Friday, December 13, 2013

Feeling Source, Feeling Responsible

My wife and I fell into a discussion this morning about feeling responsible in the world.

What came up for me was that if you touch Source, you might realize that you are all of Source.  Then, as Source, you might feel responsible for everything that might be considered wrong in the world. 

However, when you put back on your comfortable overcoat of ego, you might make the mistake of thinking you, as a perceived “individual,” are still responsible for all the wrongs in the world. 

The truth is that you are fully responsible, but only when you are all of Source. 

When you put back on your overcoat of ego, you then have a choice of how to act. 

How will you choose to act, in order to co-create with Source?

One mistake we can make is to feel that we must right a perceived wrong, but we might be using idiot compassion.  For instance, we become fundamentalist about babies dying during an abortion, so we blow up a clinic, and end up killing adults. 

Or perhaps we blow up a bus or a building full of innocent people, to make a political statement regarding the wrongs that have been done. 

So, how do we avoid these mistakes? 

Again, consider the 3 Commandments, in strict order: 

1-There is only One Source.

            2-Love Everything.

                        3-Enjoy yourself. 

Why do we fail to put our actions in proper order?  

I feel this mistake comes from thinking we know what is the best correct action. 

Perhaps we don’t always. 

Before performing any action.  Give it the test of the Three Commandments. 

Respecting that there is only One Source, G-d, “All-that-Is,” is easy. 

Love Everything is where we often make our errors. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Call to Sit

Awakening at 4:30 am.

Bright stars in the dark sky, piercing through the tree limbs. 

Smiling at Orion and his belt. 

Settling in with 3 deep breaths. 

Mind wanders. 

Internet order of a ukulele.  Very exciting new project.  Should arrive today. 

But, all thoughts can be dropped, right now. 

The invitation is to be, not to do. 

This is the Gift. 

Empty Fullness arises. 

Darkest dark.  Brightest light.  Paradox. 

Comes and goes. 
Time slips away. 

Then time arises. 

My iPhone flashes 5:30 am. 

Time to write this. 

Thankful for the Gift of the Call to Sit. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Awareness of Source Gathers Chi

Another bicycle ride.

I sometimes wonder why thoughts regarding “All That Is” arise during my rides.  Must be similar to any form of meditation. 

I was earlier today looking at the program for an integrative medicine conference I’m going to with my wife next week. 

The titles of the talks seemed so boring! 

I mentioned this to my wife, as she was perusing the program.  Her comment was “these are so 1980’s.”  

What was missing is the consideration of non-local connectivity. 

Era 3 medicine according to Dr. Larry Dossey. 

At most it looked like Era 2 medicine, connecting brain and body. 

We could be wrong.  There might be Era 3 medicine discussion at the conference.  Could be our judging minds at work! 

Nonetheless, during my ride I was mulling over the talks and posters listed.  I was thinking how even within integrative medicine we fall into using the modalities with which we are comfortable; acupuncture, supplements, herbals, tai chi, yoga, meditation, and so forth. 

We tend to forget that we are each embodiments of Source.  When we are in the room with what we label “an other,” there is only Source in the room.  When we realize this, intuition of what is best to do next arises.  Healing occurs. 

This above title came to me. 

We can meditate, do yoga, breath work, swallow entheogens, so as to try to more fully connect to Source. 

But, all we really need is to Awaken. 

To realize we are always already fully connected to Source. 

This alone gathers Chi, Prana, whatever term you want to use for this healing Life Force. 

There is nothing wrong with using these varied modalities. 

What is important is to realize they are merely ways of focusing attention. 

Ways of being more fully present. 

Being more fully the pure embodiment of Source. 

So, use your massage, supplements, acupuncture, Reiki, healing touch, Jin Shin Jitsu, etc. 

But understand deeply that healing occurs due to more complex considerations than we can understand. 

And, that life and healing unfolds exactly as it will. 

Awaken Now! 

Monday, October 21, 2013

The See Saw of Enlightenment and Ego

I’m not sure this metaphor is entirely correct.

I was on a bike ride and thinking about how we keep a toe dipped in Enlightenment while performing the acts of everyday life. 

And, perhaps even in deepest meditation we keep a toe dipped in Ego, simply because we are still human. 

A visualization of these states came to me as a see saw, with a rock stuck under each end when down, so that the see saw would never be completely down. 

When one side of the see saw is almost all the way down, that rock represents the small distance that remains when we are almost all the way entering purely into Source, when we as the see saw are deep into Source, but a bit of being human remains. 

