Monday, November 23, 2020

An Interesting Question

This question came from a former mentee in the CIIS program in psychedelic sciences, now a friend and colleague.  

Hi D,
I have been reading a lot of Ecknath Easwaren's books over the last year.   I was curious of your thoughts about his advice on meditation.  Here is the short run down:
Curious about the focus on a passage to train the mind vs. vipassana, or other methods.
Hope you are well!


Hi T
What a wonderful question!
You actually introduced us to the books by Ecknath Easwaren, we particularly like his commentary and translation of The Dhammapada.  

I, and others, often think about meditative practices as being either “open,” or “concentration.”

Concentration practice is particularly good in the beginning, when the mind easily wanders, “monkey mind.”  In Vippassana usually starts with feeling the breath, at the nose, or at the abdomen.  Counting to 10, then beginning again, helps the concentration, so you know when you have stopped counting.  

There are innumerous types of concentration practices, staring at a flickering candle, etc.  

I did buy his book on passage mediation as well, on your mentioning his works last year.  I think of this as a special kind of concentration meditation, more contemplative.  More similar to a longer Mantra practice, or Koan practice.  Or, reading a book that activates the contemplative mind.  

A great teacher, can’t remember who, likens concentration practice to keeping the demon busy trying to straighten a curly hair over and over.  That demon is our Ego mind.  

We try to keep the Ego mind busy with something, so that something else might emerge.  

That something else is what could be called baseline consciousness, “the enlightened mind.”  

Now we start talking about fingers pointing at the moon… 

Words start to fail, but we try anyway…  

Each and every one of us have an enlightened mind, just sitting there, underneath the jumble of everyday Ego consciousness.   

Meditation can quiet the Ego mind, psychedelics can do so as well, the latter with less control.  

Open meditation “simply” is being open to whatever arises.  You might be listening to the refrigerator running, or stopping, distant voices or noises, externals.  Often our internal voice overwhelms us.  We make up stories about the future or dwell on the past, the classic monkey mind. 

In open meditation we let whatever arises, arise, but we do not let it carry us away.  We let each thought go.  Like clouds in the sky, we notice them and let them drift away.  

With time the voices get quieter.  Until they disappear completely.  

There are many discourses on stages of the meditative mind.  

I visualize the last stage as when the witness disappears.  

This feels as “seeing through” the witness.  

Then there is nothingness…  and everythingness…

Empty fullness…

The darkest place, full of light…  

Truth is only found in paradox…

There is no “I” that has ever existed…  

That is the “baseline consciousness.”

We all share this same consciousness…  

The entire Cosmos, every person, animal, vegetable, rock, and star shares this…  

Within this, often great compassion arises…  

Compassion for ourselves and everything, sentient and non-sentient.  

That compassion arising often brings us back to our Ego selves.  

There is nothing wrong with having an Ego.  

Our Ego allows us to walk in the world, doing good.  

Practice that allows a rest in the enlightened mind had been termed resting in a place of Wisdom.  

Putting back on the Ego overcoat and doing good in the world has been termed walking in Compassion…

The key here is that you cannot get to this enlightened mind by force of will…  

You can only get there by letting go of everything that gets in the way.  

This has been likened to a destructive process, that can be very painful…

The Ego does not like to die!  

As far as passage meditation, I like to think that each practice is a boat.  If you resonate with a certain practice, has attraction energy, try it out.  Give it a few months, or years…  

Ask questions of your practice, does it get you to closer a place of peace, of wisdom?

Has it helped you to get across a river, perhaps, to the next practice?  

Is it time to leave this boat behind for another boat for a different river, lake, sea… 

Perhaps there is now a mountain to climb, or a cave to explore.  

Practice is never ending…  

There is always more to learn, and, particularly, to unlearn…  

If that is the path you choose…  

Whether you walk through life with love and ease…  

Or walking thought life in pain and unease…  

Each walk along the path is information, be open to it all…  

(a very long answer to your question :-D)

Love and hugs

(PS- I’ll probably use this in my Blog without your name)


(PPS-I am having difficulty learning how to post properly text in this "downgrade" of Blogger...)

