First make sure you have read blogs: Stranger in a Strange Land
Parts 1-4. Make sure you know how your
personality engages with your partner’s.
For understanding how levels of development can affect
intimate relationships see Martin Uciks book “Integral Relationships.” He has recommended readings for couples at
different levels.
Grow to a place where you can say to yourself, I deserve a
wonderful loving relationship. I would
rather be single forever than accept anything less.
Expect honesty, loyalty, and respect, I can’t say this
Miscellaneous thoughts:
If you don’t have a partner, act AS-IF. You are waiting for one, so, make sure you have
a double bed, queen-sized is better.
Keep at least 2 pillows on the bed.
Don’t display pictures of past relationships.
Make a list of what you would desire in a partner, then,
maybe, throw it away. Put out the intention
into the Universe. There is someone out
there for you!
Keep yourself clean and well groomed. Easy on the perfumes and colognes.
Make yourself desirable.
Make yourself interesting. Read
books, listen to music. Learn how to
dance, play an instrument, or do art.
Ignore the media that tells you how you should look and what
you should wear. Maybe get rid of your
TV, or keep it hidden.
Put yourself in situations where you will meet someone
attractive to you. Inner beauty is more
important than outer beauty. Outer
beauty will fade, inner beauty grows. Do
you love their voice?
Join a hiking or biking group, meditation group, reading or
writing group. Doing things that
interest you will put you in places with someone who has the same interests.
Once you connect with someone, go easy. Learn the rules of dating and courting (just
don’t ask me what they are, I wasn’t very good at them. The Universe has been generous to me).
Tell your lover how much you love them. If you don’t love them, if you don’t feel
loved, find someone who does really and truly loves you, and you can love, with
radical acceptance.

For Mind exercises, see Integral Life Practice for ideas,
you don’t need to buy the modules, invent your own! And, the book is only $15 on Amazon.
George Leonard and Michael Murphy wrote, “The Life We are
Given.” This is another program for
brain-body growth.
Remember the brain and the body are not separate. When you change one you change the
other. Maybe the body is the temple of
the mind. Maybe the mind is the temple
of the body. The same chemical
messengers are active in the brain and in the body, including neurokines,
chemokines, and cytokines .
Find out what turns on your partner. Listen guys, sometimes it is folding clothes
and cleaning bathrooms.
Be romantic. It is
said that men trade romance for sex and women trade sex for romance. Not necessarily true, but some truth resides
in statements such as this. Buy
flowers. Send loving messages by email
or text, be appropriate. Remember that
everything digital is forever.
The heat of initial love and lust usually changes over time,
3 months, 3 years, and so on. Make
dates. Reserve time with each
Oh, and, did I mention this before, have lots of sex.
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