Monday, April 3, 2023


I have been working over the past months on a blog dealing with the mechanisms of psychedelics in healing, contemplating how these medicines affect conscious and unconscious information.  

Perhaps Direct Effects of increasing awe, appreciation of mystery, feeling of connection to others and everything, losing the fear of death.  

Perhaps Indirect Effects of bringing unconscious information to the conscious mind.  

Perhaps creating more times of positive emotional affect and less negative emotional affect.  

Perhaps leading to more positive behaviors and less negative behaviors.  

I have 6 sheets of yellow paper with notes with lists, boxes, connecting lines and arrows...  

That is how I brainstorm…  

You will have to wait, some blogs are complicated, and I am not ready to put it all together…  

This morning, I was wondering why…  

I have been waylaid by a few good books I’ve been reading, a few amateur radio projects with antennas and radios to optimize and program…  

We had our tween grandchild out for about 10 days…  

The weather is getting nicer and there is cycling to be done…  

I can’t use our dog as an excuse, he is about 2.5 years old, and needs significant attention only about twice a day, sleeping more…  

I wonder if the state of the world is getting in the way of my finishing this piece…  

Reading this morning about the pending Wisconsin Supreme Court election, may make the difference between abortion being available in WI or not, as well as the stranglehold of the legislature on decreasing voting rights…  

Mirroring the overall state of the US…  

Such unconscionable acts against the freedoms of US citizens…  

Of course, the other side is just as adamant that the Democrats are trying to infringe on their rights, such as the right to own certain types of guns…  

Neither side feels safe…  

Neither side feels that they are heard…    

by the Other…  
Of course, there is no Other…  

We are all one mess of Green Slime covering the Earth…  

But that is difficult to discern…   wading around in this muck of being…  

Just as I was writing this blog this Monday morning, my sister texted that she will be giving her talk to the school on the Jewish Holocaust…  

My mother, when she was alive, gave a talk in the schools for many years about her personal experience of the Holocaust.  

My sister carries on giving a talk as a child of Holocaust survivors…

She mentioned it is emotionally wringing…  

I answered:  “I think the current state of the US and the world in general is emotionally wringing…”  

(This messaging is occurring in real time as I am writing!  Must be that mystery of sister-brother connection…)

My Sister:  “It would be interesting if you and Karen did your stories as parallel experiences. You cover three bases and can expand into what the Americans did to the Japanese already here”  

(My Wife, Karen, her mom is from Japan.  Karen, at times, professes she carries the burdens of her Japanese heritage…)

I answered:  “I just write my blog on occasion these days.  I no longer feel pushed to teach and educate in person in front of people…”  

My Sister:  “Different times of life for different things. I feel I have to keep people open to the experiences of others and to the plight of refugees in our country and around the world. The refugee crisis will only get worse and people seem to be more insular and uncaring”

Me:  “Absolutely.  That is why you are saint to put yourself out there and try to make this a better world…   I agree we are in a downhill slide toward authoritarianism and uncaring behaviors, funny I was just in the middle of a blog entry on this, I added some of this messaging conversation!”  

How interesting that I started writing this morning on parallel path with my sister contemplating a talk she is about to give…  

Both contemplating this current unfolding world…  

Now there is Awe and Mystery for you!  


1 comment:

  1. The talk went very well. The 8th graders were wonderfully attentive and asked questions. I only got slightly emotional once and there’s nothing wrong with that. Many kids came up afterwards to tell me I taught their parents or uncle. The connection makes it more real. Now I’m exhausted but glad I shared our story
