Monday, March 25, 2013

The Three Beauties

I seem to be stuck on threes recently.

The Three Commandments.  The Three Emotions. 

Well, stick with me here.  Let’s see what comes up. 

This blog also relates to the three emotions, particularly the first 2 emotions, or stances:  Attraction to something, and Repulsion from something.

When we describe something as beautiful, that usually means we are attracted to that something.  We want to be near it, we want to engage with it.  Or, maybe we want to own it.  Maybe, we think that that owning this something will make us happy. 

We often find beauty in symmetry.  Symmetrical faces are seen as more beautiful.  Even birds find increased attraction in potential mates with higher levels of symmetry. 

The structures of molecules are often seen as beautiful.  I assume the structures of these molecules resonate with some part of the way our brain-bodies are constructed.  

When we describe something as ugly, that usually means we are repulsed and want to get away from that something.  We think being near that something will make us unhappy. 

But we often find beauty within the “ugly.” 

Take for instance the art of Joel Peter Witkin:

Or, perhaps the art of Pieter Bruegel the Elder.

Within the grossness there is great beauty.  Many artists take up the “ugly,” the monsters, and show us the beauty within.

The same case can be made for a woman or man who at first glance is very attractive, but, perhaps, on the inside is not very nice, and once you hear them speak you can see that actually they are quite ugly overall. 

The same might be true for someone who initially, perhaps from across the room, is not very attractive to you.  Again, once you interact with them, their true beauty becomes clear.  

Perhaps there is a lesson within this of how to be present with something that may make us feel a bit uncomfortable, without running away, before making any clear pronouncements of beautifulness or ugliness. 

Like the Yin and Yang of life there is always beauty within the ugly, and there is always ugliness within the beautiful. 

So what is the third beauty?

The third beauty is that Beauty that transcends all that we label beautiful or ugly.  It it's the Beauty that is present within All-That-Is. 

That is You. 

It is the higher consideration of everything that we observe. 

In actuality, this Beauty arises from the loss of the observer.  Thereby, clearly seeing that the observer and the observed are all One. 

Perhaps, again, try the exercises in Richard Lang’s videos: 

This Beauty does not arise from our consideration of something outside of ourselves that we observe. 

This Beauty arises from the core of All Being.  It is Source, G-d, All-That-Is, and All-That-Is-Not. 

You are beautiful, just as you are. 

And, you will change. 

Yes, sit still, and let Beauty arise.  

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