Monday, August 12, 2019

Summoned for Jury Duty

Yes, this is going to be a rant! 

I was only summoned once previously. 

I was medical student, with a PhD degree. 

It was a malpractice case. 

When asked, I said I absolutely do not believe in malpractice awards. 

I was dismissed… 


My statement is truthful. 

I did not get to explain my reasoning… 

I believe that an individual that is injured needs to be made as whole as possible…

I believe that inadequate physicians, or other health care providers, need to get the education they are missing, be removed from practice, there can be economic consequences… 

However, these are 2 separate situations, they should not be connected…  Heretic! 

When I was in academia, on faculty for 25 years, our practice was able to get us out of any summons for jury duty. 

In my new job, in my new State, I am no longer so protected… 

So, I will show up… 
And I will bring every bit of my Heretical nature with me!

As soon as I received that letter of Jury Summons, I started making notes for this blog.

We have a deeply flawed legal system…

The system is biased against the poor, and is built to make money… 

However, gotta love synchrony… 

As I am making notes for this blog, I receive the latest issue of Explore…

In this issue, Steven Schwartz writes an eye opening article about our prison system, with the title, “The Gulag:  America’s Moral Cancer.”  You can read it here:

Some highlights:

1-The USA has 4.4% of the world’s population, and 22% of the incarcerated. 
2-There is an overwhelming racial bias.
3-Prisoners are “Little spigots out of which flow a stream of tax dollars.” 
4-They become indentured workers making $0.23-1.15/hour, and this wage rate is falling. 
5-Companies using this slavery include, Whole Foods, McDonald’s, Wal-Mart, Victoria’s Secret, Aramark, AT&T, BP. 
6-So, we, as taxpayers, are paying for this incarceration, while corporations are making money off of almost free labor. 
7-Solitary confinement is overused, many of those incarcerated were mentally ill to begin with, and now made further ill by this form of torture.  

On a more personal note, I recently had a patient in my clinic with previously well-controlled rheumatoid arthritis. 

They had some minor distant past charge, which was likely ignored, possibly due to a language problem. 

Was arrested and put in jail, where they refused to give the prescribed medications. 

Had a huge flare with swollen joints and tremendous pain. 
The authorities got scared, and they were finally released. 

Was in horrible condition by the time they were seen by me. 

I hope the high dose steroids and return of their medications will be enough.

If there is joint damage, that will not resolve. 

Then there are prison sentences for drug use, or prostitution… 

How incredibly stupid! 

In the former case, most are self-medicating, in the latter case they are trying to make a living, the best way they can… 

I believe that individuals that harm others need to be helped, if possible… 

If they cannot be helped, then society needs to be kept safe from them. 

I believe individuals who harm themselves need help…  not prison… 

Many have been abused, both the victims, and their perpetrators… 

As has been said before, “If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention.” 

You may argue that I should serve, as good citizen. 

Just as I vote in every election. 

I will show up, but, I cannot lie, I will retort to any questions, with both barrels… 

I doubt they will seat me… 

We shall see… 


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