Sunday, April 5, 2020

Conversations with Dog - Chapter 12


So now I will tell you a tale. 

            What do you mean by a tale?

This will be a mythological story.  Mythology can be used to communicate ideas that are impossible to put into words.  The truth is hidden within the myth. 

            Like a finger pointing at the moon. 

Correct.  Now it is your turn to sit back and maybe I can entertain you.

OK.  I’m ready.

Once upon a time, 50 million years ago, there was a race of bear-like mammals hunting around the edges of the great bodies of water.  They were different than all other mammals of the time.  They knew they existed. 

(footnote:  At the waters edge)

            They had consciousness?

Yes.  They were the first to come up with, “I think, therefore I am.”


No.  They thought this millions of years before Descartes. 


That’s OK.  These creatures developed a means of communication using subtle vocalizations, really a type of singing.  As all sentient creatures do, they developed systems of philosophy.  They were unable to explore or develop their physical world, because of their physical nature.  They were bulky creatures and they had no opposable fingers.  Without your pinch grasp, you could never have begun to manipulate your world.  They therefore were unable to accumulate knowledge using books.  Instead, they developed their minds.  This development of the mind actually began to change the physical structure of their brain.  The evolution of complexity led to larger and larger brains.  The larger brain was accompanied by a larger body.  They then made a conscious decision to spend more time in the water, the water would support their increasing bulk. 

            You said that they hunted?  What did they eat?

They were omnivorous.  They hunted small mammals and reptiles, ate eggs, and they also ate land and water plants.  But as with all philosophies and religions, they began to split into factions.  Some refused to eat meat.  Others were sure that eating meat was simply part of life.  They began to become different species. 

            Well its not too hard to see this is a whale tale.

Yes, this is a whale tale. 

            Well I have some questions.  Why do whales beach themselves? 

The whale philosophy is that they have the right to terminate their lives in cases of physical disease or mental disease.  First they confer with other members.  They have forms of psychotherapy unrealized by humans.  Asimov hinted at these possible methods.  If their therapies do not work they realize it is time to leave this physical form and return to Source. 

(footnote the Foundation series)

            So why do they let themselves be captured and put on display in zoos, aquariums, or other places of entertainment? 

They are so far advanced from anything any human has called enlightenment.  They do not care where their physical body is located.  In actuality, they consider us their pets.  That is why they are so amazingly trainable.  They indulge us, and get some exercise in the process. 

            What about whale hunts?

Their advancement even allows this to happen.  They can sacrifice their bodies for us without a second thought.  They will fight a mighty fight, but that is again simply to hide from us what they thought we were not ready to understand.  They really care for humans as a species.  Humans are the only other sentient beings on this planet.  The only reason I can tell you this tale is because humans are starting to realize, in some fashion, that they should not be killing these creatures.  If humans knew the truth, they would be treating the whales as gods. 

            Why don’t the whales do something to help us understand this?

Perhaps they just did.  If you spread the word, more humans would know.  Maybe this is the time. 

            And what if no one reads this, or simply considers this the ravings of a madman, or at least the product of an overactive imagination?   The result of just too much meditating?

It doesn’t matter.  The truth reveals itself with time.

            Wait a minute, I read that dolphins are quite randy, always trying to have sex, how can they be so enlightened? 

(footnote:  At the waters edge)

You humans are the ones obsessed with sex.  But yes, remember what you wrote above.  There really is no such thing as kinky sex.  If no one is harmed, then everything is allowed.  The sex stuff is just part of their play.   Dolphins are on the lower end of the contemplative scale, say compared to the behemoth blue whale.  There is something about being less spiritually evolved that make sex more desirable. 

            So why do dolphins protect swimmers? 

Again, the whales care for us. 

            If the whales are so highly enlightened, and they care for us so much, how come they haven’t been our teachers?

Who said they have not been our teachers?  What if part of our contact with Source is through a telepathic connection between humans and whales.  Maybe it takes just a single whale to influence our whole species.  If whales did not exist, perhaps the human race would never have evolved at its current rate. 

            Do they care about our exploration of our physical world?

They are most intrigued by this ability.  That is one of the reasons they want to help you evolve.  They cannot manipulate their physical world.  When the human species is ready, humans will partner with the whale to create a world of higher evolution than we can ever imagine.

            So you are telling me that we shouldn’t be looking for alien intelligent life?  We have another intelligent species right under our noses.  We are simply blind to the truth.  We are really not very evolved in comparison to whales.  We are a disabled younger sentient species?

Not disabled, differently abled.

            Oh, so now you are politically correct.  That was a great tale.

Thank you.

            So, is it true?

That is for you to find out.

            You hinted that we really can’t find out if this tale is true unless the whales feel it is time for us to know.

Yes, but, you said one can only find the truth within oneself.

            So why did you tell me that tale?

To make you think about how much you don’t know.  Perhaps how far you, as a species, have to go. 

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