Thursday, May 2, 2013

Helicopters and Enlightenment

I was recently at a scientific meeting about creativity and consciousness, very cool!

There was a very interesting conversation between a famous Buddhist monk and a famous psychedelic researcher regarding the use of psychedelics (entheogens) compared to meditation for seeing All-That-Is. 
The conversation started with the monk relating a story of taking a helicopter to Mount Everest and looking at the wonderful sights.  He had previously hiked 15 days to get to the same view. 

When the monk came back he felt that because it was such a short trip, he wondered if he had ever been there?  I think most of us agreed this was an excellent metaphor for the long trek of 5, 10, or 30 years of meditation that it might take to see clearly All-That-Is compared with psychedelic use. 

The researcher then noted that many current Buddhist teachers had their first experience of All-That-Is during psychedelic explorations, and then later traveled to the East for meditation training.  Further, he described that entheogen experience as a “peek” at the “peak.” 

An interesting question!  What is the role for entheogens in the evolution of the human mind, in spiraling up the ladder of consciousness? 

Of course I have a strong prejudice regarding this question, as yours truly also had his first peek at All-That-Is during one of several LSD “trips.”  Then, later, found meditation through martial arts. 

Further, I also had an opportunity to take a helicopter ride to a glacier in Alaska.  The feeling of seeing that vast expanse of mountains and ice from the air was profound, truly spiritual.  Walking around on the glacier was amazing as well. 

So as you can see, I am not buying the argument that you must only take the slow route.  The use of an entheogen to take a peek at the peak, is a choice that each of us needs to make individually. 

We do need to keep in mind that right now, except for within research studies or religious ritual, the use of entheogens is illegal.  Further, we can get caught in a spiritual bypass by depending only on entheogen use for spiritual experience.  I would say that doing this is likely to block your continued evolution up the spiral. 

Yes, to go from a temporary state of seeing All-That-Is using an entheogen, to a stage of being able to enter that state at will, without entheogens, and to “keep a toe dipped in,” takes time and effort. 

As I have said before.  You all want it, enlightenment.  Go and get it! 

Or, at least start to drop all the parts of the survival ego that gets in the way of seeing that you are always already there.   

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