An important part of Love Everything, is to fill your own
cup before letting it overflow to others.
Love yourself first, not with selfishness, but with radical
acceptance. Love yourself within the
realization that if you are not healthy, then you cannot fully help others to
live a more healthy life.
The positive is engaging in practices that increase the
health of body, mind, and connection to Spirit, also known as Source. This is true for both for ourselves and
helping others to do so as well.
It takes discipline to love correctly.
So, you can do Right Action for yourself.
What about right action for others? Other humans, other animals, and indeed, take
responsibility for right action in all aspects of life, even using toilet paper
with respect.
Within the thousand-year view we realize that we must care
for the earth if we wish to continue on as a species. As I have said before the earth will
If we die out as a human species, another more pollution and
radiation resistant species will arise to take our place as the sensory organs
of Source.
However, you can make significant errors under the label
Love Everything.
These are the negative aspects of Love Everything.
This is where I got stuck previously. I felt confused. I couldn’t put all of the positive and
negative aspects of Love Everything into an organized perspective.
I woke up one morning and this Table formed in my mind!
The Love Everything Table of Errors
Positive Errors
Negative Errors
Ignorance Errors
Self Harm
Unconscious Self Shadow
Idiot Compassion
Unfair Punishment
Societal Shadow
You can see that there are errors for regarding the self and
actions toward the self. There are
separate errors in regarding and actions for others.
Across self and others there are errors we can classify
similar to The Three Emotions, positive, negative, and ignorance.
We will explore these together further in greater depth within
future blog postings.