label such individuals as “Audiophiles.” 

We want to get our music systems to play various media, streaming digital, CDs, vinyl, at such a high resolution that it sounds like listening to a live performance! 

Most of us run out of money before we get there. 

The trick is to be satisfied with what you have, without going bankrupt. 

Let us get back to Keeping Music Evil. 

I see that this as part of the natural evolution of societies. 

Music of the younger generations are at the leading edges of change. 

Us older individuals often have difficulty with change. 

Change can be frightening. 

I make it a practice to listen to all kinds of music. 

Listening to the music of the current younger generation allows me to take the pulse of the leading edges of our growth. 

I may not always enjoy all the music. 

What I do find is that the longer you listen, the more you might find it interesting. 

Listening to the music that the younger generation loves, may help us to develop more lenses, so that we may all see more clearly.  

Maybe yes.  Maybe no. 

Contemplate your own answers to questions, may they be big or small. 

And Keep Music Evil!

Everyday Ecstasy

This title came up for me the other day.

Then in meditation this morning at 2:30 AM. 

I felt the need to just write a few words. 

It came to me as a plea to the dissatisfied core within each of us. 

A plea to stop and listen.

Listening carefully to what comes up for us. 

Watching our thoughts. 

Noticing when we are dissatisfied, when we are depressed. 

Holding ourselves with compassion for this so human an animal. 

Treating dissatisfied times as clouds that will come, and then pass away. 




Watching carefully

Feeling deeply the little ecstasies life brings to us.

The pleasure of a warm shower. 

Gratitude for all the blessings that come our way. 

Gratitude for clean water, food, shelter, work.

Good relationships. 

Forgiveness for those we feel have harmed us. 

Perhaps, if we are lucky, even good sex. 

Perhaps, good sex is more than an everyday ecstasy. 

Yet, each and every moment is offered to us as an opening for enlightenment. 

A gift where we might drop any stories that may no longer serve us. 

An opportunity to be present. 

Be present, with ourselves.

Be present, with others. 

As if there is really any such a thing as a “self.”

As if there is really any such thing as an “other.” 

Wishing each of you the gift of everyday ecstasy…
