Monday, July 18, 2022

The Three Levels of Psychedelic Experience

Those who have read my past Bloggins’ know I love threes…  

Masters and Houston, in their book “The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience” (p.110) outline these 3 levels. 

Level 1 – Is the “Sensory Realm” where images appear, often geometric and colorful, there may be sensory distortions of time and of any of the senses, including synesthesia’s.  These also fall into so called dissociative experiences, at least as measured by the CADSS.

Level 2 – Is the “Recollective – Analytical Stage” where unconscious information may arise up into conscious information.  They write that this stage can also be a place where people can also get into “mind loops.”  And, more positively, can sometimes see their life as a myth or legend.  This is the stage where I believe psychedelics act as “Integratives” (see link above).  

Level 3 – Is the “Integral Level” where people may have a feeling of “Oneness with the Universe,” where they may have a feeling of “Total Understanding.”  They also write that this level may be more likely with preparation such as meditation or yoga practices.  This is what then Mystical Experience Questionnaire attempts to identify.  

They also write (p 141) that perhaps the “Recollective – Analytical Stage” is where “Instant Psychotherapy” may occur, where long standing neuroses seem to resolve spontaneously.  

What is interesting is that in meditation all three of these levels may occur.  The flashes of color may not be a vivid or a geometric, but they do occur.  The “Recollective – Analytical Stage” is a very important part of how meditation can be helpful.  And the “Integral Level” is often what people try to achieve in meditation, and, interestingly, "trying to achieve" this feeling of oneness, just chases it away.  

These 3 levels seem to be most associated with the classical psychedelics, mescaline, psilocybin, LSD, DMT.  Each of these psychedelics can have perhaps a different flavor of experience in general, and can also vary for each individual, and can vary for each session.  Always keeping in mind proper Set and Setting.  

Ketamine is interesting in that it tends to be less colorful, and there may be a feeling of descending into the so called “K Hole.”  

MDMA, is not a psychedelic, often labeled and empathogen, often prominently allowing unconscious information to arise, perhaps more “Recollective – Analytical Stage,” less experiences of Levels 1 and 3.  

So, what are the purposes of these levels?  

Level 3, the so-called Mystical Experience, seems to be highly correlated with “good outcomes.”  Particularly, lessening of depression and anxiety.  

Level 2, where unconscious information may arise up into conscious information, seems to be central to the healing process as well.  

But, what is the importance of Level 1?  Is it simply a stage that shows us that the mind is unwiring, and/or rewiring?  

Is it just telling us that “We are not in Kansas anymore?”

We really do need to further explore these levels, there are a lot of PhD theses that need to get written!  

I am hoping that we can get psychedelic therapy legalized, sooner rather than later, there is such need for these therapies.  

These are not for everyone, but there is much suffering that could be relieved…  


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