Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Psychedelic Deficiency Syndrome (PDS)

Yes, you heard it first right here! 

The scourge of our lifetime…  

PDS can be:

1- A personal problem… 

2- A societal problem… 

Let me say up front, psychedelic experence is not for everyone… 

And recreational use of psychedelics can be a problem for some individuals:

But, the safety of psychedelic use, in the proper set and setting, is 100%,
And, can literally save your life… 

I’m not gonna get into the problems of the 60’s and 70’s that led to these lifesaving medications being placed into Schedule 1. 

I’m not even gonna get in to our current political climate… 

I am simply naming a new syndrome. 

So that, perhaps, the conversation can change. 

There are millions of individuals with depression, anxiety, chronic pain, PTSD, addiction disorders… 

Where one or more of these medications might save their lives… 

We are literally killing individuals by perpetuating this PDS… 
I see them every single day in my clinic. 

I’m sure you see them in your lives, in your coffee shops, and on the streets… 

Used correctly, these are not very fun medications,

they can send you to hell… 

But, when you come back from hell,

you will feel a whole lot better… 

Yes, you can get to the same place with meditation… 

But, that takes time

And effort

Many people don’t have the time…  think cancer… 

Many people don’t have the effort… 

Many people may not have the cognitive or emotional intelligence… 

That the long road might take… 

But, if they can glimpse the path,

they might develop what it takes… 

To get







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