There is no Other.
There is no inner, there is no outer.
There is no one home.
All-That-Is, and All-That-Is-Not, undifferentiated.
Empty Fullness.
Entheogens can do this as well, usually with a little less
What is interesting is when the meditation session ends, the
personality seems to spontaneously pop back into existence.
But, each time you deconstruct the personality, there is a
chance to reassemble this personality in a slightly different form.
One possibility is to let go of unneeded emotional
defenses. This might raise you up on the
evolutionary scale.
When shadows are uncovered there may be anxiety or even
Perhaps you may need to do some psychological or spiritual
work for resolution.
Something simple such as journaling might help. Consider a self-guided visualization practice. Maybe EFT, or EMDR could be helpful.
Sometimes you just need some outside help. A good psychotherapist can be invaluable to help
to reconstruct the personality.
Remember to forge your own path.
1-There is
only one Source.
2-Love everything.
3-Enjoy yourself.
Then relax into clear seeing and enjoy this wonderful
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