Friday, October 31, 2014

Of Drugs, Evolution of Consciousness, and Black Holes

Another fantastic discussion at Sunday group.  Extended almost all day!

We were speaking about how many different kinds of drugs might provide an increased access to information from Source. 

First of all I will put forth one of my own Deep Truths. 

Others have said this clearly before. 

1-Consciousness is Everything-That-Is, and Everything-That Is-Not. 

Everything is consciousness.  Everything is Source.    

2-Our brains, in this so human an animal, are receivers of information from Source. 

As well as being part of Source. 

3-Our brains are reducing valves for all the possible information that is out there.   

Huxley wrote about our brains as reducing valves.   Recent imaging studies using psilocybin support this. 

Our individual unconsciousness is information from Source to which we do not have easy access. 

Some unconscious information is our shadow, information that we have hidden away from ourselves.

I propose 3 classes of drugs that can possibly help increase our access to information from Source (Yes, 3 again!). 

1-Sedating drugs – alcohol, benzodiazepines, opioids.
2-Activating drugs – cocaine, methamphetamine. 
3-Hallucinogens – psilocybin, mescaline, LSD, DMT.

Marijuana may be in a separate category as there are endogenous cannabinoid receptors.  Different strains of marijuana may show more or less sedating or hallucinogenic effects.

MDMA, aka Ecstasy, better described as Empathy, is more related to the activating drugs, but have vastly different effects and less addictive potential.   MDMA activates the serotonin system more than the dopamine system. 

Ibogain may have a role in treatment of addictions, but also seems to have higher risks than the traditional hallucinogens. 

Note that most of the sedating and activating drugs have potential for true addiction, whereas, the hallucinogens do not have addiction potential. 

Further, the hallucinogens have been used to successfully treat addictions. 

Many people have used the sedating drugs for creativity, such as writers, artists, and musicians. 

These sedating drugs may act by suppressing the parts of the brain that get in the way of accessing Source and unconscious information.  Perhaps, these drugs might be used more by those with prior emotional and other traumas, as we also use these sedating drugs to suppress information from our shadow unconsciousness.  Alcohol may also act on the reward system via the dopamine neurotransmitter. 

Activating drugs can greatly increase the reward system of dopamine activity.   With methamphetamine releasing 5-12 times more dopamine than cocaine. 

Addiction to drugs, shopping, TV, gaming, sex, likely all share some similarities in affecting the reward and pleasure systems of neurotransmitters. 

It is also possible that the activating drugs only mimic an increased access to Source by providing that feeling of ecstasy one can receive through a closer connection to Source. 

The true hallucinogens likely most directly suppress the parts of the brain that help us survive in everyday life.  Yet, also allow us to get information from Source for long-term survival and creativity. 

Wisdom and Compassion.  Wisdom is obtained from basking in the information from Source.  Compassion is using that information when walking in the world. 

Just don’t use hallucinogens when you are running from a saber toothed tiger. 

Those particular states of consciousness that allow us to most closely align with Source, are likely reflected in relative activation and deactivation of certain parts of the brain.

The precise neurotransmitters, receptors, and microenvironment of these changes are also just beginning to be explored.  Clearly involved are several 5HT serotonin receptors, but also involved may be endogenous DMT, phenylethyamine, endogenous opioids and cannabanoids, GABA, perhaps also dopamine and oxytocin, perhaps even other neurotransmitters not as yet defined. 

Many drugs also provide for a communal connectivity within a group.  Using rituals can enhance effects and build group cohesion. 

Meditation likely can activate a similar brain neurotransmitter profile, quieting those parts of the brain that prevent us from more fully accessing information from Source. 

Similar altered states of consciousness can be found through such practices as shamanic journeying, particularly when facilitated by drumming. 

So what about Black Holes?

A current theory is that the Universe may be a holographic projection of information contained on the surface of black holes, such as the ones that exist in the center of every galaxy, including our own. 

In meditation we can turn inward and a feeling of empty fullness arises. 

We gain access to information from an unknown place (Source!). 

What is a better description for empty fullness than a black hole! 

Further, think of how perfectly this fits the allegory of Plato’s Cave!   The black hole is the fire shining.  The holographic projection is the shadows on the wall, our presumed reality.  Through meditation or sometimes through the use of certain drugs, we can turn around and see reality.  Directly seeing into Source.  Gaining information previously unknown or unconscious to us. 