Namaste to all this Holiday Season


Friday, October 30, 2020

Thank You All! (and a musing…)

I had a good first few days, a little tired, did a lot of napping.  

Not much swelling, minimal pain, no narcotics.  

Did what I advise my patients, took acetaminophen 500 mg with ibuprofen 200 mg every 4 hours…  

Research says this can work as well as narcotics…  

I did take the week off from going in to see patients in the clinic, not back in till Monday afternoon.  

Only took the day of surgery off the computer…  

Easier to keep up with lab, x-ray results and prescription refills, if you check daily!

So, thanks to you all for your beautiful healing energy, past, present, and future…  

Please keep it going, figure about 6 weeks until most healing is complete…


So, a musing…  

I’ve been reading “Braiding Sweetgrass”

Each chapter seems to be a separate thought, with some elements of a flow, I’m resonating with some chapters more than others…  

One chapter in particular piqued my interest, Allegiance to Gratitude, page 105.  

Discusses a Native American alternative to “The Pledge of Allegiance”

As an aside, in reference to my lifelong interest in monsters, I as a child learning “The Pledge” in school, I had asked my mom in likely great interest, “where do the 4 witches stand?”  

I have experienced ceremony honoring the 4 directions…

This is more comprehensive called the “Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address”

What struck me the most is the refrain between each acknowledgement “Now our minds are one.”   

To me this felt as a deep resonance with Eastern philosophy, One Mind, No Mind…  

Additionally, what came up for me was related to RenĂ© Dubos’ book “So Human an Animal: How We are Shaped by Surroundings and Events”

For example, the geography that is “Russia,” will always tend to have a “Czar.”

Perhaps these, currently not so, “United States,” will always be a nation of tribes.  

Perhaps influenced by our geography, but also by our genetics…

Many of us resonate with Native American practices, honoring the land, our food…  

I agree the land we live upon, the actual geography, influences who we are, how we grow, how we resonate with everything with which we interact…  

I have written about the powerful interaction of science and mysticism…  

How science exists as a piece of a larger less definable whole…

Yet, how science is so important, the scientific method of uncovering of these relative truths, how this information can enable us to live longer, fuller, more healthy lives…  

Then, how also letting go of science, engaging in personal self-growth practices, such as meditation, in part growing out of Eastern philosophy, can lead to a rich full life, honoring the Mystery…  

So, to Science, and Eastern Philosophy, I would like to add a 3rd leg of a stool, perhaps a 3rd pillar to my practice, that of Native American gratitude practice.    

That is not to denigrate Western meditation and prayer practices, nor Western and Eastern gratitude practices, all are welcome…  

I see this as in service of deepening our connection to this land, in service of honoring the Native Americans who first were here, and not to perform any cultural misappropriation…    

Each of you must walk your own path…  

I honor each one of you, as to whatever path you are drawn, and to whatever practices your being resonates…  

Walk on…  


Sunday, October 25, 2020

A Brief Request

I am heading in for a relatively minor surgery on Tuesday 10/27/2020 from about 9 AM till 10 AM Mountain Standard Time.  

It is a left hydrocelectomy with general anesthesia.  

I am asking anyone reading this beforehand, at the time, and even in the future, even way after this event, to hold good thoughts for a safe surgery, no complications, and a full recovery.  

There was a study where people were assigned to pray for people hospitalized in the distant past.  

A randomized study…

Those prayed for, did better…  With analysis in the future of past data…  Interesting!  

I have been lucky.  

I have never had any significant surgery.  

Had a skin tag removed, a small cyst in a finger, minor lacerations, joint dislocations and injuries from karate.  Only local anesthesia.  

Some level of fear.  

Yes, “fear is the mind killer” (for us Dune fans…)

There will be pain.

I trust I can deal with physical pain…  

So, I am sending this message out into the Universe, to all you readers in the Past, Present, and Future…  

Even just an instant thought of good wishes… 

Thank you all!


Sunday, August 30, 2020

Trump Is LSD

Well it does feel like it has been a really bad trip… 


My wife and I were having a lazy in-bed Sunday morning discussion.


