Perusing the Internet I’ve been running across a lot of
sites giving advice about how to deal with this current administration, which
seems to have thrown many people into a tizzy...
I Googled “how to deal with trump.”
Often, there is some good advice about how to take care of
your self.
Lots of advice out there on the Internet.
As I see this, there is One No Right Answer.
Depends on who you are.
Therefore, you have to find out who you are.
I am INTP on Meyer’s Briggs.
I am a 7 on the Enneagram.
I've spent most of my life as an inquiring scientist. Studying
the external world and the internal worlds.
My own response is to watch and wait.
Keep my friends and family safe.
Donate to good causes.
I protested the Vietnam War as a teenager with my mom. Marched in Washington, D.C.
Not this time. I
don't like crowds. I am an introvert and a perceiver.
I work helping poor people in my clinic
I like to find where I feel comfortable living and breathing
every day.
And, yet push my boundaries…
My growing edge…
Where I am not so comfortable…
I meditate on the improvement of the Cosmos.
I get regular exercise…
Trump will be gone sooner or later.
I hope the average of the people in US will learn from its
I know we will evolve as a nation…
Perhaps sooner.
Perhaps later.
Stay safe…
Careful with Hate…
I advocate continuing to work on your own development…
Look to your Inner Wisdom
Everything you need to know is already present within