Monday, April 15, 2013

What is Health?

The WHO definition:
Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Under that rubric, is anyone really totally healthy? 

I like to think of health as a trajectory, a process, perhaps, a vector that we are moving towards. 

Like enlightenment, no one individual can be completely there 100%. 

Maybe like Ivory Soap we can be 99.44% pure. 

Personally, “healthy” means continuing to grow.  For me, I am interested in continuing to shed the Shadows that prevent clear seeing. 

Hard work!  Watching what is repulsive, what is too attractive, what am I not seeing within ignorance. 

This is a never-ending process.  There is no end to the refinement of seeing clearly. 

As the Buddhists say, polishing the mirror.  Until there is no mirror. 

Each and every one of us needs to find our own path.  But, how do we clarify our vision? 

What works for me, may not work for you.  I have written about methods that have worked for me and for others.  But, the methods are infinite.

Maybe more importantly than the precise path, is that we can accompany each other, even if we take separate paths. 

Again, on one level we are separate humans traveling on these winding twisty roads. 

But on the highest level we are all Source.  Pretending to be separate creatures. 

The truth is that we are both.  A beautiful paradox. 

Source wants us to play in this world.  We are stronger when we play together. 
Helping each other find our ways.  Helping each other find our paths. 

While holding each other gently, like butterflies. 

Admiring each other, as the embodiments of Divine Light. 


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