Saturday, March 25, 2017

Totally Transparent

Well, maybe not totally… 

As I said before

Maybe like Ivory Soap


Nick Ardagh called this Translucence… 

And I recommend his book for practices that may be helpful. 

Of course it was during meditation that the above title arose… 

That was the feeling… 

Then toward the end of meditation

when the ego pops back together… 

The ego starts making commentary on what just happened… 

Oh goody, that was fun, let’s call it TT! 

Within it… 

There is no naming… 

There is no one there to do any naming. 


A brief interlude: 

Currently reading Alan Watts’ biography, “In My Own Way”

And, yes, he endorses both meanings. 

In Chapter 10 he is describing conversations with those who feel that hard work and asceticism is the road to enlightenment… 

I don’t think Alan Watts clearly states his path

But, my translation of his path is that of what we might label “tantric” 

He fully embodies food, drink, sex, nature, and intellect, along with meditative practices to fully open to who you are… 

An ordained priest and a married adulterer...

He did leave his order… 

This book came up during a conversation with my dear friend Rick this morning

We have lovely wide-ranging conversations from Mandelbrot to religion and entheogens… 

I mentioned that what we are doing is “seeing through” the ego… 

Seeing the ego for what it is

A construct

A useful construct when used to walk in the world

A burden
If you don’t know that you are a slave to it… 

Same thing with religion

Often useful to teach kids some religion

Rules to live by… 

And to see through these teachings… 

Perhaps so they have something to reject later… 

We have an ego to help us survive in the world as we are growing… 

But, then, in order to truly grow to the next level

We must see through the ego

See what it is… 

A fluctuating, self-preserving, eddy current in a stream,


wave on the ocean (thanks Rick!) 


Feeling into this truth

Allows you

to take off

or put on

this ego overcoat

To change the coat to whatever color or fabric is needed

A continuum of ego

Regulating whatever is needed
It this very moment

Flowing with whatever is arising

Realizing the tendencies of your ego… 

Transparent and Translucent

We are talking about the same thing… 

Enlightenment, Samadhi, Nirvana… 

This is the long-term argument… 

How do we get there? 

This is my take on “The Path”

Perhaps, the argument will always be there of the “Hard Road” versus the “Easy Road”

In the end

There is no “Hard Road” nor “Easy Road”… 

Each one of you must walk your own path… 

Everyone else is telling you of their own paths… 

Reminds me of the song “I Did It My Way”


All-That-Is and All-That-Is-Not… 

Is playing a game of hide and seek…

Source cannot see itself

Except through your senses


Cannot enjoy this day

This conversation

Without being more than One Thing… 

Yet, seeing through the game

Seeing through the ego construct

Can be pure bliss…

Also, sometimes, pure terror… 

As the ego is seen… 

Ego feels torn to shreds

Then the light, and dark, of




No Karma

Nothing can stick… 

All light shines through… 

Seeing clearly… 

This is offered… 






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