With apologies to Gabriel García Márquez, this blog entry has nothing directly to do with his book.
I started this blog in 2013, putting down my thoughts about how a life might unfold.
I listed links and suggestions for unfolding your own life.
I got a PhD in Microbiology and Immunology, before going to medical school, my PhD work was in a lab studying vaccines for TB. Subsequently I did research in basic immunology and the immune response to viral infection.
So, I know a little about what is going on out there.
I’ve been watching the Hopkin’s web site:
Reminds me of the zombie apocalypse movies…
Please follow the recommendations: Wash your hands, and Stay the F—k Home!
Yeah, you can get groceries and go to the doctor, play outside, but, stay 6 feet away from everyone you are not already sleeping/living with.
If you are sick, isolate yourself.
I’m still seeing patients in the clinic, many are very scared, as the majority are on immunosuppressive medications. I also have a lot of patients on hydroxychloroquine, which may be protective, who knows, good studies need to get done.
Maybe immunosuppressive meds might be protective…
My research was on how the immune response to a virus, in this specific animal model, is what kills.
Ok, now for the rant…
How can our government be so incompetent!
A president who denies anything important is going on…
Needs to be corrected by Tony Fauci, at least Tony has not been fired… yet…
No advanced push to social distance people, obtain testing kits, personal protective equipment, build ventilators as fast as possible…
What a mess…
People will die… Needlessly…
Ok, rant over…
What I am also seeing is love!
People supporting each other on social media.
Sharing websites for music, virtual museum tours, spreading the beauty…
People being gentle with each other in clinic… in the stores…
While we can…

One of my personal weaknesses has been financial worries…
Probably contributed to my going on the MD degree, after the PhD…
In addition to my constant need for more input!
I worry that I will never be able to retire, but, maybe, I am not meant to retire…
I’m 66, could die of COVID, suspect almost everyone will get infected, eventually. If I get very ill, I probably won’t get a vent!
I do practice most of what I suggest. Continuing my exercise, now in these stressful times I restarted daily meditation. When I wake to pee at 2-3 am, and worries keep me up, I put my tush on the cush!
The past few years I’ve often done a visualization at night, if I wake, or have difficulty getting to sleep. Can be in bed or sitting on my meditation cushion.
Starts with a standard Shamanic trip to the lower world. I enter through our firepit in the backyard. Usually an easy float downward to a beach. I walk to the water’s edge and meet my whale guide, shaped as a “small” sperm whale. He is a “Whale with No Name.”
We connect head to head, as a greeting. He then invites me to enter above his head under the skin into a cocoon. There I dissolve, like a caterpillar, only a few cells left, mostly molecular goop; sugars, amino acids, DNA…
Then I reassemble. As with psychedelics, perhaps leaving out parts that no longer serve. That dissolving and reassembly may be repeated.
I am then launched through the air into a clear lake, washing off. I put on a white linen robe hanging nearby and climb up to a stone cave-like healing room. There, the whale, now shrunk to human sized, performs a ritual cleansing sweeping my body downward from head to toe, repeatedly, removing what is not needed. Visualized as a grey or black substance, collected into a disc, purified in salt water and thrown into the Sun.
Then the whale sweeps down healing, cleansing, light. Light flows down from the top of my head, through my body. This light may be white, sometimes green, more rarely as a rainbow spectrum. Whatever is needed.
Then the whale sweeps down healing, cleansing, light. Light flows down from the top of my head, through my body. This light may be white, sometimes green, more rarely as a rainbow spectrum. Whatever is needed.
I then walk out of the cave into the sunlight. I then dissolve into the Earth. Becoming the entire Earth, from the iron core to the entire green slime of the surface, everything sentient and otherwise. There is consciousness, but no longer a small “s” self…
Then some part of this “consciousness” is shot up, though the firepit, through the middle world, into the upper world. Shooting through all levels without stopping. Then this consciousness explodes and becomes the entire Universe.
Being the Universe feels like an infinite arc, hanging over the Earth.
The Universe and the Earth are both 2 things and 1 thing at the same time.
If still awake, “I” then coalesce to become a sitting meditator. Sitting, gazing inside. Feeling the Oneness, of “Everything-that-is,” and “Everything-that-is-not.”
Then consciousness reappears. The ego snaps together. I am left with feelings of peacefulness. There is no fear of death or loss. The “self” is “seen through.” This small self is a construct. Constructed to be the sensing and feeling organ of Source.
I often fall asleep before this visualization is finished. What is interesting to me is that when I awaken, I remember exactly where I was when I fell asleep! I can then resume.
So, these are the thoughts that comes up for me in these pandemic times of COVID.
Perhaps, I just really wanted to use that title…
Stay safe out there!
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