Saturday, April 29, 2017

The 3 Levels of Reality

Yeah, stuck on 3 again… 

Ken Wilber outlines, from my reading, the most detailed map of Everything. 
See the links in this blog for a review:

And for a discussion on how this relates to consciousness, see here:

I like to keep things as simple as possible; i.e, The 3 Commandments… 

So, due to too much meditation and shamanic journeying, I became fixated on this experience of 3 Levels of Reality…

And they are not distinct levels, they have leaky borders, and likely transitional levels.

The First Level of Reality is where the vast majority of people live, and consider this to be the only reality that exists…  this physical, material world. 

The Second Level of Reality is the dream state, corresponding to the dreaming REM sleep state when sleeping, and the shamanic journeying state when “awake.” 

The Third Level of Reality is “All-That-Is and All-That-Is-Not,” also what I often label as Source, or whatever you want to call this “nameless” ineffable experience. 

This third level corresponds to deep dreamless sleep and to the experience of “No-Self,” nirvana, samadhi, and so forth…  

These realities are nested within each other. 

At the center, is this experience of the everyday, physical-material world.  Where the rules of physics seem to apply. 

Surrounding this physical world is the dream state, sleeping or shamanic, where the rules of physics no longer apply.  And where you may receive information from power animals, beings, and entities who have little correspondence in the material world. 

Surrounding the entirety is Source.   Which contains all Levels, in our discussion here, both the dream levels and the material levels. 

Those of you who are physical-ists and material-ists.  By definition, cannot conceive of anything else that you might label “real.”  For you, the dream world is mostly irrelevant.  Much less there being anything outside the world of dreaming. 

Those of you who have done dream work, and found much useful information from your dreams, may give some credence to this level of reality.

Those who have done shamanic journeying work, believe that this is truly another level of reality.  Often, one of the most important places to travel on a regular basis for information for living the fullest life one can. 

The highest level is, perhaps, the most problematic. 

The problem occurs when you have never experienced this “peek at the peak.”  Being bathed in pure Source, outside of deep dreamless sleep. 

Hard to believe in something you have never experienced. 

What was most interesting to me was the experience of these 3 Levels of Reality had correspondence in dream states and the awake states.  REM dreaming with shamanic journeying, deep dreamless sleep with “nirvana.”

Now you may ask, what about the physical material state? 

Where is the dream equivalent?

This is where things get really interesting… 

This physical reality is only an experience of a small slice of what is true. 

We really cannot see all of physical reality. 

Physicist Brian Greene suggests that our experienced universe is actually a holographic projection of information on the surface of a black hole.  

And I discuss this further here:

So, this physical material world may only be a dream itself. 

A perceived projection of the possibly 11 dimensions of String Theory. 

A projection, as perceived by our primitive body-minds, this bag of seawater carrying Source around… 

So, why am I telling all this? 

Am I trying to burst your bubble about what you think is reality?

I used to think I have no agenda… 

But, I do have one… 

I would like for people to live the most full life available to them… 

My view of reality, may not be your view… 

That is great! 
For myself, I am constantly “sifting and winnowing” for the truth… 

Knowing, that ultimately, this “primitive bag of seawater carrying Source around,” will only be able to understand the barest slice of the Truth… 

Yet, this primitive bag may also experience the whole shebang… 

And, perhaps, help others experience this beauty of being alive… 

That is what makes life worth living… 


Monday, April 17, 2017

The 5 Clocks of Humankind

I had a powerful dream. 

Powerful dreams are marked by a lack of easy forgetfulness.

Most of my dreams drift away, if not written down right away. 

This one was crystal clear, and stayed in my mind without writing anything down.

I saw 5 clocks,

like round pocket watches,

lined up face to back,

like books on a little shelf. 

The second clock was pulled out and there was only one hand, and that hand was just a little past the 12 o’clock mark. 

I understood that each clock face represented about 100,000 years. 

These were the clocks of human time on this earth. 

We were past the first 100,000 years of evolution, of our modern species. 

We are now in the second 100,000 years, perhaps 10-15,000 years into the era of so called civilized humans. 

I realized this message was a gift, signifying that we have a long way to go. 

Those of us who can visualize what our civilization might become, are frustrated by how little we have progressed. 

We foresee a time of peace and kindness to each other, and the earth. 

Michael Moore’s movie “Where to Invade Next,” shows us the amazing possibilities for an improved civilization, which exist right now. 

Sebastian Junger’s book “Tribe,” documents how humans pull together at times of disaster, noting that both crime and depression decline. 

This dream was a call for me to remember that many individuals can see the most beautiful future possibilities of our species on this earth. 

But, we are not there yet. 

We are far, far from these places we can go… 
I wrote before about taking the 1,000-year view. 

I think now we have to take the 10,000 or even 100,000-year view. 

We have a long, long, long, way to go… 

Practice patience. 

And work toward a better future.

Don’t be attached to outcome… 
