It was a blessing that she died.
Dementia slowly robbed her of the ability to read, cook,
enjoy music, and garden.
Everything she enjoyed to do in life.
She entered a nursing home near us, and was miserable for
the first 2 months.
She really did not know where she was, but she knew she
didn’t want to be there.
The last 2 weeks were much better.
Her dementia progressed to where she was no longer aware
that she should be disgusted with her situation.
She started smiling again.
My mom had a great sense of humor.
She got the joke even before it was complete.
And she laughed very loudly.
I take after her in that way…
She was a remarkable individual.
Born in Poland. She
had a happy childhood, with plans to go to college.
Then World War 2 broke out when she was 16.
As Jews, her family was interred in the Warsaw ghetto.
She survived, but the rest of her family was killed in the
German Holocaust.
My mom had false papers documenting that she was a native
She worked with the Jewish underground resistance fighters
making Molotov cocktails out of gasoline and light bulbs.
She walked for miles with bleeding feet to deliver a
revolver in a graveyard at midnight.
She was eventually captured and sent to a German work camp
in Berlin.
She survived the work camp and after the liberation of
Berlin, walked across Europe to Belgium.
She then worked for 5 years in Belgium for the Polish
Consulate and met her husband to be.
They made plans to move to the United States. It took 5 years for them to get their
immigration papers.
The war did have its effects.
She was prone to severe depressions.
Several times requiring hospitalization.
Once requiring ECT.
Yet, I remember her as an energetic happy individual.
A voracious reader.
Politically aware. A killer
Scrabble player.
Listened to classical music all day.
Loved live music, stage shows, movies…
It was a privilege to help usher her out of this mortal
We witnessed the antics of the demented individuals in the
nursing home.
Visiting her seemed to be a new adventure every day.
Not without sadness.
Often felt like a warehouse for those who could no longer
take care of themselves.
But, they were all treated with kindness by the staff.
My wife and I often discussed about the nature of dementia
and the end of life.
And we discussed our own possible exit strategies for making
sure we did not end up in a nursing home.
We practiced energy medicine on my mom.
In my mom’s last days, when she was comatose, we helped her life
force exit back into Source.
How do we know we helped her life force exit?
You can’t prove that with science.
Because Source is outside of science.
Sometimes you have to surf the Truth.
Sometimes you have to get out of your own way.
Can these practices allow you to exit into Source just by
Perhaps you are just meditating until you die… of lack of water…
I like the idea of meditating in a cave until dead.
Do I have that capacity?
Who knows…
That is a work in progress…
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