We both individually perused the NY Times online headline articles on our phones… 


She was saying she was thinking she needed a break from the news


Nothing but articles about white supremacists walking around armed, leading to shootings


Police overreaction to peaceful protesters


Another individual shot


Both peaceful and violent aftermaths…


Yesterday, I read the “The last word” article in “The Week”


An article about Stephen Miller, a protĂ©gĂ© of Steve Bannon, excerpt from the book “Hatemongers:…” by Jean Guerrero.


How Stephen, even in high school, left trash around because he thought the janitors were there to clean up after any mess he made… 


My mind was going to how this administration has revealed the ugliest parts of these United States


This still poorly evolved cohort in our society, those who feel that most others are beneath them, others that exist only to serve them, or get out of their way…


Then it came to me how much of these ugliest parts, these poorly evolved parts, have been there all the time.


I support the “Southern Poverty Law Center.”  They publish yearly on the hate groups that exist in the US.


What has changed in these past 4 years is that these hate groups have been given permission to be more active.  Both showing themselves and actively committing crimes… 


Why not, they see their administration committing crimes, and, for the most part, getting away with them… 


This title above arose…  


Perhaps not a perfect metaphor


All this ugly behavior


Arising from hate and racism

Has been the mostly unconscious parts of these United States


Mostly hidden from our sights


Certainly, seen less in the previous 8 years of the Obama administration… 


Drumpf as a classic psychedelic


A disruptor of our consciousness

Allowing the unconscious to become conscious


I told this to my wife


She asked “Where are the guides?” 


(We have worked together as guides in psychedelic research)


Good point!


May be that is why this is such a bad trip! 

We have no guides… 


But, maybe there are guides…


Robert Reich, the Obamas, a multitude of sane voices out there… 


Some of us like to say in psychedelic therapy “There are no bad trips…”


“Only things we need to learn…”


Perhaps, just as in an a highly uncomfortable experience with LSD, it is very painful to see the unconscious made conscious… 


This is where healing starts… 


I can only hope that those who are at a slightly lower level of evolution, still filled with hatred for “the other…” 

A portion of those will awaken… 


They might see this ugly unconsciousness


Now made manifest before them… 


Some will continue to embrace their hatred, their fear… 


Others will see clearly

Will be appalled… 


Will realize


This is not the way they wish to live and think… 


Not the way they wish to treat others… 


Perhaps, then this small percentage of people in the US will vote for a more compassionate administration… 


Perhaps preventing another 4 years of increasing fear and hatred… 


4 more years of a bad trip… 


Perhaps this new administration would address what the Obama administration did not, you cannot label people as “deplorables” as “clinging to their guns…” 


This labeling is as bad as any racism… 


People are fearful

We must alleviate fear


Everyone deserves to feel safe


I do not think we can bring the fundamentalist and liberal green meme thinkers to be on the same page on gun control, abortion, etc.

However, those at the liberal green meme level who reject anyone thinking at a lower level than themselves, need to evolve themselves, to accept the fundamentalists, just as they are… 


It is the duty of any liberal Democratic administration to help everyone to feel they are safe, to feel they are heard… 








Friday, August 28, 2020

My Wife’s First Name Is Karen

My last blog outlined fundamentals of labeling “the other.”


Currently, highest in the news is racism and police brutality… 


We also outlined other external factors that may result in such assaults as fat shaming, misogyny… 


I missed one.


Hateful name memes…


When my wife originally heard about this meme she shrugged it off… 


She is an RN, works part time as a triage nurse in a largely indigent clinic, she is a guide and teacher in psychedelic medicine research, has a Master’s in Holistic Health, is a certified yoga therapist, has been trained and certified in massage therapy, and an esoteric healing practice of Jin Shin Jyutsu.  She is a dedicated, supportive, wife and life partner to me, mother to her children, and grandmother to her grandchildren. 


Yes, kind of saintly.  Which she would deny… 


This morning she was reading an article about a sommelier who was of color and discriminated against.  However, he also used the “Karen meme.” 


This felt particularly hurtful…


Here was someone writing about discrimination, and, yet, using a discriminating hurtful/hateful meme. 


She was tearful… 


My wife’s mom is from Japan, married to an America-jin…


Her mom once sat down with Karen to tell her that she named her Karen, because she felt it was such a beautiful name… 


This morning my wife related now every time she says her name is Karen, when doing phone triage nursing, she feels, in my words, “assaulted.” 


