Monday, March 4, 2013

Religion, Spirituality, Mystical Experience, versus Enlightenment

Until now we have been using certain terms such as Enlightenment, Spirit, Source, All-that-is, the Ground-of-all-being, without much precision.

As I have mentioned, the ineffable nature of these experiences, makes using words difficult, and by the nature of the subject imprecise.  Words can only be “fingers pointing at the moon.”

Nonetheless, I would like to make a distinction between the stable higher levels of consciousness (see my blog entry Stranger in a Strange Land Part 2), sometimes labeled as enlightenment, and the temporary spiritual experience of All-that-is, also known as a Mystical or Peak experience, Kensho, Samadhi, Satori, Nirvana, and so forth. 

For this we need to discuss the Wilber-Coombs lattice.  This lattice outlines how the Mystical or Peak experience of being “One with the Universe,” can be had at almost any level of development.  But your interpretation of that experience will be different at each level.  Some label the stable levels of consciousness “Stages,” and the temporary Mystical or Peak experiences as “States” of consciousness. 

Jan Brouwer has very nicely laid out some of the implications of the Wilber-Coombs lattice here:
Jan has some very excellent observations, which I will leave to his essay at the above link. 

What I want to discuss here concerns the differences between a temporary Mystical or Peak experience, and the stable higher levels of consciousness that may allow easy access to this feeling of Oneness.  Someone who has “incorporated this into the bones.”  This latter stable stage or level I will define broadly here as “enlightenment.” 

As I have mentioned before, I believe the generation of this Mystical or Peak experience is the normal state of mind when the ego is quieted. 

Some individuals experience these temporary states briefly under varied circumstances, during brief religious prayer, the flow of exercise, seeing a beautiful sunset, or even during sexual orgasm.  But, this is not so easy to experience through “endogenous” methods such as meditative practices by training the brain-body. 

In the higher more stable stages of consciousness, such as enlightenment, the groove is well established in the brain-body.  This groove allows the ego to quiet relatively easily, and, thereby, that brain-body can more easily access these more temporary Mystical or Peak experiences. 
Further, this stable stage enables the ego to be less active overall, so that one “can keep a toe dipped” into this state at almost all times.   Then this brain-body can shed the comfortable coat of ego at will, and put back on the ego overcoat when needed to function optimally in the world. 

Entheogens are one of the easy “exogenous” methods of entering into some level of these temporary experiences.  These can be plant derived or synthetic; cannabis, mescaline, MDA, DMT, ayahuasca, LSD, psilocin, psilocybin, ibogaine, and salvinorin A.  We also know that these entheogens can have dose-dependent effects, and the doses needed for getting to certain states of consciousness are not so clear. 

Recently a friend of mine had a very beautiful psilocybin “trip.”  But, she had a very disturbing post-trip disruption of her mental stability.  When she described it, I pictured that she had dropped a rock upon her raft of “self.”  Knocking it asunder.  Now she is knitting it back together.  I also feel she will be at a higher level of consciousness after this knitting is completed.  But, this episode took quite a toll.  And will take a lot of work to put her raft of self into a stable state again. 

I had an experience in high school where we went to hear a Grateful Dead concert, which never materialized.  I took the first hit off a bottle of Sangria into which we dumped multiple hits of LSD.  The LSD floated.  I was in a dissociative state for several hours.  It was like being in a dream.  I watched my actions and external events.  But, I was not in control.  Very interesting.  Who really was watching? 

I learned a lot about my mind.  But, I was totally useless when gang members entered their park to get rid of “the hippies” and started to beat people up.  Luckily my friends took care of me.  (Thanks Randy!)

Another individual I know got involved with a shamanic group.  From what I hear she is continuing to take ayahuasca on a regular basis.  Perhaps a spiritual bypass, perhaps just continuing to learn. 

Being in the presence of a “guru” can be another exogenous source of entering into a Mystical or Peak experience.  Often, there is nothing wrong with using exogenous methods such as entheogens or your guru.  The problem comes up when you continue to be dependent on an exogenous source for these experiences.  That is one way to be addicted.  If you don’t use this experience to develop the brain-body to a stable higher stage of consciousness, you no longer use this important experience and information to continue your growth. 

More individuals than ever before are endorsing that they are spiritual, but not religious.  These people do not identify with any religious organization or dogma.  Their spirituality encompasses a vast panoply of beliefs and ideas.  Many link their spirituality to the environment, to helping the poor, to mystical experience, to non-denominational prayer. 

Many people are ultimately searching for meaning in their lives.  I see this as evidence that our society is evolving to ever higher levels.  The higher the consciousness of each of the individuals in our society, the higher will be the average level of consciousness of our society. 

You want enlightenment.  You really do.  I applaud you all for exploring the varied ways of evolving to higher stages of consciousness.  Whatever methods you choose, remember that each method often is a boat to get you to the next level.  Often, you must then leave that boat and try a different method of transport for your travel to the next level. You may have a “dark night of the soul,” when you are transitioning to the next level.  Look carefully, talk to trusted others.  Seek help and guidance, when you feel stuck. 
You are each beautiful sacred manifestations of All-that-is, Source, Spirit. 

Remind yourself again and again, you are not alone, we are all traveling together.  

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