Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Invitations and Demands - - to Growth of Consciousness

Up meditating at 3 am… 

What came up for me was my overall current direction in this latest embodiment:    

1-To use Ken Wilber’s  AQAL model as a map for exploring the territory of growth of human consciousness. 

2-To explore Best Practice models for accelerating the growth of human consciousness. 

Recently I heard how MDMA, an empathogen, can be considered an “Invitation,” to open up access to hidden or frightful unconscious information. 

True psychedelics such as LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, are a “Demand,” to open up access to hidden unconscious information. 
(Dr Richard Yensen -

This Invitation and Demand, both work through the same method, the full or partial dissolution of the protective Ego. 
Invitations are, in general, more gentle.

They invite you along for the ride…  

And you can refuse to go… 

Examples of Invitation level work include, meditation practices, depth psychotherapy, Holotropic Breathwork, shamanic journeying, micro-dose LSD and other psychedelics.   Low to medium dose cannabis likely can be placed in this category. 
Micro-dose LSD is currently a hot topic due to Ayelet Waldman’s recent book, “A Really Good Day.”

Demands, are just that… 

Medium to high doses of psychedelics will take most people “down the road.” 

Sometimes, kicking and screaming, literally… 

When you dissolve the Ego, and it’s defense mechanisms, the organism feels as though it is dying… 

That is why set and setting is so important. 

Keep in mind that even the most gentle Invitations can tear you apart… 

Meditation, particularly at high doses… for example a 10-day silent retreat… 

Tore my Ego to shreds… 

All for the good… 

The Ego popped back together,

Leaving out stuff,

I no longer needed…

Can be pretty frightening for those with fragile Egos… 

That is why you need good support,… 

Guides who know the territory… 

Guides who have good maps… 

Invitations and Demands… 

Alternating Being and Doing… 

Developing Wisdom and Compassion… 

I invite all of you on this journey to explore these higher levels of consciousness… 

Disclaimer…  don’t do anything illegal… 



  1. I think for those who have experienced unfair, ugly, cruel "demands" during childhood, with the necessary ego defense mechanisms developed for survival, may be "blown apart" by beauty. Sometimes it is bliss, beauty, unconditional love and compassion for one's entire being that does the job of ego dissolution and facilitates healing. The darkest night may be pure light for those in whom darkness is most familiar and comfortable.

    I agree that the classical psychedelics, esp in higher doses, are more "in your face" in that early on the visuals and auditory are difficult to ignore; Carl Jung said, "What resists persists," and in that regard not going bravely deeper into one's inner terrain will not allow whatever needs processing and releasing to surface and resolve; however, many have chosen to not go places that are unknown, may become simply be frightened, as you mention, without conducive set and setting/guides and when the drug wears off continue with their lives (perhaps distraught, in need of integration therapy of some sort or a revist.)