There is a meanness that permeates the world… 


There is also goodness that permeates the world… 


Let us all raise our conscious awareness of how our actions and words lead to harm… 


Choose love and compassion


Choose to be aware of how we flow in the world






Monday, August 24, 2020

Black Lives Matter

Been incubating, perhaps ruminating, these past months…


Should I even write anything related to this subject…


Reading widely, reading wildly… 


All this unfolding


within unprecedented times,


A world pandemic,


The most dysfunctional administration,


At least in my lifetime,


At least in my country… 


A most perfect storm.


I love storms… 


I hate to see people suffer… 


That is what this is all about




Love and Hate


Let us lay out some possible fundamentals


Keeping in mind


These are my own thoughts and speculations


Fueled by reading


Fueled by anger… 


Fundamental 1


People are inherently fearful


They fear for their lives, their economics, families, friends…  in no specific order


The lower their evolutionary level, the smaller the circle of who is in their family


They fear “the other”


Those who are not in their family


Those who are perceived to be “different”

Fundamental 2


External differences are easier to perceive than internal differences


Easier to discriminate external differences


Color of skin, body weight, deformity, accents, being female, transgendered… 


Internal differences are easier to hide


But, may be expressed externally


Clothing, hair, makeup, jewelry, tattoos, what car you drive… 


You can try to lighten your skin, change your hair or your accent… 


It is sometimes possible to change appearances


Where does poverty fit in… 


Poverty is often intimately connected to appearance


Fundamental 3


Fear breeds violence


Some people are inherently violent


Usually due to being victims of violence growing up

They may be attracted to jobs where they can be violent


Such as policing


We have been slowly militarizing policing


That contributes to violence


How do we turn this around


There is only one cure for hate and fear


That has been labeled as Love


Love is a difficult concept


How do you define wishing for everyone to be able to rise up, to evolve, to be the best they can be


How do you change society to give everyone the chance to evolve


I have written my suggestions previously


In general, follow the 3 commandments, without making the common mistakes


In this particular case, in no particular order: 


1 – Make all drugs legal, put policing money toward treatment and psychological help


2 – Use the psychedelics, including MDMA, to heal the injuries of psychological trauma and attachment disorders


3 – Provide everyone with basic living conditions, eliminate homelessness, dire poverty, fear for personal and family safety, opportunity for education and economic advancement


4 – Give everyone a reason to exist, even if it is the smallest ability to help another


5 – Train police better, and for longer, kick out inherently violent officers


I am not talking about absolute equality or burning down capitalism


Would this be easy




Could this be possible




Society is a gigantic ship


Hard to steer a gigantic ship


Hard to change course


Slowly slowly slowly…


Turning in a direction


Toward Love


Toward Compassion


Toward giving more to those who have little


Giving not just money


Most want opportunity


They want to grow, to evolve, to have a place where they can feel good about living a life


The past 4 years


We have been turning in the wrong direction


Toward hate and fear


Please do your part in turning this ship… 








Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Epilogue and Annotated Bibliography


So why did you write this book?

            To make some money.


            Well partly that’s true.  You know I want a new carbon road-racing bicycle, a fiberglass kayak, and one of those cool portable ultra-sharp telescopes.  But really, the main reason is that when I felt the truth, I was driven to write it down.


            Yes, driven.  I was unable to stop writing once we got started.  We wrote this in one week. 

One week?  That felt like months. 

            I guess that’s in dog time compared to human time.  You know, seven years in dog time is like one year in human time.

Actually,  the way we dogs compare our years to human years, we are 21 human years-old at the end of the first calendar year, and we add 4 human years for every additional calendar year. 

            Well, eexxuussee, me. 

So, if you get your road bike, kayak, and a new telescope, what do I get out of this book. 

            What would you like?

A new collar and leash, and new food and water bowls.  They are getting pretty ratty looking.  May be a black collar with cool looking spikes sticking out all around.

            I don’t think the kids will go for the spikes.  Besides, black Labradors need thick red collars.  They are the coolest looking. 

