Friday, October 25, 2013

Awareness of Source Gathers Chi

Another bicycle ride.

I sometimes wonder why thoughts regarding “All That Is” arise during my rides.  Must be similar to any form of meditation. 

I was earlier today looking at the program for an integrative medicine conference I’m going to with my wife next week. 

The titles of the talks seemed so boring! 

I mentioned this to my wife, as she was perusing the program.  Her comment was “these are so 1980’s.”  

What was missing is the consideration of non-local connectivity. 

Era 3 medicine according to Dr. Larry Dossey. 

At most it looked like Era 2 medicine, connecting brain and body. 

We could be wrong.  There might be Era 3 medicine discussion at the conference.  Could be our judging minds at work! 

Nonetheless, during my ride I was mulling over the talks and posters listed.  I was thinking how even within integrative medicine we fall into using the modalities with which we are comfortable; acupuncture, supplements, herbals, tai chi, yoga, meditation, and so forth. 

We tend to forget that we are each embodiments of Source.  When we are in the room with what we label “an other,” there is only Source in the room.  When we realize this, intuition of what is best to do next arises.  Healing occurs. 

This above title came to me. 

We can meditate, do yoga, breath work, swallow entheogens, so as to try to more fully connect to Source. 

But, all we really need is to Awaken. 

To realize we are always already fully connected to Source. 

This alone gathers Chi, Prana, whatever term you want to use for this healing Life Force. 

There is nothing wrong with using these varied modalities. 

What is important is to realize they are merely ways of focusing attention. 

Ways of being more fully present. 

Being more fully the pure embodiment of Source. 

So, use your massage, supplements, acupuncture, Reiki, healing touch, Jin Shin Jitsu, etc. 

But understand deeply that healing occurs due to more complex considerations than we can understand. 

And, that life and healing unfolds exactly as it will. 

Awaken Now! 

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