Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Who Is Dragging This Corpse Around… and Why?

The first part of this title is a classic Hua Tou meditation question, also known as a Koan, meant to exhaust the mind into non-dual reality.

Other questions are:  Who am I?  What was my original face, before my mother and father were born? 

These contemplations can be fun, useful, and often painful. 

Fun, when they lead the mind into quietude, and peaceful or ecstatic feelings might arise. 

Useful, when the mind quiets, and anxiety fades away. 

Painful, when the contemplation forces the ego to drop away, and the ego resists, feeling it will die. 

I was using this contemplation in my meditation recently. 

I moved my mother into a nursing home and was watching her. 

Slowly shuffling with her rolling walker, unable to complete a full sentence in her dementia. 

She is now more like a corpse, than the vibrant, intelligent, woman she once was.  

Watching this living corpse is a great lesson. 

I too am a living corpse.  Perhaps just a little less obvious… 

Additionally, a death meditation can be useful, in a similar, but more active, contemplation. 

In meditation arose the question:  Why does dementia exist?

The scientific view may lead us to investigate the deterioration of the brain from multiple infarcts, Alzheimer’s, and other degenerative diseases.   

I was more interested in the philosophical question. 

Why does dementia exist is a similar question to:  Why are children born with severe mental defects?

This answer arose: 

“Until all the lessons that need to be learned are received.”   

Hmmm…  Interesting… 

I will leave the rest of this contemplation up to you… 


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

What Is Not… The Ever Unfolding Potential.

If you are willing, let us contemplate Wave and Particle.

Perhaps, incomplete metaphors. 

Matter as stardust. 

Perhaps, matter may be seen as “Particle.” 

Vibrating subatomic particles, forming atomic particles, molecules, cells, organs, and even humans. 

Mostly, empty space. 

But, “real.”

Real, as in you can’t put 2 particles in the same physical space… 

You get things such as car accidents… 

Spirit is All–That–Is, and All-That–Is Not… 

Perhaps, Spirit is “Wave.” 

Wave also contains Particle.
We are concerned today with All-That-Is-Not.   

Maybe we can consider All-That-Is-Not, as pure potential…

Our ever-unfolding present has potential. 

Matter may come into existence spontaneously. 

Perhaps, everything we can imagine, all the fiction written… 

Has potential of being… 

Coming into existence. 

Perhaps existing in parallel Universes. 

Tough stuff to contemplate with our tiny, limited, animal brains…

Sitting in silence.  

This is where Truth arises. 
Where we can transcend some part of our limitations. 

Where we can incorporate Truth into our bones. 

Perhaps, I have a bad habit of letting these strange contemplations arise during my meditations at 2 or 3 am. 

I hope you will join me in my bad habits. 

Not to believe everything I say. 

Practice your own contemplation of what is True. 

We each have this Potential. 

Getting closer to our Potential is not limited. 

Not limited, by age, or income, or anything… 

Our potential is Truly Unlimited… 

Our limitations are Fear… 

Fear that we are Unlimited…

Let go of your fears… 

Plunge into the Unknown… 

If you dare… 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Is There a Selfish Nature to Just Being Alive?

We must eat other living things, so we ourselves may live. 

Is this selfish?

Each of these living beings nurtured by the energy of the sun. 

Some directly, such as, plants. 

Others indirectly, such as animals that eat plants or other animals.

There are a few organisms that get energy from sources other than the sun, such as organisms near hot thermal vents deep beneath the ocean. 

Perhaps plants and other organisms may not feed upon other organisms. 

We must. 

We must take their life force and make it our own. 

Sounds dreadful. 

Can we ever be completely un-selfish? 

Even sitting and bathing in the light of pure awareness. 

In Bliss…  

No self…

Yet, our bodies fight the bacteria in our gut trying to get out and eat us. 

We digest the food from this morning, or last night. 

We digest the living, and formerly living, things we ingest. 

We digest the bacteria growing in our bellies. 
That is life. 

What it means to be alive. 

We must consume. 

No need for guilt. 

We can be mindful of what we consume. 


When self drops away…    

Our karma drops away. 

Who is home to have any karma?

When we are Self, we can appreciate the self.

Wave and Particle. 

The All, and the individual…

Honoring both… 

We move through life surfing this perfect path. 

We see that everyone is surfing their own perfect path. 

Perhaps some are just not awake to appreciate this gift. 

This gift of life. 

Is consumption with awareness, better than consumption without awareness?

No need for answers… 

The contemplation is enough. 

Bless the plants and animals that give up their lives, so we may live. 


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Does Every Movement Reflect Ego?

This question came up for me during a meditation.

I have argued that consciousness is All-That-Is and All-That is-Not. 

Yet, this is not something we can comprehend with our poor animal brains. 

What Is, and, Is Not… 

Sometimes described as the “clear open light of awareness.” 




Beyond the comprehension of this brain-body….

Any words trying to describe “What Is,” are like fingers pointing at the moon… 

Not the moon itself… 

Consciousness…  is the moon…  

Our brain-bodies as receivers, as receivers for consciousness, like a TV or radio... 

Our bodies move… 

Our brains move…  

Brains have electrical movements… 

Brains create new synapses…   

New patterns and connections… 

Any movement in this world, any body movement, any brain movement… 

Are these movements part of the Ego?   
That part that thinks it keeps us alive… 


But there are unconscious movements. 

Our bodies run freely. 

Thank goodness we don’t have to control our breath, our digestion, our metabolism… 

We would not survive… 

Sri Ramana Maharshi said what is true is only found in deep dreamless sleep. 

Perhaps this freely running machine becomes closest to pure consciousness, when it is purely free running. 

Maybe only part of the moving apparatus is Ego. 

Cognition, feelings, the stories we make up. 

Can we let go of the stories we make up? 

Can we surrender… 

Ask who is aware? 

Ask what is aware? 

Inquire deeply… 

If consciousness is All-That-Is and All-That is-Not. 

Then everything is consciousness… 

Even our Ego movements… 

Everything is Source… 

Is this brain body is a tiny slice of Source?

An eddy current in the stream, in the ocean, of Source. 

Or, is this seemingly tiny slice, this eddy current, can it also be, all of Source?

How can that be true? 

Mystery and Paradox!

Perhaps as a fractal or hologram… 
Perhaps, trying too hard to place this in a concept this poor animal brain-body can Grok! 

Let go of any concept… 

The entire cosmos reflected in our little fingernail… 

The entire Cosmos is our little fingernail… 

If you have not heard of the ox-herding pictures, look it up. 

My translation: 

Step 1 – Trying to be in pure awareness. 

Step 2 – Entering into pure awareness, intermittently, during quiet meditation, or any of several practices, perhaps falling into awareness, when not trying too hard. 

Step 3 – Entering pure awareness more often.

Step 4 - Entering pure awareness at will, or letting go of will…  Perhaps, then also keeping “a toe dipped in” pure awareness at all times. 

Step 5 – Being in pure awareness at “all times”… 

I have argued that as long as we are in these animal bodies, there cannot be 100% purity… 

Like Ivory Soap, maybe only 99.4%... 

But, what do I know! 

I can only feel the clear light of pure awareness rising up… 

Rising up when ”I” am no longer present… 

No enlightenment… 
Letting go of any stories of where or how this brain body exists… 

Bathing in the mystery… 

In paradox… 

Perhaps escaping the game… 

Even for a moment… 

That is the gift…