Monday, April 17, 2017

The 5 Clocks of Humankind

I had a powerful dream. 

Powerful dreams are marked by a lack of easy forgetfulness.

Most of my dreams drift away, if not written down right away. 

This one was crystal clear, and stayed in my mind without writing anything down.

I saw 5 clocks,

like round pocket watches,

lined up face to back,

like books on a little shelf. 

The second clock was pulled out and there was only one hand, and that hand was just a little past the 12 o’clock mark. 

I understood that each clock face represented about 100,000 years. 

These were the clocks of human time on this earth. 

We were past the first 100,000 years of evolution, of our modern species. 

We are now in the second 100,000 years, perhaps 10-15,000 years into the era of so called civilized humans. 

I realized this message was a gift, signifying that we have a long way to go. 

Those of us who can visualize what our civilization might become, are frustrated by how little we have progressed. 

We foresee a time of peace and kindness to each other, and the earth. 

Michael Moore’s movie “Where to Invade Next,” shows us the amazing possibilities for an improved civilization, which exist right now. 

Sebastian Junger’s book “Tribe,” documents how humans pull together at times of disaster, noting that both crime and depression decline. 

This dream was a call for me to remember that many individuals can see the most beautiful future possibilities of our species on this earth. 

But, we are not there yet. 

We are far, far from these places we can go… 
I wrote before about taking the 1,000-year view. 

I think now we have to take the 10,000 or even 100,000-year view. 

We have a long, long, long, way to go… 

Practice patience. 

And work toward a better future.

Don’t be attached to outcome… 


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