Let me be a little revealing about my health…
My number one problem is osteoarthritis, as a rheumatologist, I have read the literature.
In general, the only non-surgical treatment is keeping muscles strong around your joints!
Otherwise, there is no clear proven treatment for osteoarthritis.
You can get some pain relief from NSAIDS such as ibuprofen or naproxen, if your stomach can tolerate it, and even better combined with acetaminophen.
I usually recommend over the counter ibuprofen 200 mg along with 500 mg immediate release acetaminophen, every 4 hours, up to 6 times daily.
Or, you could try over the counter naproxen 220 mg twice daily along with acetaminophen extended relase 650-1300 mg twice daily.
Make sure your liver, kidneys, stomach, can tolerate these doses (check with your primary care provider!).
I try to avoid long term use of NSAIDS and acetaminophen, lots of possible risks to liver and kidneys, with both, and to your cardiovascular system with NSAIDS.
Sometimes a steroid injection can help. But steroids tend to destroy joints when used too often.
We try to avoid opiods, since you just need more and more to control pain, highly addictive.
Sometimes we use chronic pain meds such as gabapentin and cymbalta, at least they are non-addictive.
My osteoarthrtis tends to be inflammatory, I’ll get a joint that even turns red, then calms down with a nice bony osteophyte to show for that episode.
I am also into CAM, also known as Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Acupunture has helped me at times.
One highly skilled naturopath-acupuncturist recommeded InflamAway, it is by prescription only, a very expensive supplement, being an MD I can get it wholesale. Even then it is relatively expensive…
Do I need all these supplements?
Or, am I just making very expensive urine?
Good question…
I am not sure…
I do feel that my inflammatory osteoarthritis has been quieter on these supplements, but as an N=1 experiment, and not a placebo controlled trial, it is always hard to tell what is true.
My second problem is intermittant low back pain.
I have some slight daily achiness at my right sacroiliac joint area, but not worse at night.
Started when my kid was about 1-year old and I slipped down the carpeted stairs, holding tightly on to the 1-year old to protect him.
Years later I was lifting a really cool large round rock for the garden and had pain in that same area. Probably a bit too heavy a rock, and was very awkward to carry.
I have a history of scoliosis, actually wore a Milwaukee brace through middle school. Not clearly related to my back pain.
The back pain is probably related to my underlying propensity toward osteoarthritis.
My mom had osteoarthritis of the hands, also had back surgery for disc disease. She had a hip replacement at age 90!
I have had episodes where I could move only with severe pain due to pain in that right sacroiliac area. Never missed work. Did sometimes roll around the exam room on a stool!
The most important thing that keeps my back pain from flaring is daily exercise. Rolling on a foam roller helps as well.
In addition to my morning routine, I try to do 1-2 hours of aerobic exercise every other day. Biking outside if weather permits, or on the ellipitical trainer indoors. Occasionally, I’ll fit in a weight training day, hope to do that more as I age.
If I get really severe back pain, I’ll use acetaminophen for a couple of days, happens perhaps once every 2 years, more often if I let go of daily exercise. Even more rarely needing NSAID therapy added to the acetaminophen. Maybe once in 4 years.
I feel very lucky to have very few medical problems.
I am very nearsighted, have avoided Lasik, due to fears of complications. Wearing glasses since 3rd grade!
I am on no prescription medications.
Product Daily dosage Brand Name Reason
Mature Multi Vitamin 1 daily Kirkland/Costco General supplement
Ginkgo Biloba 120 mg Puritan’s Pride Heart and blood health
Glucosamine 500 mg Puritan’s Pride Joint health
MSM 1000mg x2 Puritan’s Pride Joint health
C-500 timed release 500 mg x2 Puritan’s Pride Antioxidant immune support
Vit E mixed tocopherals 400 IU Puritan’s Pride Antioxidant
Pe Min Kan Wan 2/day Plum Flower Allergies
Vit D3 1000 IU Whole Foods Bone health
Fish Oil 1200mg each x4 Puritan’s Pride Cardiovascular health
Calcium w/D 600 mg Ca/400D Kirkland/Costco Bone Health
Co Q10 100 mg Puritan’s Pride Heart health
B-Complex 50 Whole Foods Vitamin
Triple Ginsing 1 cap Whole foods Antioxidant
Bilberry 60 mg Puritan’s Pride Eye health, antioxidant
Rhodiola extract 120 mg Gaia Antioxidant
5-HTP 100 mg ER Natrol Mood
Tumeric 800 mg Puritan’s Pride Antioxident
InflamAway 3 capsules Natura Joint health
It looks like a long list of supplements to me too…
I have not had a primary doc until this year.
I had that episode of surgery for hydrocoele last year, first surgery ever.
So, also got a primary care doc. Probably a good idea at age 67…
She is trained in internal medicine, and is a former faculty member, also is trained in CAM throught Dr Weil’s fellowship program. Very glad to have her as my doc!
She did not balk at my supplement list, actually recommended I take an additional Vit C daily for my occasional allergies.
This blog has mostly been about my personal unfolding as to emotional and spiritual growth.
As well as an occasional rant!
I am adding this information on my personal health and supplements to fill out the connection between Body, Mind, and Spirit…
Perhaps helpful… Perhaps not…
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