OK.  I really do like my red collar.  Just get me a cleaner one.  Also, put one of those red bandannas around my neck once in a while.  I can look like those dogs that catch Frisbees in the park. 

            But, you don’t catch Frisbees.

So.  Put the bandanna on me, maybe I’ll start.  Now that the book is done, what next?

            I guess you go back to being a dog and I’ll start to catch up with my other responsibilities.  This really has been a lot of fun.

You bet.  For me too.  I’m ready for a walk in the woods.

            Me too. 

Annotated Bibliography

In each of these books are “fingers pointing at the moon,” magnificent portions of words pointing at Source.  Some of these words made me fall to my knees before the powerful truths that resonate.  Of course, in essence, there is no me, no one, no person, no self.  So to who do these words resonate?  I hope you will feel the truth.  I know the truth is already there.  Vastness, Unity Conciousness, Source, Great Space.  May all that you are, and are not, realize recognition. 

Ratings:  Spiritual resonance = SR; from least (*) -  to most (*****)

Argagh, Arjuna Nick. 1998. Relaxing into clear seeing. Interactive tools in the service of self awakening. Self X Press, San Rafael, CA
Personal record of transformation
Program for transformation
            A workbook of exercises along with case histories.  Uses methods related to hypnosis along with meditation as a series of steps to take for spiritual awakening.  Can be practiced by yourself or with a partner. 

Benares, Camden.  1977.  Zen without Zen masters.  Falcon Press, Phoenix, Arizona.
            A book in the radical Zen tradition. The first part is a collection of stories filled with humor, a radical Zen set of koans.  The second part are exercises in meditation, relaxation, visualization, and masturbation.  A short book, an easy read, well worth the time to help you stop taking yourself and life too seriously. 

Heckler, Richard. The anatomy of change. A way to move through life’s transitions.  North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA
            Describes his program for “holistic education.”  He uses psychology and physical movement exercises derived from aikido to treat patients.  A strong argument that the way we practice psychology today could be greatly improved, and made much more powerful, if we simply added movement exercises in therapy. 

Kabat-Zinn, Jon.   1990.  Full catatrophe living: using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain, illness.  Bantam Doubleday Dell, New York
Program of transformation
            A wonderful program.  Down to earth, practical instruction in mindfulness meditation, roots in vipassana Buddhist training.  Also includes body scanning, yoga, and advice on eating well.  Dr. Kabat-Zinn has published several important scientific papers documenting the success of his program in chronic pain and even psoriasis.  I recently conducted a study with him showing small but significant increases in response to influenza vaccine for subjects undertaking this meditation training.  Probably most people would benefit from taking the 8-week course, taught by practicioners in many cities, but tapes can be helpful if you can not find a certified teacher. 

Kabat-Zinn, Jon.   Wherever you go, there you are. 

Kornfield, Jack. 1993.  A path with heart: a guide through the perils and promises of spiritual life.  Bantam, New York.  
            Oh, Oh, Oh, what a practical book.  His short autobiographical introduction gives us a glimpse of the road we all need to travel.  Different paths perhaps, but, we must all face the hurdles of living spiritually and in the day-to-day physical world. A course in vipassana Buddhist meditation, also known as mindfulness or insight mediation.  Great practical advice ranges from finding a teacher you can trust to how to run an ethical Buddhist community. 

Leonard, George., Murphy, Michael. 1995. The life we are given. A long-term program for realizing the potential of body, mind, heart, and soul. G.P. Putnam, New York
Program of transformation
            An aikido teacher and the founder of the Esalen Institute, respectively, outline a method for living.  A spiritual practice for those who have a family and a job.  Movement and meditation, advice on diet and simply living on a higher path. 

Merrell-Wolff, Franklin. 1994. Franklin Merrell-Wolff’s experience and philosophy: a personal record of transformation and a discussion of trancedental conciousness: containing his philosophy of conciousness without an object and his pathways through to space. State University of New York Press, Albany.
Personal record of transformation
            I love that title.  I have never found a longer title to a book.  I heard about this book though my Aikido teacher.  In many ways this started me down a different path.  Here was someone trained in mathamatics that was drawn to a path of contemplation.  His background in math resonates throughout the entire book.  He constructs a set of aphorisms on “conciousness without an object.”  Reading these aphorisms led me to a place of clarity.  The more I reread this book the more I find.  I must warn the reader that not everyone likes this book as much as I.  That must be an indication that we each resonate differently. 

