Sunday, April 21, 2013

Instant Enlightenment

Well, it is always instantaneous.

The problem is stringing those moments of clear seeing together. 

That takes practice. 

It is the initial experience I wish to first contemplate today.

As I have argued before, we enter it regularly without realizing we are there.  During deep dreamless sleep.  During visualizing moments of incredible beauty.  Within interactions with a guru.  Perhaps during orgasm. 

How do we get to these moments with enough consciousness to know we are within this state, but not so “aware” that this state of consciousness “runs away?” 

Sometimes described as using a metaphor of “Painting the cage around the bird before it flies away.” 

Yet, we are always already there. 

Our poor animal brain throws up a screen we can label as the “survival ego” to block our clear seeing. 

That first consciousness recognition of All-That-Is forms the initial “groove” in the brain.  A groove we can later make deeper, with mindful practice, and, therefore, easier to access. 

For initial experiences of Instant Enlightenment, I like these:

1-The pointing experiments of Douglas Harding. 

2-The Big Mind, Big Heart meditation by Zen Master D. Genpo Merzel. 

3-Many of us first had an experience of seeing clearly through the use of certain drugs, now labeled entheogens (LSD, psilocybin, MDMA, DMT, etc). 

That moment of clear seeing is the same no matter how you get to it.  What differs is how long it lasts.  Getting to it with the pointing experiment is the same as getting to it though 30 years of meditation.  However, the 30 years of meditation may be more likely to allow you to string those moments of being in clear seeing together, for longer periods of time.  Creating that deeper groove, and easier to access.  That jumps you up another level in evolution. 

I do worry a bit more about using the entheogens.  Particularly I worry about using them in anyone who might be psychologically unstable.  Sometimes you might not find that they are unstable until they try the entheogen. 

I do hope that we will continue to explore the entheogens within scientific investigations with good screening criteria for psychological stability.  And, if using these for help with psychological problems, then there will be excellent guides and backup psychological help available. 

There is also danger in sitting in meditation.  If you go to a retreat, you will find a questionnaire asking about your mental stability, if you are on any psych medications, or seeing someone for mental heath treatment.   You can “break-down” at a meditation retreat! 

Often you get stuck in a “mental loop.”  Seek guidance from one of the retreat leaders, don’t just try to work on it yourself.  That is why so many of the retreat leaders are psychologists! 

When you try to string those moments together, the survival ego is threatened.  This ego feels it is going to die.  So, “you,” the little you, thinks that you are going to die.  The ego doesn’t realize it will still be there, transcended, but included. 

There are risks within personal evolution.  But, the risks are more than worthwhile. 

Actually, I will argue there really is nothing more important in your life than the drive for evolution. 

Make sure you have trusted people you can talk with.  If needed, find a psychologist with expertise in meditation. 

The initial experience of All-That-Is sometimes can be easy to enter. 

Staying there is usually more difficult.  And you don’t want to stay deeply in there all the time.  But, perhaps, you want to “keep a toe dipped in.”

Gaining Wisdom from entering that state deeply.  Compassion is then using that Wisdom walking in the world.

That is where practice comes in.  Developing the concentration to stay with clear seeing.  I advocate mindfulness meditation.  But, there are many paths. 

When you transcend and include the “survival ego,” then you become the master of your self. 

You become Self.  You are always already Self. 

Dancing on the razor’s edge.  

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