Sunday, August 30, 2020

Trump Is LSD

Well it does feel like it has been a really bad trip… 


My wife and I were having a lazy in-bed Sunday morning discussion.


We both individually perused the NY Times online headline articles on our phones… 


She was saying she was thinking she needed a break from the news


Nothing but articles about white supremacists walking around armed, leading to shootings


Police overreaction to peaceful protesters


Another individual shot


Both peaceful and violent aftermaths…


Yesterday, I read the “The last word” article in “The Week”


An article about Stephen Miller, a protégé of Steve Bannon, excerpt from the book “Hatemongers:…” by Jean Guerrero.


How Stephen, even in high school, left trash around because he thought the janitors were there to clean up after any mess he made… 


My mind was going to how this administration has revealed the ugliest parts of these United States


This still poorly evolved cohort in our society, those who feel that most others are beneath them, others that exist only to serve them, or get out of their way…


Then it came to me how much of these ugliest parts, these poorly evolved parts, have been there all the time.


I support the “Southern Poverty Law Center.”  They publish yearly on the hate groups that exist in the US.


What has changed in these past 4 years is that these hate groups have been given permission to be more active.  Both showing themselves and actively committing crimes… 


Why not, they see their administration committing crimes, and, for the most part, getting away with them… 


This title above arose…  


Perhaps not a perfect metaphor


All this ugly behavior


Arising from hate and racism

Has been the mostly unconscious parts of these United States


Mostly hidden from our sights


Certainly, seen less in the previous 8 years of the Obama administration… 


Drumpf as a classic psychedelic


A disruptor of our consciousness

Allowing the unconscious to become conscious


I told this to my wife


She asked “Where are the guides?” 


(We have worked together as guides in psychedelic research)


Good point!


May be that is why this is such a bad trip! 

We have no guides… 


But, maybe there are guides…


Robert Reich, the Obamas, a multitude of sane voices out there… 


Some of us like to say in psychedelic therapy “There are no bad trips…”


“Only things we need to learn…”


Perhaps, just as in an a highly uncomfortable experience with LSD, it is very painful to see the unconscious made conscious… 


This is where healing starts… 


I can only hope that those who are at a slightly lower level of evolution, still filled with hatred for “the other…” 

A portion of those will awaken… 


They might see this ugly unconsciousness


Now made manifest before them… 


Some will continue to embrace their hatred, their fear… 


Others will see clearly

Will be appalled… 


Will realize


This is not the way they wish to live and think… 


Not the way they wish to treat others… 


Perhaps, then this small percentage of people in the US will vote for a more compassionate administration… 


Perhaps preventing another 4 years of increasing fear and hatred… 


4 more years of a bad trip… 


Perhaps this new administration would address what the Obama administration did not, you cannot label people as “deplorables” as “clinging to their guns…” 


This labeling is as bad as any racism… 


People are fearful

We must alleviate fear


Everyone deserves to feel safe


I do not think we can bring the fundamentalist and liberal green meme thinkers to be on the same page on gun control, abortion, etc.

However, those at the liberal green meme level who reject anyone thinking at a lower level than themselves, need to evolve themselves, to accept the fundamentalists, just as they are… 


It is the duty of any liberal Democratic administration to help everyone to feel they are safe, to feel they are heard… 








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