Friday, October 30, 2020

Thank You All! (and a musing…)

I had a good first few days, a little tired, did a lot of napping.  

Not much swelling, minimal pain, no narcotics.  

Did what I advise my patients, took acetaminophen 500 mg with ibuprofen 200 mg every 4 hours…  

Research says this can work as well as narcotics…  

I did take the week off from going in to see patients in the clinic, not back in till Monday afternoon.  

Only took the day of surgery off the computer…  

Easier to keep up with lab, x-ray results and prescription refills, if you check daily!

So, thanks to you all for your beautiful healing energy, past, present, and future…  

Please keep it going, figure about 6 weeks until most healing is complete…


So, a musing…  

I’ve been reading “Braiding Sweetgrass”

Each chapter seems to be a separate thought, with some elements of a flow, I’m resonating with some chapters more than others…  

One chapter in particular piqued my interest, Allegiance to Gratitude, page 105.  

Discusses a Native American alternative to “The Pledge of Allegiance”

As an aside, in reference to my lifelong interest in monsters, I as a child learning “The Pledge” in school, I had asked my mom in likely great interest, “where do the 4 witches stand?”  

I have experienced ceremony honoring the 4 directions…

This is more comprehensive called the “Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address”

What struck me the most is the refrain between each acknowledgement “Now our minds are one.”   

To me this felt as a deep resonance with Eastern philosophy, One Mind, No Mind…  

Additionally, what came up for me was related to René Dubos’ book “So Human an Animal: How We are Shaped by Surroundings and Events”

For example, the geography that is “Russia,” will always tend to have a “Czar.”

Perhaps these, currently not so, “United States,” will always be a nation of tribes.  

Perhaps influenced by our geography, but also by our genetics…

Many of us resonate with Native American practices, honoring the land, our food…  

I agree the land we live upon, the actual geography, influences who we are, how we grow, how we resonate with everything with which we interact…  

I have written about the powerful interaction of science and mysticism…  

How science exists as a piece of a larger less definable whole…

Yet, how science is so important, the scientific method of uncovering of these relative truths, how this information can enable us to live longer, fuller, more healthy lives…  

Then, how also letting go of science, engaging in personal self-growth practices, such as meditation, in part growing out of Eastern philosophy, can lead to a rich full life, honoring the Mystery…  

So, to Science, and Eastern Philosophy, I would like to add a 3rd leg of a stool, perhaps a 3rd pillar to my practice, that of Native American gratitude practice.    

That is not to denigrate Western meditation and prayer practices, nor Western and Eastern gratitude practices, all are welcome…  

I see this as in service of deepening our connection to this land, in service of honoring the Native Americans who first were here, and not to perform any cultural misappropriation…    

Each of you must walk your own path…  

I honor each one of you, as to whatever path you are drawn, and to whatever practices your being resonates…  

Walk on…  


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