2-Love everything.
3-Enjoy yourself.
The First Commandment is really, really, boring. There is only one Source.
Source is All-That-Is, and All-That-Is-Not. Not very exciting.
Oh, within deepest meditation you can talk to the dead, animals,
and fantastic beings, and see fantastic colors, visualizations, and take
Shamanic journeys.
And, within deepest meditation can arise deepest feelings of
Truth, Beauty, and Joy.
But, the appreciation of whatever this is, is what is
exciting. There is no appreciation
within deepest meditation.
When it all slips away there is no you, no Witness, no self,
only Self.
Within the brightest light and darkest dark… is…
Source by itself just is not very interesting, all one
In order to appreciate Itself, it hid Itself away from
That is why Source divided itself into the “10,000 things.”
More like billions, trillions, and icky-illions of things.
Possibly infinite numbers of things, whatever infinity
Playing hide and seek.
We can feel this pull.
Yes, we can hide this pull to recognize Source behind addictions,
shopping, and so forth.
So that is where things get interesting.
We are each unique manifestations of Source.
What motivates us to Seek?
That is the subject of The Second and Third
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