Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Woke at 3:15 AM

Decided to sit

Strong visualization arose

I am soft clay

Slowly, slowly

Layers of clay are removed





Monday, April 29, 2013

Peeking at Peaks


Of All-That-Is

Makes us




Is this Grace from


That allows us to See

Is this work from


That allows us to See

Is there really an Ouside or Inside

Or is there simply



Playing its game

Our poor animal minds

Trying to discern

That Grand Design

Trying to discern

The rules

The correct path


After years of



Of this

And that

We give it all up

And by dropping

Our search

The veil lifts





Sunday, April 28, 2013

Metta, Blessing the Patient, Presence and Intuition

My wife and I were on a very relaxed bicycling trail ride yesterday.  She related to me that recently after giving an energy or massage session, she holds the client’s head with her fingers over the third eye and intones:  

“May you be safe;  May you be healthy;  May you be happy;  May you live with ease.” 

I usually use Metta either as a meditation practice or in some situation where I don’t know what else to offer.  But, I had always practiced Metta in silence. 

What my wife was doing was blessing the patient at the end of the session. 


What came up for me is as a physician is that perhaps we need to do this after every clinical session, with every patient   How would that change our practice of medicine! 

I would probably get complaints from both my fundamentalist, and my atheist, patients. 

I have prayed with patients on a few occasions, when they have asked me to pray with them, always, within a Christian paradigm. 

Good practice for a child of Jewish Holocaust survivors! 
Larry Dossey is a physician who writes about the use of nondenominational prayer in medicine.  He describes:
Era 1 medicine as mechanical medicine, dealing only with the body.    
Era 2 medicine connected the body and the mind. 
Era 3 medicine is where we realize that consciousness is not confined to the mind-body, where we realize that consciousness is “non-local.” 
(Yay, another heretic MD!). 

But how could we change the practice of medicine if we taught use of nondenominational prayer, along with presence and intuition, as part of medical school education?  Many of us do this.  But it is usually taught “on the side,” to select groups of students, under the right circumstances. 

We are moving in this direction.  I am not sure when we will get to Era 3 medicine as central to our teachings in allopathic medicine. 

I will again send a plea to the non-local universe for adopting Ken Wilber’s Integral Model as the basic map for medical school education. 

We will get to Era 3 medicine.  I have no doubt. 

Just seems to be taking a bit too long for my liking. 

Guess it is time to go meditate on:  

            Accepting this world just as it is. 

            Realizing it will change.  

            And, being fully present, will influence that change. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Who Becomes a Seeker?

Who becomes dissatisfied with the world

Just as it appears to most

Why find a path

That leads to the pain

Of transcending the ego

Who takes the study

Asking Who Am I?

The path of science

The path of humor

The path of worshiping the Guru

Why do you want to do this?

When you could be out there

Happy in your ignorance

Making money

Having sex

Well you don’t have to give up money or sex

But your relationship to money and sex will change

Seekers require Truth

Seekers need to bathe in Truth

Doesn’t mean you can’t be bathed in science at the same time

But Truth encompasses everything

Including science

Nothing is excluded from Truth




Friday, April 26, 2013


How do we learn

The new?

Is the information

Really already there?

We can memorize facts

We can organize facts into


Organized facts

Are easier to remember


Is there a

Deeper knowledge?

Beyond facts

Beyond concepts

Resting within

This being

Resting within


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Seeing Perfection

Once you have seen


The continued work is seeing Perfection

Ever more clearly

Perhaps, creating additional

“Fingers pointing at the moon”

To help others:

          1-See Perfection for the first time.

                    2-See Perfection ever more clearly.

                              3-See Perfection ever more continuously. 

Drop the Inner Critic

          “Who are you to think you can see Perfection?”

          “Who are you to think you can teach seeing Perfection?”

Please avoid creating another religion

Avoid creating other –isms

By following the three commandments in strict order: 

          1-There is only one Source. 

                    2-Love everything. 

                              3-Enjoy yourself.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The End of this Blog?

OK.  So I gave you the “Final Secret” yesterday.  Don't hurt yourself with it! 

Maybe, it is time to hang up my Blog? 


I just feel the need to keep on writing.  There is always something more to say.  Poetry to be written.  Photography to hand out to the Universe.  Rants to go off on! 

Most importantly to remember, no one is completely Enlightened.  This is a process that continues to unfold.  If you think that you are done, you are fooling yourself.  That is your ego getting in the way. 

I am not done writing until each and every one of you is Enlightened! 

So, I will never be done.  I feel humble before it All. 

And there is no “I,” anyway. 

(Oh, stop talking in Paradoxes!  And, how many of you are in there anyway?) 

Really, if there is any topic of particular of interest to you, shoot me an email or make a comment. 

Too bad we have to use words, this is a very poor method of communicating Truth. 

“Fingers pointing at the moon.” 

Oh well, this is the best I can do under these circumstances. 

Be-ing human, Do-ing human. 

So I will continue to Blog.

Maybe we will visit together some day.  Then we can practice resonance together. 

It will be fun!  

Until then, thanks for coming along for the ride.