Who knows what is Absolute Truth.  We only have these poor little animal minds to translate what we see. 

We really don’t even know how to fully conceive the structure of the Universe, nor the structure of black holes. 

But, we can slowly gain access to Truth.  Our own Truth. 

The Truth we use to live our everyday lives. 

I raise a glass of sedating wine to each of you, or whatever is your non-addicting drug of choice. 

May you continue to gain ever better access to information from Source. 

May you continue to grow in your evolution of consciousness. 


Monday, October 27, 2014

We Keep Meeting

The first time was so long ago.  We were children of nearby tribes.  We were lucky our tribes were not at war.

We didn’t “get” war.  We were all about connection. 

I can no longer remember who was male or who was female, that first time. 

When we first met.  It was at the very beginnings of what we called “the people.”  Each tribe called themselves “the people.”  But we know there was only one “people.”  All people were one.  Everything of the ground and air was one.  Even the stars were one with us. 

We played serious games as children.  Asking the plant for their gifts.  Tasting the gifts.  Learning with each day. 

Our tribes saw the connection between us.  They left us alone.  We brought the knowledge of the plants back to our tribes.  Our tribes became one tribe. 

They became healthier and stronger. 

We established rituals together for the taking of the sacred plants, the plants that helped us to see more clearly.  It helped others to listen to the plants. 

We learned how to use the plants and ground stones to heal.  The sacred plants helped our hunters to find game, to learn new ways to hunt.  To enrich our lives with much needed protein. 

We became we more open and compassionate to other tribes and taught them our skills of healing and hunting.

We played music and danced.  Eventually we found sexual awakening and found the ecstasy and pain of new life growing within, and without. 

Members of many tribes came long distances to learn from us. 

We grew old together. 

There was also much we couldn’t control. 

The weather became difficult.  The summers were colder and the plants could not grow well.  The winters grew even colder.  Food became scarce.  Tribes started traveling South or East or West.  The North, toward the Pole Star, was colder. 

We were very old by then.  We had lived many moons past most.  We knew this was a gift to the tribes.  But, the wearing out of the body became too much of a burden. 

We decided not to travel with the tribe.  A group of 6 young ones were left to care for us in that last winter.  They had enough food and wood to last the winter and then to travel South when the cold broke. 

We knew when we were ready for our return to Source. 

Together, we performed one last ritual, and we all drank the sacred tea.  Then, laying down, we held hands, and left this world together. 

Fully knowing that this was just the first of many lives together.

We have found each other again and again since then. 

Sometimes, I despaired of finding you ever again. 

Sometimes, we found each other again as children. 

Sometimes, it was many years before we grew enough to see clearly. 

When we saw clearly, we understood the unfolding of the world takes place exactly as it needs. 

Seeing clearly allowed compassion and patience. 

Now I have found you again. 

Thank you. 

You are a sacred gift. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Compassion, Right Here, Right Now


at 5 am



Deepest Darkness

Connection to All That Is

And All That Is Not

Feeling past lives

Feeling the future

Traveling to the depths of the Underworld

Traveling to the heights of the Overworld

Meeting Teachers

Great Learnings

Traveling to the outermost edges of the Universe

Traveling to Parallel Universes

Information arises

Whatever is learned

Only this is true

How do we live

Right Here

Right Now

There is nothing else

Right Action

Surfing upon

the Evolution

of Consciousness

Rising up consciousness


For the greatest Depth

For the Greatest Span






We can



Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Listening To Entheogens

An NPR talk-show

The use of entheogens, hallucinations, psychedelics

Psilocybin, MDMA, mescalin, LSD… 


Where are we going
Will we be able

To evolve


Will we make mistakes

Maybe small mistakes



We can


The past mistakes

Even mistakes

Of using

Psychotherapists only


The One

Who can sit


Yet interact

With radical acceptance

Holding as needed

Anything that arises

A spoken word

A hand






Of their own



Can they



Sitting quietly


Of synchrony



To other realms



States of Consciousness

We are so primitive

So far behind

Lost 40 years of information

Who is the patient

That would benefit

8 hours of preparation

8 hours of journeying

2 hours of integration

Perhaps then to repeat

How to do co-therapy

What are the ways

To travel

To dropping


That does not

Serve you…