Their message was this:
Stop killing the forest elephants for their ivory!
No they were not aliens from another planet or dimension,
nor were they elves or other magical creatures.
They were simply the most sentient and powerful beings on the
They told me the truth.
That is, perhaps unfortunately for us, we are really only the 3rd
most sentient beings on the planet.
I asked impolitely at first, “What the f—k are you talking
about? Who is this really? And what are you doing in my head anyway?”
They explained that they are always in our minds. All this wisdom we hear is really just their whispering
the truth to us.
And I thought I was just talking to G-d all this time!
(this whale conversation will be continued…)
So now to make some people really angry with me!
(Oh Heretic of New Age thinking!)
Was I channeling the whales?
We have the deepest source of wisdom within us. It is the same Source that we all share.
I understand it feels absolutely to be the truth when you
are channeling your G-ds, demons, past lives, future lives, ancient beings, extraterrestrials,
angels, etc.
But, maybe spend some time thinking deeply about this
process. I don’t want to take anything
away from you (Oh, well, maybe really I do).
Helen Schucman had no choice but to write “A Course in
Miracles.” Jane Roberts had to channel
“Seth.” Jane Thomas has to channel the
Pegasus Group. David Spangler has to
tell the world what he has learned though channeling “John,” and many
listen. I had to write “Conversations
with Dog,” not too many listen.
Many people out there channel, without advertisement.
Jon Klimo wrote a book reviewing channeling. He found very interesting similarities within
the topics of those who channel. These
topics usually concern the realization that we are all part of one Source, our
bodies are only a corporal part of the higher Self, which is part of
All-that-is. The individual higher part
is sometimes referred to as Spirit or Soul.
He also notes that we need to do the work to overcome our
“negative programming, our debilitating self-images, and our limited world view
(Klimo, page 46).” This leads to
self-empowerment and allows us to access whatever we need from a benevolent
I agree.
Maybe by thinking more deeply, you can let go of an
intermediate, the one who is channeled.
Perhaps, that intermediary really might be getting in the way of truly
accessing the deepest wisdom. We all
have access to this deep wisdom. Our
animal minds usually get in the way.
Oh, go ahead and do your channeling.
Just make sure you leave the world in a better place than
when you found it.
And stop killing elephants!
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