Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What is Health? Part 2

Yesterday, I focused on growth exemplified by seeing more clearly.

Yet, the mind does not exist separately.  We are embodied.  All of the cytokines (immune communication molecules) generated in the body are active in the brain, all of the neurokines generated in the brain are active in the body. 

Conventional medicine divides us up into cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, endocrine, immune, and neurological systems.  The mistake is to believe that they are separate systems.  They are not. 
This is a whole brain-body, with a myriad of complex systems, some of which we are still just starting to understand. 

Further, this brain-body is embedded within social systems.  Even as a “monk on a mountain,” we are aware of “others” and influenced by them.   

I will further argue that at the deepest levels we are fully connected to All-That-Is, and connected to ALL-That-Is-Not. 

There is a concept in physics called quantum entanglement.  You take 2 electrons, atoms, or molecules and make them interact closely.  After that, you can separate them for miles, and what you do to one, is immediately reflected in the other.  This occurs faster than the speed of light, at least 10,000 times faster than the speed of light.  Likely instantaneous. 

My argument is that at the Big Bang, everything was one thing, a singularity.  When it expanded into Everything, this evolving Everything remained “entangled.” 

We get hints that this is true within deep meditation.  The empty-fullness, the light in the dark.  Unexplainable occurrences such as sensing from a distance and other “non-local phenomena” likely can be traced to some underlying level of deep connectivity.   We see things in quantum physics that hint that this is true.  We postulate further levels of connectivity though string theory. 

I am no quantum physicist.  And even quantum physicists and string theorists will tell you that, fundamentally, they do not understand how this all works. 

I am not advocating mindless worship of any of multiple versions of new age concepts such as “We are all One.” 

We don’t want to fall into a fundamentalist trap that says we really know what is going on. 

Keep the jaded eye.  Not jaded out of exhaustion.  Jaded with the healthy skepticism that arises when you know that this poor human animal is trying to understand things that are beyond its capacity to understand. 

I like to say we can only comprehend what is completely true, at a similar level to how an ant understands quantum physics. 

Question everything that someone tells you.  That includes whatever I tell you. 

This questioning does not preclude deeply feeling the connection between the mind and the body, between yourself and others, between All-That-Is. 
Dropping into the state of empty-fullness is healing in itself. 

Continue your practices whatever they may be.  We are Source playing out its game. 

Enjoy the ride.  

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