Monday, April 6, 2020

Conversations with Dog - Chapter 13


So where do you get all these high and mighty truths you throw around?

            I ask myself that same question.  I assume it is from the same place that Neale got his information. 

Spontaneous writing by God?

            Well, I like to think about it as being driven to write by Source.  It is part of the manifestation of the “10,000 things.”  When we spend a lot of time searching for the truth, and we think we have found it, then we feel this need to tell everyone about it. 

Why do you feel this need to tell everyone about it?  The world does not need another written interpretation of the Source and mysticism. 

            No.  I agree, the world doesn’t.  On the other hand, maybe someone will get a laugh out of this book.  Maybe even one person will turn just a little bit toward the path to end their suffering.  If I can do that, I’d be happy.  Look at all the books and videos saturating the market.  Even Depak has some access to the truth.

But you don’t even like Depak.

            Yes, I really don’t.  But, that’s not to say that he doesn’t have some truths in his stuff.  I just don’t like the packaging. 

So are you worried that Depak or Neale will sue you for all this stuff you’ve written?

            Nah, they are too busy.  Besides if they are enlightened enough, they should have a big laugh over this book. 

They will just dismiss this book?

            Maybe.  I hope everyone will understand that we are in part imperfect vessels for putting Source into words.

So what you are writing is not the truth?

            Now we are back where we started.  The truth cannot be put into words.  Because we are humans, we can only approximate the truth. 

Any last words?

            Well, I certainly hope they won’t be my very last words.  Perhaps in ending this tirade, I can say that if you have read this book you are already on the path.  Get as many “direct experiences” as you can, recognizing that you are the Source.  Remember the summary of the 10 commandments--Source is the only thing there is--Love everything (harm nothing)--Enjoy yourself.  Work hard, do “right action.”  Make sure you take the time to contemplate.  Surrender to Source, let it lead your life.  Experience both pleasure and suffering with the simple thought---this too will pass. 

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