So how does the reader know who is right, you or Neale?
They can’t know what is the truth by reading any books. They must look inside themselves for the truth. Remember the truth cannot be known using words.
What about Neale’s 10 commandments?
I loved them. The best part of his book. A great start for any path. He really relates the concept of material goods and attachment to them in poetic terms. However, I don’t think he simplifies them enough.
Oh, so now you are going to rewrite the 10 commandments?
No. I’ll just summarize them.
1-There is only one Source.
2-Love everything.
3-Enjoy yourself.
Wait. I get “there is only one source,” and maybe “love everything.” But, what is this “Enjoy yourself” business?
Yes, “there is only one Source” is the easy part, most would agree on that. “Love everything” is putting a positive spin on the injunction not to harm anything. If you love everything, you have to honor your mother and father, not commit adultery, not covet your neighbors spouse or Porsche, not kill people and so on. That why “love everything” comes before “enjoy yourself.” I agree with Neale, that all your actions must come from putting love first.
So, you have to love everything more than yourself.
No. You must love yourself first, you must fill your self with unselfish love. Let that love overflow. Then you can love everything. Then take pleasure in this physical world, make money, buy toys, have sex. But, don’t get attached to that stuff. If you desire all that material stuff too much, if you put that first, you lose the true pleasure, because you loose number one and number two.
So now we get to talk about sex?
Sure, just to make sure I get deeper in trouble, let’s start with masturbation. You know “Mas-tur-ba-tion...can be fun, join the holy orgy...Kama Sutra...everyone.”
“Hair.” A great play. You are dating yourself. Oh, that reminds me, I like this joke: Why do dogs lick their genitals?
Because they can! So, do you get hair on your palms from masturbation?
No, at least my palms never grew hair. Also, I won’t ask you how you know lines from 1960’s theater. Let me be even more blasphemous and tell you a truth I felt during meditation.
OK, tell me that really big truth.
The physical world is simply the masturbation of the Source. In other words, the physical world is simply Source playing with Itself.
You call that a big truth? Are you one of those perverts who call pornography, “art?”
There is nothing wrong with masturbation, or many forms of pornography or sex. You simply must observe “Love everything.” Then you don’t cause harm to others. Child pornography, exploitation of those that cannot choose, is not acceptable. Child pornography hurts children.
What about love and sex? Do you have to love someone to have sex?
Of course you don’t have to love someone to have sex. On the other hand, there is such incredible pleasure in having sex with someone you love. Sex can get better with time. If you are part of a couple who spends time with each other, growing with each other, feeling the recognition of Source with each other, watch out, sex can be explosive!
What if you don’t love someone?
Well, sex can still be fun. But, sex with someone you do not love can not be as deep and fulfilling as sex with someone you love. As an important aside, I like to think about “love” as an action. A “right action,” aligned with Source. You love someone by doing things for them. Help them deal with everyday life. Support them emotionally. Give your time to them. Love is not just those butterflies you feel in your stomach. The emotion can be fun, but the action of love is what counts.
What about getting kinky with sex?
It’s always the same answer. First ask yourself if you are hurting yourself or your partner? If the answer is that no one is getting hurt, and both are interested, then have fun, experiment. I could also add that you may want to leave some things as a fantasy. Remember, if you achieve your fantasy, you “up the ante,” you may then need another fantasy. That can snowball into an addiction to novel sex. Kinky stuff is fine. Addictions are harmful.
What no illustrations?
Sorry, I’ll leave that to others. There are some great books out there if you are interested. Sex also has been used a path to transcendence. The power of the orgasm, can shake the foundation of your concept of reality. You can use that power as a path.
OK. I’ll require an example.
This needs to be set up before you start having sex. You can use visualization, or writing, or drawing. One partner is designated as the guide. The other partner will be the traveler and will use visualization, or writing, or drawing to connect with Source just after orgasm. Have the materials ready. Have sex. For visualization, the guide leads the partner into a sacred place in their mind. A meadow, a beach, a forest. The guide listens and asks questions. What do you see? What form do you take; human, animal, something else? What are you doing; running swimming, flying. Is there anyone or anything trying to give you a message? The guide writes down the message. For writing or drawing the guide could play a lesser role, but, could still could support and encourage exploration of the inner world, just after orgasm. These exercises can also be used without having sex. If you are interested, there are many books on using sex for a transcending path.
I don’t know about this sex stuff. I just don’t get it.
I’m sorry. You have been spayed. We have to be responsible when we agree to have a dog as part of our family in today’s society. Too many unwanted pets are killed every year.
Oh. Thanks a lot. You wax eloquently about how great sex can be. And all you can say is “I’m sorry.” I don’t know if I can really forgive you for that.
Well, you are a domesticated animal. There are ethical questions about even keeping “animal companions.” But, having to kill unwanted animals is even more difficult than spaying. Maybe we should work on a doggie contraceptive?
OK, OK, I know it is not your fault. I don’t want you to get caught up in contraceptive efforts for domesticated animals. Let us get on to more spiritual questions. So, if there is no heaven and no hell, then why be good? Why not just ignore “love everything” and do as you please. Why not just go straight to “enjoy yourself.”
Let’s take that up in the next chapter.
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