Nadeen, Satyam.  1996.   From onions to pearls: a journal of awakening and deliverance.  New Freedom Press, Toas, New Mexico. 
Personal record of transformation
            Michael Clegg spent a life searching for enlightenment; thought he found the answer in the illegal drug MDMA, ecstasy.  Convicted for manufacturing and selling ecstasy, sent to an overcrowded county jail, he finally gave up his search.  Only then did he wake up to find enlightenment.  A powerful tale.  Deep insightful truths.  Remember, these truths can only inadequately be placed into words.  So, some of what he has to say will not resonate well with everyone.  Nonetheless, shook me to my roots.

Packer, Toni.  1990. The work of this moment. Charles E. Tuttle, Boston.
            How can you be a Zen Buddhist without practicing any religion?  Better yet, how can you practice no religion and be the ultimate practicioner of Zen Buddhism?  Toni Packer writes with deep insight, removing almost all traces of illusion and conflict.  Toni shows us how we can practice without the trappings of religion;  yet, practice within the deepest spiritual experience. 

Remen, Rachel Naomi. 1996. Kitchen table wisdom. Stories that heal. Riverhead Books, New York.
            A wonderful story teller.  Wit and wisdom flow throught this book like hearing a song, sometimes bright and beautiful, but, also sometimes dark and mournful.  Part biography, part stories of patients lives.  Should be required reading for very health practitioner. 

Segal, Suzanne. 1996. Collision with the infinite: a life beyond the personal self. Blue Dove Press, San Diego, CA
Personal record of transformation
            A beautiful book.  Hauntingly beautiful when she portrays her pain in losing her sense of personal self.  Joyfully beautiful when she finds Unity Conciousness.  Some great illustrations on how gurus and their minions can “go wrong.”  Another book my Aikido teacher turned me on to.  She recently died of a brain tumor.  A possible explaination for the loss of personal self prior to finding the joy of Unity Conciousness, could be the location of the tumor in an important area of the brain.  Perhaps an area in the brain developed by those on an enlightened path? 

Walsch, Neale Donald.1995. Conversations with god: an uncommon dialog. G.P. Putnam, New York
            Also books 2 and 3.  Again I have to thank Neale for these books.  Without them I may never have thought of CWD.  My wife loved these books.  She had trouble with some of the alien stuff, as did I.  Spiritual resonance would be 5 stars for her.  I would like to see a male to female breakdown for resonance.  Maybe it is a one of those Mars-Venus differences. 

Wilber, Ken. 1996. A brief history of everything.  Shambhala, Boston
            You just have to read this book.  I can not say enough good things about this book.  A breathtaking book.  Puts the known, and unknown, Universes in perspective.  A unified theory of psychology, sociology, biology, physics, philosophy, mysticism, and religion. Shows how the physical and the spiritual intertwine.  I have heard from some others that it is a little too intellectual compared to some of the more spiritual books.  Read it, then we’ll talk. 

Wilber, Ken. 1995. Sex, ecology, spirituality.  Shambhala, Boston
            This is the original source of “A brief history of everything.”  Even more intellectual, not quite as readable, but, this has all the bells and whistles.  The notes are as much fun as the text.  Here are all the references missing in “A brief history of everything.”

Wilber, Ken., Engler, Jack., Brown, Daniel. 1986. Transformations of consciousness.  Conventional and contemplative perpectives on development. Shambhala, Boston
            More of a textbook on the relationship of psychology and meditation.  Includes detailed discussions on the stages of meditation, psychopathology, use of meditation in psychotherapy, and psychiatric complications of meditation. 

Wilber, Ken. 1977.  The spectrum of consciousness.  Quest, Wheaton, IL
            His first book, written when he was about twenty-four.  Much of the contents of this book can be found in his later works, but this book is fun.  Chapter XI is one of the most spiritually resonating set of words I have ever read. 

Add McTaggert’s 3 books