Sunday, July 6, 2014

Healing: Getting Out of Our Own Way

My wife had an article laying on the breakfast table this morning on Chinese Medicine.  Since it was just sitting there, of course I grabbed it to read.  Not all that interesting, so I won’t summarize the article here.  But, he wrote about breath work, Qi Gong, food, bodywork, acupuncture, resonance with others.

What came up for me is how often we get in our own way of healing. 

There is a paradox within this contemplation. 

Getting in our own way seems to be so very deeply part of being human. 

I really don’t know anyone, myself included, who doesn’t at some time get in their own way of functioning optimally. 

We develop habits of mind, and habits of body.  Those grooves we get caught within. 

Maybe we have a genetic predisposition toward obesity, or anxiety.  Perhaps these genes are then mixed up with an environment that reinforces that genetic predisposition.  Maybe we are within a family that eats too much, or a family that criticizes too much. 

Then, perhaps, we develop too many fat cells.  That may be a body groove, perhaps a mind groove as well.  In any case, we keep gaining weight.  We grow more of those fat cells, and then they are pouring out hormones screaming at us to eat more. 

Perhaps, we keep a critical mother or father living in our heads.  Like a critical record groove playing over and over (do you remember vinyl?).  Making a deeper groove over time. 

Habits of mind and body with reinforcing negative thoughts can lead us into chronic habits. 

We try to make ourselves feel better.  But, we use the wrong methods. 

We try quick fixes to boost our serotonin, and other feel-good hormones. 

We get addicted to drugs, pornography, gambling, overeating, overspending, videogames, TV, shopping… 

Our bodies have a limited lifespan.  We will die from something. 

Our genetics and environment will interact so we will die of heart disease, or cancer, or we will just wear out. 

Perhaps, besides genetics and environment, we can add a third factor; what does Source need from us? 

I am more interested in how we can best live. 

How can we optimize this one life we are given. 

I’ve written before on the happiness prescription.  

How do we help ourselves get out of habits of mind and body? 

How can we use practitioners to help us get out of our own way? 

Getting in our own way prevents Source from fully flowing through us

Getting out of our own way allows us to be the hands and sensory organs of Source. 

Be-ing and Do-ing…
Feeling the power of Source flowing through us. 

There is no better high than that… 

Wishing each of you the power to ever more closely align with Source. 

Baby steps are good.  Falling down is fine. 

Getting up again, and again, and again. 

All we have is now… 


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