One our group that has been away for several years, and only
comes back once or twice a year.

So, of course, we were talking about food.
It came up how
geology and climate can direct how we act and what we eat.
Rene Dubois noted that geology and climate often directs
what kind of political system we will have.
For example, it seems like Russia will always have a Czar.
Then I was thinking about how studying the Native American
diets could give us an important example of the original interaction between
the environment here in the US and possible diets.
Then I was thinking how the Native Americans were often
Now we are no longer nomads.
What came up for me is that instead of being nomads, we have
made our foods nomadic.
Our food now often travels great distances to get to
Instead of us traveling to our food!
Yes, this not so good for our carbon footprint.
But, perhaps, this is what our country needs to do in order
to live fully in this huge country with its many different geologies and

Still I find it interesting that we might see our food in a
slightly different light.
Nomadic foods.
Something to think about.
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