Sunday, May 19, 2013

The First Commandment – Part 2

Some of you protested about how Source can never be boring.  So, let me put forth a little clarification.  Again, it is difficult to use words.  If you have never been there, then words are only a finger pointing at the moon.

All of us enter deep dreamless sleep every night.  We can try to skip a night or 2, but more than that and we start to get psychotic.  Spend enough time without dreamless sleep and we would likely die. 

That experiment was done with rats. 
My argument is that to be healthy we need to be completely immersed in Source on a regular basis.  That is what we do in deep dreamless sleep; there, we are completely immersed in Source.  Provides a place to drop the pain and suffering of being human.  Allows hormones and cytokines to regulate our bodies toward homeostasis and health. 

Sleep disorders associated with PTSD, fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, and sleep apnea, results in highly dysfunctional individuals. 

But, in deep dreamless sleep, we have no awareness.  The dreams of REM sleep are interesting, there is a reception of the mind’s play unfolding.  Good wisdom within dreams as well.  Write them down and look carefully at the information. 

In deep dreamless sleep there is no one to be aware.  That is boring. 

In meditation we go from the monkey mind, chattering away, to a slowing of our thoughts, then to a pure witness state no thoughts, only awareness along with awareness of being aware, and then, perhaps for some of us, the witness dropping away and there is nothing but empty fullness. 

This is pure awareness, immersed in Source, without being asleep.  There is no longer a subject and an object.  There is no longer any self, only Self. 

Within empty fullness there is no one there to be aware, yet there is awareness.  The lights are on, but nobody is home… in the highest sense. 

This is pure consciousness. 

The funny thing is that this is our normal baseline state of being.  We are always already Source, capacity, awareness.  Our animal minds cover it up.  Source hiding Itself away. 

So Source hides, and we seek.  We might try various practices.  It is important to develop concentration and focus.  But, it is even more important to practice dropping everything that is not pure Source.  

One must practice this over and over. 

So if this ultimate pure state of consciousness is so boring, then how do these states allow wisdom to arise?

You can get wisdom from touching Source at any level.  Even sitting with the monkey mind gives you important information.  Just being aware that you have a monkey mind is a fantastic first step! 

When the thoughts slow, that really changes you.  A groove is deepened in the brain body, which allows you to access this state more easily.  When disturbing events arise, you can look at them without drowning in reactivity and emotions.  You can have all the emotions, but you are in control.  You see more clearly what is true. 

Within that wisdom you realize how you are not so different that those you label “other.”  You are aware that the same Source is looking out from behind everyone’s eyes.  But, Source is looking through a different set of lenses in each individual. 

I’ll write more about lenses in the future.  For now, see my blogs on personalities, Stranger in a Strange Land, Parts 1-4, to get an idea how different people see the world through different lenses. 

With wisdom you become more aware of suffering, your own suffering and that of everyone.  You realize that there are not only the big Holocausts that occur, but there are the little every day holocausts, the child that is hungry, or perhaps just not read to every night.    

Compassion arises.  You gather more people into your family.  You are now higher on the evolutionary scale. 

Deep dreamless sleep is boring.  Pure awareness is boring.  What arises from these states is not boring. 

Seeing clearly, you walk in the world with wisdom, performing each act with more awareness and compassion. 

Perhaps not perfectly, we are still only human.  All of us are a work in progress. 

Within that wisdom we can also forgive ourselves for our so human errors. 

We can practice compassion for ourselves. 

That is where The Second Commandment comes in: Love Everything. 

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