Friday, August 28, 2020

My Wife’s First Name Is Karen

My last blog outlined fundamentals of labeling “the other.”


Currently, highest in the news is racism and police brutality… 


We also outlined other external factors that may result in such assaults as fat shaming, misogyny… 


I missed one.


Hateful name memes…


When my wife originally heard about this meme she shrugged it off… 


She is an RN, works part time as a triage nurse in a largely indigent clinic, she is a guide and teacher in psychedelic medicine research, has a Master’s in Holistic Health, is a certified yoga therapist, has been trained and certified in massage therapy, and an esoteric healing practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu.  She is a dedicated, supportive, wife and life partner to me, mother to her children, and grandmother to her grandchildren. 


Yes, kind of saintly.  Which she would deny… 


This morning she was reading an article about a sommelier who was of color and discriminated against.  However, he also used the “Karen meme.” 


This felt particularly hurtful…


Here was someone writing about discrimination, and, yet, using a discriminating hurtful/hateful meme. 


She was tearful… 


My wife’s mom is from Japan, married to an America-jin…


Her mom once sat down with Karen to tell her that she named her Karen, because she felt it was such a beautiful name… 


This morning my wife related now every time she says her name is Karen, when doing phone triage nursing, she feels, in my words, “assaulted.” 


There is a meanness that permeates the world… 


There is also goodness that permeates the world… 


Let us all raise our conscious awareness of how our actions and words lead to harm… 


Choose love and compassion


Choose to be aware of how we flow in the world






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