My wife and I trade healing energy work. She uses a variety of healing
modalities. Jin Shin Jitsu has been her
major focus. However, she knows Reiki,
acupressure, massage, Chinese medicine, and uses her intuition for whatever is
I mainly use a form of Pranic Healing, this is usually a
hands off the body form of chakra energy work.
I tend to use both hands on and off with my wife, as intimate contact is
not a barrier here.
A free online manual is here:

If you have a strong emotional response to anything, that is
very important information. There is a
Shadow at work.
Really, that is the subject today:
The Unconscious.
Been thinking about this lately.
Scott Hill wrote an interesting book: Confrontation with the Unconscious: Jungian
Depth Psychology and Psychedelic Experience.
I started musing about how so much of the healing that is
needed relates to a variety of types of unconscious information that may need
to be brought into conscious awareness.
We can use a variety of methods to access unconscious
information. Psychotherapy is usually
working with unconscious information.
Even cognitive-behavioral therapy is ultimately changing the way we
react to information around us, including unconscious information.

Just to get more heretical, I propose the following:
of Unconscious Information
1-Personal unconscious information. This can include prenatal, perinatal, peer,
parent, other authorities, and surgical unconscious information. Often thought of as traumatic and
negative. But, we will include here positive
unconscious information as well.
2-Instinctual or Archetypal unconscious information. Jung wrote of the Archetypes as the “instincts”
of humans, I agree with this possibility.
This is information from our genetics, from having a human brain
3-Collective Past and Future unconscious information. I feel it is important to parse this out
from Archetypes. I don’t have a traditional
belief in reincarnation. However, I
believe the Universe is more porous to time than traditional science contends
(Heretic!). I have personally
experienced, as have trusted others I know well, connections to past and future
There is even real science behind this proposal for the Collective Past
and Future unconscious information (Google: Lynne McTaggart and books and writings by Larry Dossey).
Number 1 above is concerned with the Personal Past
unconscious information. Keep in mind
there may be Personal Future unconscious information as well.
Additionally, there may be other nuances of unconscious
information. For instance, my wife
connects with ancestral energy from trauma that occurred to members of her
Japanese heritage. She also connects
with Native American energies.
Perhaps her connection to Japanese trauma might be considered
Personal Collective Past unconscious information. Further, perhaps her connection to Native
American unconscious information may be through unknown genetics, or through
her connection to the land we inhabit.
Unconscious information can have a negative influence on our
every day consciousness. But it can also
have a positive influence. Sometimes,
unconscious information is simply neutral.
We are most concerned when there is a negative effect. That is the Shadow.

If we fail to deal with that Shadow unconscious information,
there is a reinforcing cyclical effect.
The Shadow gets stronger and stronger.
It will rise up and hit you upside your head with a 2x4 piece of lumber.
Often the initial emotional distress will morph into body
distress, somatic symptoms such as headaches, abdominal upset, or a variety of pains
located strategically in the body. (My
wife commented that I should change “often” to “always, after enough time.”)
Sometimes it will become heart disease or cancer (Medical
That is not to say all heart disease and cancer are due to
the unconscious Shadow.
Even such enlightened individuals such as Sri Ramana
Maharshi died of cancer.
We do need to keep in mind the multiple causes of
disease. Environmental pollution is a
very important concern that we can change as a society, if we wake up
sufficiently. We have somewhat less control
over the genes with which we are born.
So what about this title?
“The Trauma of the Ages is Healed by the Laughter of Babies.”
My wife has a strong connection to Past Collective traumas,
“The Traumas of the Ages.” I felt the
intuition to work with her on the heart chakra level.
There is nothing like the laughter of babies, you cannot help but laugh
along with them.
That is part of our healing.
Learning to drop all those worries of everyday life. Learning to deal with the Shadow. Creating that groove in our
In deepest mediation when everything drops away, a gentle
smile may appear, or loud laughter may arise.
This is also “the laughter of babies,” you have transcended and included
your lower levels into a higher “innocence.”
There are a variety of ways of bringing the varieties of
unconscious information to present everyday conscious awareness including meditation,
psychotherapy, entheogens, and energy work.
More information here:
Enlightenment as a verb, doing right action.
So, get going!
It is never too early.
It is never too late…