Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Story of Creation

Every religion needs a story to explain why everything is what it is...

Hold on to your seats! 

In the beginning there was a single point of everythingness. 

Then the whole sh-thole exploded into lots of other stuff.

After that, everything was quantum entangled with everything else. 

There are 11 dimensions of beingness. 

Usually, we can only experience 3 dimensions:  height, depth, and width. 

Plus a fourth, we call time. 

There is physical reality, with the above 4 dimensions. 

There is non-physical reality that includes the 4 dimensions above, and all the rest of the 11 dimensions.  

Everything is alive.  

As Jung said, rocks just breathe slower… 

The whales and the elephants have access to many more dimensions than do we. 

That is why they can act as lower beings. 

We can’t see above our own level of evolution. 

Our evolution from a primate ancestor was a bit of a joke, gone bad…    

Some interdimensional beings thought it would be cool to see what would happen if the primates evolved. 


Those fingers. 

Damn they can make a mess of the world. 

These “evolved” primates, thought they are the rulers of the world. 

The experiment continues. 

If we do not awaken sufficiently, there is a natural course of evolution. 

Failure to awaken will result in our extinction. 


As Kurt Vonnegut said, so it goes…. 

But don’t worry some toxin and radiation resistant creature will evolve “intelligence,” a place for Source to hide, and appreciate Itself… 

might do a better job than us… 

Yet, we have a chance to awaken to higher dimensions of being...    

Do you want to awaken? 

My wife and I will help you awaken for the measly sum of $100,000 for a one day long-session. 

For 1 million American dollars, we will spend 7 days with you, helping you to evolve. 

This 7-day program will be held in a very nice location. 

Hey, we are just trying to leave our day jobs… 

Sending you all fun, loving wishes for continued evolution…


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