Source hides…
Source seeks…
Two parts of the One Game.
Source hides so it can appreciate itself.
Source likes to have someone to converse with at
Source hid within you, so it can appreciate itself as the
Source loves to fall in love with Itself.
Source hides.
So, why are we all driven to seek?
We have our hobbies, our professions, our accumulations of
“stuff,” and our addictions…
Source also likes to find itself.
There I am!
So, if we see behind the hobbies, our professions, our
shopping, our addictions…
Perhaps we have glimpsed Source.
All-That-Is, and All-That-Is-Not.
Maybe someone alerted us to The Witness…
Maybe we read about this somewhere.
All you have to do is drop everything that gets in the way
of resting in The Witness.
So simple!
Yeah, right!
But, maybe we take up a practice.
Meditation, Yoga, Qi Gong…
Maybe we develop concentration. Change our diet. Stop alcohol…
Maybe we took an entheogen…
Maybe we sought psychological help to see through our
We caught a glimpse of The Truth…
We saw through The Game,
even for a moment…
We rested in the natural state of mind.
Why is it so hard to drop everything that gets in the way of
resting in this natural state of mind?
Source likes to hide.
Source likes to seek.
Source is The Witness.
Source is also the seeker.
Source is also the mind that gets in the way of seeing
Source is the ego that is fearful of dying.
When you see what you are.
You are Everything that is looking at Itself.
You are no longer “you.”
That is painful…
“you” feel you are dying…
This self you have constructed, this ego, doesn’t really
This ego will pop right back together.
This ego is the natural tendencies of this unique mind-body,
this unique embodiment of Source.
You can wear it as a comfortable overcoat.
But you will never be the same.
Once you have opened the door to perception…
You can never go back…
You have seen The Truth…
“you” saw through The Game…
It is the only game in town.
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