When the see saw is the other way down, that rock represents that we are never totally immersed in the Ego, we still have our connection to Source. 

So, I then went to take a picture of a see saw, since most of these photos I take using my phone or another of several cameras. 

Much to my surprise at each of the 2 playgrounds I passed on my ride had no see saw! 

I then looked this up using Google, and found most see saws have been removed because of risks of lawsuits! 

How sad. 

Yes, I think we can try to be too safe. 
I also noted there are no monkey bars anymore as well.  I guess that will save a few front teeth from getting knocked out. 

This see saw metaphor is not quite correct.  Nonetheless, I found it a useful visualization. 

And, I learned a little more about our crazy society. 

So, join me as we see saw between deepest connections to Source, where we always already are. 

And, the times we feel we need to don the comfortable coat of Ego to walk effectively in the world. 


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Are You a Survivalist?

Once again I was caught reading some strange stuff.  My wife and I were traveling to CA for a wedding and to visit the grandchild.  On the plane I pulled out Survivalist magazine.  My wife asks me, “you’re not going to turn into a survivalist?”

I laugh and say, “I’ve always been a survivalist!” 

My father escaped from 2 concentration camps and was liberated from “The Train” during the fall of Nazi Germany. My mother worked for the Jewish resistance.  I have survivalism in my genes!  I have first aid kits, bug-out bags packed, all sorts of survival equipment packed away.  I’ve read for years about both urban and back-country survival.  I train physically to be fit and to use a variety of weapons. 

What she really was asking, “are you going to regress to a lower level of consciousness?”  Are you going to become a Tea-Party type?  Perhaps not really worried, but this interaction led us into an interesting conversation. 
What can happen to us that might drop us down to a lower level? 

Maslow proposed a “hierarchy of needs,” beginning with needs for food and shelter, then safety and security, friendship and intimacy, respect and self-esteem, and finally the highest need is for “self-actualization. 

What happens when your very existence is threatened? 

Well this can occur when rising up to the next level of consciousness, where the ego feels as if it is dying. 

There is an interesting story about a Buddhist monk who had a heart attack and ended up in the intensive care unit.  He was in terrible pain, and wrote about losing connection to Source.  Only after it was all over he was able to reconnect.

So, regression to a lower level can occur with disease of the brain or body.  If we have Alzheimer’s or another dementia, can we still be connected to Source, so that we continue to practice right action? 

A diagnosis of cancer or other disease can undo our sense of self, and drive us to a lower level of consciousness.  On the other hand, contemplation of our own mortality can raise us up to higher level as well! 

Often the aged will let go of all the stuff they obsessed about when younger, perhaps money or status.   When they truly understand what is most important in life, and then letting go of “shoulds,” they rise up to a lovely new higher level of being. 

Stress beyond our ability to cope can drop us down to a lower level.   Other severe stressors can be related fear of loss, where we feel threatened or our loved ones are threatened, isolation, relationship loss and grief, or even just feeling that you have no clear purpose in life.

A survivalist mentality can be connected to living in a low-level community or to living as a hermit.

Yet, truly enlightened individuals may choose to live in a closed monk-like community, or to live a hermit’s existence. 

So, what protects us from regression to a lower level of being?

My father showed an interesting behavior while in a concentration camp.  Everyone was starving and there was only a small amount of bread that they had to divide amongst themselves.  My father decided to build a scale from scraps of wood and string.  Then each piece of bread could be weighed, so that everyone could be a assured of being treated equally.  A small boy in the camp observed this action.  Later, as an adult, he painted a picture depicting this episode.  

Why would my father do this?  Obviously he was a survivor, he could have found a way to cheat and steal from his fellow camp members, and he did steal from the Germans to survive. 

Maintaining a sense of morality maintains sanity.  Within compassion you automatically help others.  To do this you must let go of some level of ego.  Giving of yourself, so as help others live better and more fully.  These are the acts of living at a higher level.  This makes living worthwhile!

Right action is the key. 

So, be a survivalist!  Be prepared for many possible eventualities. 

Train with weapons, be a sheepdog. 

A sheepdog might look like a wolf, to the sheep, but you know you have a different mindset. 

The mindset is that you are there to help your neighbors, to share with others in what ever way you deem to be right action. 

A higher level of being can be defined as the larger group of people you consider to be part of your “family.”

We can play the role of “fitting in.”  But, realize it is only a role you are playing. 

You are the bright shining embodiment of Source. 

Embrace this embodiment and enjoy to the fullest!